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why this game is over

why this game is over

Dec 2, 2018, 03:5612/02/18

why this game is over

instead of doing as we all wished and fixing the beacons, game tactics

they have continued to introduce content such as stone heart units and now even more costly buildings

why they cant understand that we are looking for a strategy game as this one started i do not know.

sure after you fix all the problems then add content, but do it in the middle when lots of folks are leaving the game?

seems like a stupid move.

well they got my last dollar tonight.

fix the game and maybe i will spend again.

seems like you need to fire the guy running this and get one of us to let you know how to set the game up.
Dec 3, 2018, 14:2012/03/18


There is no need to be disappointed. Find some strategy for your league to survive :)

Explore the option of merging with other leagues etc..
Dec 6, 2018, 05:1912/06/18

When will they introduce leprechauns. I want to rub their bellies and get the gold raining down on me. Why care about beacons.. leprechauns > beacon boredom..

Dec 6, 2018, 05:3712/06/18

sure lol

What would be your three wishes if you happen to capture it?
Dec 7, 2018, 02:2012/07/18
I want leprechauns to get sapphires!
Dec 7, 2018, 15:4312/07/18

And I want this little guy :)

Dec 8, 2018, 04:3812/08/18
My idea was for coalition beacons, that way the smaller leagues can join together to be able to accomplish something. We might get some more interest in the game if there was a possibility of level 5 beacons. It also gives a reason to join a coalition. All we need is a tab in the beacon screen so Marshals can authorise the beacon for coalition activity. 
Dec 11, 2018, 01:3512/11/18

Alina Phoenix said:

And I want this little guy :)

oooh.. i so want a niffler, they could get introduced after leprechauns

I suggest nifflers have a range of say 20 castles. You could port to a vacant space, have a drink or two while the niffler goes to works on all castles then port away :)

sign me up !
Dec 11, 2018, 13:2812/11/18


My idea was for coalition beacons, that way the smaller leagues can join together to be able to accomplish something. We might get some more interest in the game if there was a possibility of level 5 beacons. It also gives a reason to join a coalition. All we need is a tab in the beacon screen so Marshals can authorise the beacon for coalition activity. 


What is the difference between the current Beacons and Beacons you suggest?
Dec 11, 2018, 15:0312/11/18

My idea was for coalition beacons, that way the smaller leagues can join together to be able to accomplish something. We might get some more interest in the game if there was a possibility of level 5 beacons. It also gives a reason to join a coalition. All we need is a tab in the beacon screen so Marshals can authorise the beacon for coalition activity. 
This is a good idea and would make smaller leagues who dont want to merge together be able to play without doing so. the ranking would go up and possibly get them new members to fill up wtih!
Dec 23, 2018, 16:0412/23/18

Ich bin einverstanden mit der neuen 60 % Liga-Regel . 


Als Pensionär bin ich im Jahr 2 x für 3-4 Wochen im  


Speziell in der Urlaubszeit im Sommer machen das viele meiner Mitspieler. 

Somit werden sonst aktiven Ligen 

der garaus gemacht. 


Ergo: die 60 % Regelung muss eine Wild-Card für die Urlaubszeit haben oder eine grosszügigere Regelung 


Vielleicht schein Plarium ja keine Freude mehr 

an Stormfall zu haben und will uns alle herausmobben. 


Es kann aber auch nicht sein,  

dass man erst nach 24 Stunden den Liga-Reward bekommt 

für das neue anmelden in das Spiel. 



gespielt am 22.12 abends und Liga-Reward bekommen. 

Gespielta am 23.12. morgens gespielt, aber keinen Liga-Reward bekommen. 


Ergo: es muss eine 24 Stunden-Sperre geben. 


Ich kann und werde mich doch nicht zum Zeitsklaven von Plarium machen lassen. 


Spiele seit anfang 2016  jeden Tag. Habe 

auch mich im Urlaub  so gut wie jeden Tag aus vom  

Campingplatz ,  angemeldet.  

