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Kingdoms War: Rebellion

Kingdoms War: Rebellion

Jul 12, 2019, 09:0607/12/19

Kingdoms War: Rebellion

This is a worldwide Tournament where four Kingdoms compete with each other. In the Events window, you can get information regarding its arrangements and your opponents.

The Tournament lasts for two days. Only Kingdoms that were founded more than 30 days ago can participate in it.

To relocate to the enemy Kingdom, you need the Invasion item, and to return – the Return item.

Important! You can relocate your Town to the enemy Kingdom only from your home Kingdom.

Acquiring points in the Tournament

To earn points in the enemy Kingdoms, you need to:

  • Yield resources in resource locations
  • Take one percent health from an Assailant
  • Take one percent health from an Apostate

To earn points in your home and enemy Kingdoms, you need to:

  • Destroy enemy warriors


  • When you are in an enemy Kingdom, you won’t get points for destroying troops belonging to a Lord from your Kingdom.
  • You will be able to earn points for destroying rebels in the Rebels' Towers either in your home or in enemy Kingdoms.
  • Your Kingdom won't get points if the rebels in the Rebels' Tower destroy the troops of the opposing Lords.
  • Rebels' Towers are Castles; they are not resource locations. If you plunder resources there, it will not count towards the task of yielding resources.

Temporary bonuses in the Kingdom

After the Tournament starts, in one of the opposing Kingdoms, a temporary bonus is activated or special Castles, the Rebels' Towers, appear for three hours.

The bonuses double the acquisition of points for one of the next Tournament tasks:

  • Yielding resources in resource locations
  • Attacking Assailants, Alpha Assailants, and Apostates
  • Destroying enemy troops

To view information on the active temporary bonus, go to the Events window → Tournaments → Kingdoms War: Rebellion → Info. Scroll down to the Kingdoms box, where you will find information about the Kingdoms that are competing with each other in the Tournament. An image divided into four parts that correspond to each Kingdom is also displayed here.

Important! The Kingdom where the temporary bonus is currently active is marked with a special pictogram. Current active temporary bonuses will also be shown below the image. 

Rebels' Towers

Rebels' Towers are special Castles that appear only during the Kingdoms War: Rebellion. The rebels take refuge there with their resources. The number of troops and resources in the Castle depends on its level (there are six levels).

How to find the Rebels' Towers

You can find them by using the Outpost (you can only search for these locations during the Kingdoms War: Rebellion). Remember that the Outpost's range is limited. To increase your chances when searching for a Tower, you should use the Relocation and Runaway items to move around on the Kingdom map.

How to attack the Rebels' Towers

A Rebels' Tower can have one of two possible statuses: undamaged or destroyed. If the Castle has been attacked at least once, it catches fire and continues burning until it disappears from the Kingdom map.

Note: if resources remain in the Rebels' Tower after your reinforcements have left it, the location can be attacked again. 

In your home Kingdom, you can:

  • Attack the Rebels' Towers
  • Lay siege to them
  • Scout them
  • Defend them by sending reinforcements there (if the Tower is occupied by an ally)

In the enemy Kingdom, you can:

  • Attack the Rebels' Towers
  • Lay siege to them
  • Scout them
Only Lords who are members of an Order may attack and defend the Rebels' Towers. Battles for these locations will bring you resources, Trophies of Arms, and Tournament points (even if the Castles are in your home Kingdom).

Rebels' Towers have a red marker showing the location level. For Lords of the Order that is holding the Castle, the Tower has a green mark. In addition, they are able to see the Order's emblem and its tag/name. 

The Rebels' Tower disappears if:

  • Its time expires
  • The Tournament ends
  • All the resources there have been looted

Tournament rewards

In the Kingdoms War: Rebellion, rewards are divided into four types:

  • Rewards for checkpoints (from 1 to 10). These go to Lords who are Order members and who have earned at least one point in the Tournament. You can view the reward by maximizing the checkpoint box.
  • Rewards for legendary checkpoints (from 11 to 15). These go to Lords who have earned a certain number of points for personal achievements. In the Tournament window, these checkpoints have a special frame. Important! If you don't earn points for personal achievements, you won't be able to get a reward for legendary checkpoints.

