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I quit, the game has turned thief, stealing fireballs instead of sending them!

I quit, the game has turned thief, stealing fireballs instead of sending them!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Nov 11, 2016, 12:2311/11/16

I quit, the game has turned thief, stealing fireballs instead of sending them!

[20:17] Daddy Bruce : You can have this castle, I quit!

When thesestart giving Weor Protection it is one thing, but to allow someone to fireball while under protection, it is another thing entirely.

They could have caused my 20 fireballs to have not fired, but noooo, they told me they are lost.

You guys can have this ****.

After 5 years of this game, I have never seen such chicken game rules.

Plarium has seen the last of me and the last of my money!

Nov 11, 2016, 13:0011/11/16
It is known that any attack against protected castle is ineffective. But if you know when his protection is gone you can send units or fireballs to hit him right after protection is gone. That is why you did not got warning and you wasted your fireballs. I hope now you understand what happen.
Nov 11, 2016, 13:1211/11/16
Nov 11, 2016, 16:16(edited)


I was at his castle when I sent both volleys of 10 each at him and there is supposed to be a warning at the castle.

There was no glowing ball or warning that I could not attack him.

Just another way to steal hard earned money from paying players.

If one tries to send any kind of attack while the protection is on, it can't be sent and I really thought that he couldn't send any form of attack after he was under Weor's protection, but shortly after I received the message that my FBs were lost, he FB'd me again!

What kind of chicken game does that?

Nov 11, 2016, 13:1711/11/16
I will check the forum over the next few days, but unless thay return my money or at least my fireballs and fix this glitch, I will not be playing anymore.
Nov 11, 2016, 13:3211/11/16
He most likely activated weors protection just before your fb's hit so you got no warning and then sent you fb;s after yours were destroyed also cancelling his protection
Nov 11, 2016, 13:4411/11/16
Nov 11, 2016, 13:47(edited)

Oh dear, The players has out smartened you, You really must quit.

Quiting cause you lost some 10 FB, 10, I lost count on how many I lost. And you are here yelling and beating yourself up. 

Lesson is war.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

You knew you had 10 FB, but what you din't know is he had a protection, and he is very active at the moment. So you send out brute force expected to blow things up. and to your amazement he activate the protection, then blow you to smitherings just when you though you

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” You laid out your attantion, you smelled so much that a lion in the vaal will not mistake you for for meat as far as the Kalahari

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

 These one is one of  my finest principle. I mean haven't you learnt something form the USA losing to Vietnam, The USA losing to Ethiopia, ISIS losing in the middle east, continues. The amount of dragons, FB, and griffins means nothing in these game. have you not heard of some guy in KT, and destiny war. 

You lost 10 FB, your fault, technical issue unlikely. but if so some moderator will give you a message, saying support and stuff. 

But in between you made my week.

Nov 11, 2016, 14:2311/11/16
Nov 11, 2016, 14:24(edited)

No, it is a game glitch, the warning was not there at any time that I could find.

This is not the only glitch this game has, the league chat doesn't work right, the dragon sometimes doesn't show up at the dragon game, messages appear and disappear, # of messages are always showing unread mail even when all messages have been deleted and on and on.

I have put up with this for 5 years now and am tired of it.

Now it is starting to lose money for us, so when do we say forget Plarium?

I say I quit if they don't straighten it out pronto, those monkeys have had over 5 years to fix the game, but instead they are always tinkering with it and screwing it up.