Das kann ganz schön teuer sein ! 


Nein das ist vorbei, meine Loyalität hat seine Grenzen. 

Plarium hat es geschaft richtig wütend zu  werden. 

I agree with the new 60% league rule. 


As a pensioner I am in the year 2 times for 3-4 weeks in the 


Especially in the summer holiday season, many of my teammates do that. 

Thus, otherwise active leagues 

the garaus made. 


Ergo: the 60% regulation must have a wild card for the holiday season or a more generous regulation 


Maybe Plarium does not seem to enjoy it anymore 

to have Stormfall and wants to pick us all out. 


But it can not be 

that you only get the League Reward after 24 hours 

for the new log in to the game. 



played on 22.12 in the evening and get League Reward. 

Played on 23.12. Played in the morning but did not get a league reward. 


Ergo: there must be a 24 hour lock. 


I can not and will not make myself a time slave to Plarium. 


Play games since the beginning of 2016 every day. Have 

me as well on vacation as well as every day from the 

Camping, logged in. 

That can be quite expensive! 


No, that's over, my loyalty has its limits. 

Plarium has managed to makke me really angry.             

Dec 24, 2018, 11:4512/24/18

Lord Bilbo said:

Ich bin einverstanden mit der neuen 60 % Liga-Regel . 


Als Pensionär bin ich im Jahr 2 x für 3-4 Wochen im  


Speziell in der Urlaubszeit im Sommer machen das viele meiner Mitspieler. 

Somit werden sonst aktiven Ligen 

der garaus gemacht. 


Ergo: die 60 % Regelung muss eine Wild-Card für die Urlaubszeit haben oder eine grosszügigere Regelung 


Vielleicht schein Plarium ja keine Freude mehr 

an Stormfall zu haben und will uns alle herausmobben. 


Es kann aber auch nicht sein,  

dass man erst nach 24 Stunden den Liga-Reward bekommt 

für das neue anmelden in das Spiel. 



gespielt am 22.12 abends und Liga-Reward bekommen. 

Gespielta am 23.12. morgens gespielt, aber keinen Liga-Reward bekommen. 


Ergo: es muss eine 24 Stunden-Sperre geben. 


Ich kann und werde mich doch nicht zum Zeitsklaven von Plarium machen lassen. 


Spiele seit anfang 2016  jeden Tag. Habe 

auch mich im Urlaub  so gut wie jeden Tag aus vom  

Campingplatz ,  angemeldet.  

Das kann ganz schön teuer sein ! 


Nein das ist vorbei, meine Loyalität hat seine Grenzen. 

Plarium hat es geschaft richtig wütend zu  werden. 

I agree with the new 60% league rule. 


As a pensioner I am in the year 2 times for 3-4 weeks in the 


Especially in the summer holiday season, many of my teammates do that. 

Thus, otherwise active leagues 

the garaus made. 


Ergo: the 60% regulation must have a wild card for the holiday season or a more generous regulation 


Maybe Plarium does not seem to enjoy it anymore 

to have Stormfall and wants to pick us all out. 


But it can not be 

that you only get the League Reward after 24 hours 

for the new log in to the game. 



played on 22.12 in the evening and get League Reward. 

Played on 23.12. Played in the morning but did not get a league reward. 


Ergo: there must be a 24 hour lock. 


I can not and will not make myself a time slave to Plarium. 


Play games since the beginning of 2016 every day. Have 

me as well on vacation as well as every day from the 

Camping, logged in. 

That can be quite expensive! 


No, that's over, my loyalty has its limits. 

Plarium has managed to makke me really angry.             


As I understand your concern is League Activity feature, am I right?

To get the dismissal timer, your League activity should be below 60% for more than 2 weeks. Then you have 2 more weeks to increase its activity.

It means that in general, you have one month to prevent your League dismissal.

Plus, take into account that the number of inactive players in the League depends on the size of your League. If it has about 100 players, several inactive players won't do any harm.