  • Rewards for top positions in the Tournament ranking. All members of the victorious Orders receive a reward depending on the League they belong to and the position they take.
  • Rewards for victory in the Kingdoms War: Rebellion. In the Kingdom that has taken first place, level 9 Great Resource Locations will appear; level 8 Great Resource Locations will appear in the Kingdom that has taken second place. All Lords from the victorious Kingdoms will also receive increased bonuses. You can learn more about them in the corresponding box of the Events window.

Great Resource Locations exist for 5 days after appearing. They disappear earlier if the resource there runs out. If the location's time expires while your troops are still there, it will disappear only when the troop departs.

Please note: during the Tournament, the locations will appear on the Kingdom map until the maximum number is reached.

In level 8 Great Resource Locations, yielding speed is increased 10 times; in level 9 locations – 20 times. By yielding resources there, you can get Great Coffers with the Sulfurum or Empire Ingot items. The former is needed for conducting Tier VII Warrior Studies, and the latter for upgrading buildings from level 32 to level 35. You can view the number of Coffers you have in the My Items tab. 

Have you already plundered the Rebels' Tower? 

Jul 12, 2019, 10:0607/12/19

Can you please expand:

  • Your Kingdom won't get points if the rebels in the Rebels' Tower destroy the troops of the opposing Lords.

In Home Kingdom, only Home Kingdom can reinforce tower and become the rebels. They don't get points for destroying incoming enemy?

Jul 12, 2019, 10:5107/12/19

Can you please expand:

  • In your home Kingdom, you can:
    • Attack the Rebels' Towers
    • Lay siege to them
    • Scout them
    • Defend them by sending reinforcements there (if the Tower is occupied by an ally).

  • Siege? (How to?)
  • Ally? (Who/what's an ally?)

Jul 12, 2019, 11:0007/12/19

Please add the warning:

Bonuses for

  • Attacking Assailants, Alpha Assailants, and Apostates

Don't apply in the home kingdom to the home kingdom.

(As points are given only for such in enemy kingdoms, not your own.)

[Found out the hard way.]

Jul 12, 2019, 12:3507/12/19
Just a quick question: I don't seem to be able to find out what the kingdom scores in Kingdoms Rebellion, am I missing something or is this intentional and why?
Jul 12, 2019, 14:2607/12/19

Where i could see the score in KVK Rebellion?

Can't see which Kingdom is 1st and which kingdom is 2nd?

Can't see our Kingdom points versus enemy Kingdom points.

Jul 13, 2019, 05:4407/13/19
Auf gut Deutsch, dieses neue Event ist Müll!
Jul 14, 2019, 01:3907/14/19
Jul 14, 2019, 02:09(edited)

This was a crappy event for smaller players and favored only big Orders with many high level castles.

It was unfair to the Orders because they did not earn their checkpoints even if they lost, as they do in KvKs and KvKRs.

It was also unfair that the personal checkpoints were so  high, starting at 600 M

The only people that made out in this event were Plarium in sales of boosts and gold to replace all those lost warriors

I personally watched [sOv] (the Order that ruled the Empire in this event] kill more than 8 level 1 Rebel Towers. They did it with raids from 8 to 12 castles, most of which were 31 and above led by a 35. On average, each of these players lost 2B power per Rebel Tower kill. I also watched them try to kill a Rebel Tower 2, which they did not accomplish. BUT - you earn points even losing and have to retrain, healt or resurrect those warriors. All good for Plarium

And locating the T7s out in the wilderness most recently was another ploy to get us to spend gold or buy relocations benefiting Plarium, not us unworthy players

Jul 14, 2019, 03:4007/14/19
WWO said:

Can you please expand:

  • In your home Kingdom, you can:
    • Attack the Rebels' Towers
    • Lay siege to them
    • Scout them
    • Defend them by sending reinforcements there (if the Tower is occupied by an ally).

  • Siege? (How to?)
  • Ally? (Who/what's an ally?)

Siege means to raid
Jul 14, 2019, 06:4507/14/19

Check me on this:

  • I have seen that 2x yield bonus does not apply in home k.
  • There are no points for hitting Ass or Apo in home k.
  • We know there are no points for destroying fellow home k troops.