Oh, and Oracle, you haven't been here long enough to know what is going on here, so don't pretend to know what is going on until you have been around or talked to a few others who are also having problems .
Nov 11, 2016, 15:0311/11/16
Nov 11, 2016, 16:38(edited)
Well I see ALL daddy bruce alts have now quit. and there is no glitch we are just doing what you and others are doing, throwing a few fb then starting the shield. you have tried to bully so many on this game, and you keep failing now you are crying, hmmmpf sto playing we will all be happier,
Nov 11, 2016, 15:2411/11/16
If you all quit can you please post your coordinates. You know, for research. 
Nov 11, 2016, 16:2811/11/16
yes Bruce give us all your alt links to all your alts in all 3 cherokee nations links, and the alts you have in other leagues, 
Nov 11, 2016, 16:5611/11/16
smudgydragon said:

I might as well go too, nothing works right here anyways.
I am sorry to hear you are dissatisfied with the game. It is a game and nothing will be fixed if tickets are not sent to Support.
Nov 11, 2016, 16:5711/11/16

Brucewayne said:

[20:17] Daddy Bruce : You can have this Damn castle, I quit!

When thesestart giving Weor Protection it is one thing, but to allow someone to fireball while under protection, it is another thing entirely.

They could have caused my 20 fireballs to have not fired, but noooo, they told me they are lost.

You guys can have this ****.

After 5 years of this game, I have never seen such chicken game rules.

Plarium has seen the last of me and the last of my money!

Did you send a ticket to support at If not please do so. Moderators cannot access your account information.

Nov 11, 2016, 21:5011/11/16

lol well this is amusing :)

DaddyBruce if he fireballed you after his weor's protection was up, he lost it, if you are quitting you may as well go rage hit his castle with all your offense and use up what fireballs you have left :)
Nov 12, 2016, 01:3111/12/16
Nov 12, 2016, 01:31(edited)

5 alts :p

he had 5 alts ,ok it enough the one we understood it

about the fb yes in case of weor protection is activated there should be warning before you sent fb ,i dont know about it but no need use 5 alts lol
Nov 12, 2016, 03:5211/12/16

well....PM me your log in details of your highest leveled account.

id like to.....look into this further.    
Nov 12, 2016, 05:2211/12/16

Plarium has this forum but dont even look at it. This is by far the worse gaming company ever. All they look at is the money we spend on it but dont care what needs to be done make game better.

Just add more updates to make more money. Its not just a little bit of money either. 
Nov 12, 2016, 13:4111/12/16

I have been in these game for 3 long years. I am forever enchanted by the use of alts, and the coiners more than Plarium greed. In years I have been gethering data, experimenting and studying the idea of alts. the thought of someone logging in with 5 accounts and using them for espionage and other purposes fascinate me more. 


Nov 12, 2016, 15:4111/12/16

I know for a fact Greggo isn't an alt. His father died and I had to act as the Marshal of CN II for a long time. So someone saying he is one of Bruce Wayne's alts is mistaken. 

As to the issues he talks about, there are a number of "undocumented features" (aka BUGS) in this game which is causing me to reevaluate as to whether or not I keep playing. I won't be spending money as long as the "undocumented features" keep popping up. Maybe that guy did pop a bubble right after the Wrath of Weor was sent. And maybe he dropped it long enough to use his own Wraths and then popped another bubble. Hard telling. However, this does not mean there are other things wrong with this game which seem to be ignored when brought to the attention of "support".
Nov 12, 2016, 15:4311/12/16
oracle said:

I have been in these game for 3 long years. I am forever enchanted by the use of alts, and the coiners more than Plarium greed. In years I have been gethering data, experimenting and studying the idea of alts. the thought of someone logging in with 5 accounts and using them for espionage and other purposes fascinate me more. 


You want to see alts and espionage, I quit playing one game where a spy was planted as a mole for over 4 years and then destroyed one of the best groups in that game. I'm sure Plarium won't allow me to give you the name in this forum, so to ensure this post isn't deleted you will have to PM me.
Nov 13, 2016, 22:2211/13/16
I thought stormfall started in 2014
Nov 14, 2016, 07:3111/14/16
thefray said:

I thought stormfall started in 2014
The was Y version of it, before, used for testing purposes. If you were in Australia, and other places where Plarium test its game you can get to start the game before everybody else.