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League Achievements!

League Achievements!

Lord OberonCharacter
Jul 19, 2016, 15:3307/19/16

League Achievements!

League Achievements!

Rally your fellow warriors, complete League Achievements, and receive magnificent Rewards!

Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!

Glad tidings are upon us! By order of the High Council of Stormfall, new League Achievements have been created to honor the most valiant Leagues in the land!

Be advised that these Achievements can only be awarded to Leagues with a League Fortress to call their own. If your League doesn't have a Fortress yet, lobby your League Marshal to build one! If you are the League Marshal, you know what to do!

There are two new League Achievements to be fought for:

- “Artisans” will be awarded to Leagues that have upgraded their League Fortresses to the required Level.

- “Stormbringers” will be awarded to Leagues that downgrade rival League Fortresses of Level 10 or higher the indicated number of times.

Complete the Achievements to grow your League’s Influence, and to collect Skull Runes that will enhance your Skills!

Make haste, Lords and Ladies! Proceed to your League Fortresses and begin fighting for these new Achievements today!