There is little or no point to a home k attacking a Rebel Tower - there would be no points for non-Rebel kills, and the Rebels being so strong, their castle will be tough to burn. Once it does, you will not be the only one attacking it to loot it - so you will not be the only one gaining the spoils for your expensive efforts. [And any t7's in area will suck it dry faster than you can. (I've seen 1 n34 take 170M iron in 1 trip, along with 10M of everything else.)

So, save your energy, don't attack Rebel Towers in home k, only enemy k?

Jul 14, 2019, 08:0707/14/19


The fact that we are blind  during the event -we cant know the kingdom's scores - eat all motivation.

Plarium must do something for that.

Jul 14, 2019, 10:2007/14/19

Finished in position 1 in the Rebellion tournament, but only assigned me level 2.

Mines of 8 and 10%,  When they should be 9 and 30%.

Jul 14, 2019, 11:4207/14/19

Will we ever get the results?

We came out second - nice. But who was first? Which player won.

I would like the full list
Jul 14, 2019, 12:0207/14/19
Jul 14, 2019, 12:25(edited)

it is suposed to be a competition... in which competition, you dont know the scores from YOUR own team (your kingdom) and from Your opponents (the others Kingdoms) ?

No good at all !
Jul 14, 2019, 13:5907/14/19

DesKaraT said:

Finished in position 1 in the Rebellion tournament, but only assigned me level 2.

Mines of 8 and 10%,  When they should be 9 and 30%.


You will want to post evidentiary screen shots of that here, before the event details disappear on you.

[If you're on windows and Discord, this is quick and easy to do: Shift-Win-S, draw rectangle, click on Discord, press Ctrl-V.]
Jul 18, 2019, 14:0407/18/19

Couple things on the rebellion....

The towers are too tough for most orders/kingdoms to defeat anything greater than level 2.   I would suggest kingdoms be ranked by ACTUAL power (meaning exclude power from accts that haven’t been logged into for last 3 months).  Then strength of towers adjusted accordingly.

The rotating 3 hr events are nice but the notifications system needs work.  A little icon on an iPhone screen is hard to see.  Maybe adding something more to event tab

I miss the score update (although I understand why you deleted it). Maybe compromise and post rankings every 12hrs 

Love the l8 tiles and the fact they are not concentrated around forest.  Please consider adding safe conducts to more events or order store.  Our smaller players need them.   

Jul 18, 2019, 17:4607/18/19

Just Lady said:

... I miss the score update (although I understand why you deleted it). Maybe compromise and post rankings every 12hrs

Why did they delete them?

Jul 29, 2019, 17:2607/29/19

The winning Kingdom's orders are most certain to lose their following Ovo's as the lvl 9's yield much and fast, which enemy orders earn double points on. Even remaining in your kingdom (when enemy kingdoms of Ovo opponents do not have the 9's) you would have to yield double to match an Ovo enemy if your kingdom was the winner. 

Our kingdom got the 9's and even if you outscore the enemy on every other item in the following Ovo, the chances of winning are slim. So First and second place in the Rebellion Kvk will disadvantage the winners severely in their following Ovo. 

And now the 7's for winning the Kill event kvk are scattered throughout the kingdom - no doubt related to the introduction of the 8's and 9's which make them really difficult to find. 

Only 2 of our order even found a rebel tower and after one attacked one and lost badly - we didn't bother attacking them again. I'm sure there could be strategies that make use of them - if you ever find them but porting around to find them is a waste of gold. Like the 7's now from the kvk - you can spend 30k gold looking for a 7 and not find one - so the 7's are no longer as great a reward for winning the kvk and not worth the gold spend to secure. 

New events are super, but the fine points and knock-on impacts of this one weren't thought through. 
Jul 29, 2019, 19:3607/29/19


Sep 14, 2019, 19:0309/14/19

No one has explained how to see the score, to know if your kingdom is winning or losing. 

Anyone have an answer?
Sep 15, 2019, 09:2109/15/19
Sep 15, 2019, 09:25(edited)

Nimrodicus said:

No one has explained how to see the score, to know if your kingdom is winning or losing. 

Anyone have an answer?

Yes. You can't.

[Don't shoot the messenger. I agree, the message is inane, but it (the game) is what it is.]