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Exact amounts of resources in tiles

Exact amounts of resources in tiles

Sep 15, 2021, 15:2709/15/21

Exact amounts of resources in tiles

The displayed resource stock of full tiles sometimes differs from the exact stock. 

The following table shows the deviations of the displayed and the exact quantities of resources in tiles. 

The exact size of tiles may be important for the calculation of the troops to be sent  (march headcount) for farming duration (f.e. under Save Conduct) and depletion of tiles. 


All tile sizes... 


And in Text Format (for copy & paste)... 

Stock of Resource Locations

Hunters Settlement (Stock of Food): 

#1 54'000

#2 108'000

#3 162'000

#4 324'000

#5 648'000

#6 1'296'000

#7 6'480'000

#8 152'928'000

#9 318'600'000

Loggers Camp (Stock of Lumber): 

#1 43'200

#2 86'400

#3 129'600

#4 259'200

#5 518'400

#6 1'036'800

#7 5'184'000

#8 122'342'400

#9 254'880'000

Ore Mine (Stock of Iron): 

#1 32'400

#2 64'800

#3 97'200

#4 194'000

#5 388'800

#6 777'600

#7 3'888'000

#8 91'756'800

#9 191'160'000

Stone Pit (Stock of Stone): 

#1 43'200

#2 86'400

#3 129'600

#4 259'200

#5 518'400

#6 1'036'800

#7 5'184'000

#8 122'342'400

#9 254'880'000

Fief (Stock of Silver): 

#1 21'600

#2 43'200

#3 64'800

#4 129'600

#5 259'200

#6 518'400

#7 2'592'000

#8 61'171'200

#9 127'440'000

Gold Mine (Stock of Gold): 

#1 10

#2 20

#3 35

#4 50

#5 400'000 (increased from 75, nov.15.2021)

#6 1'000'000 (increased from 100, nov.15.2021)

Great Gold Mine (Stock of Gold): 

#1 100 (removed?, nov.15.2021)

#2 200 (removed?, nov.15.2021)

#3 350 (removed?, nov.15.2021)

#4 500 (removed?, nov.15.2021)

#5 ? (increased from 750, nov.15.2021)

#6 ? (increased from 1'000, nov.15.2021)

Assailant's Camp (Stock of Food): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Assailant's Camp (Stock of Lumber): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Assailant's Camp (Stock of Iron): 

#1 500'000

#2 700'000

#3 900'000

#4 1'200'000

#5 1'700'000

#6 2'200'000

Assailant's Camp (Stock of Stone): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Assailant's Camp (Stock of Silver): 

#1 500'000

#2 700'000

#3 900'000

#4 1'200'000

#5 1'700'000

#6 2'200'000

Alpha Assailant's Camp (Stock of Food): 


Alpha Assailant's Camp (Stock of Lumber): 


Alpha Assailant's Camp (Stock of Iron): 


Alpha Assailant's Camp (Stock of Stone): 


Alpha Assailant's Camp (Stock of Silver): 


Apostate's Crypt (Stock of Food): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Apostate's Crypt (Stock of Lumber): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Apostate's Crypt (Stock of Iron): 

#1 500'000

#2 700'000

#3 900'000

#4 1'200'000

#5 1'700'000

#6 2'200'000

Apostate's Crypt (Stock of Stone): 

#1 800'000

#2 1'100'000

#3 1'500'000

#4 2'000'000

#5 2'500'000

#6 3'500'000

Apostate's Crypt (Stock of Silver): 

#1 500'000

#2 700'000

#3 900'000

#4 1'200'000

#5 1'700'000

#6 2'200'000

Sep 20, 2021, 20:5009/20/21

Note that quantities on Lumber and Stone tiles are the same - if you know one, you know the other.

This has proven consistent throughtout the game. (e.g. Resource tiles, Ass. tiles, APO tiles.)

So there are (only) 4 quantities you have to try to remember: Food, Lumber, Iron, (Stone,) Silver - per tile 'level'.

Nov 20, 2021, 10:2311/20/21
Nov 20, 2021, 10:31(edited)

Note that the stock of gold has changed after the update Nov. 15. 2021 ...

Updated Gold Mines and Great Gold Mines

Only Gold Mines of levels 4, 5, and 6 are left in the game. In these Mines we've increased the amount of Gold, the speed of yielding, and the reward for collecting all the Gold from a location. And we've also reworked the reward for the yielding: if you take all the Gold, you can get an epic or legendary jewel.

Great Gold Mines of levels 5 or 6 will be available to the winners of the Kingdoms War. In these Mines we've also increased the amount of Gold, the speed of yielding, and the reward for collecting all the Gold from a location. If you take all the Gold, you can get a legendary jewel.

Nov 21, 2021, 00:5511/21/21
Nov 21, 2021, 00:56(edited)

Confusing Update informations from Plarium

Gold Mines of levels 1 to 3 are still on the map. 

Gold Mine Level 4 doesn't have an increased stock. 

The situation of Great Gold Mines is not confirmed yet...