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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Jul 27, 2016, 23:0707/27/16

Hi all, I think the point being made is that Plarium have changed the battleground logic without telling the players.

I am also thinking of deleting the game as most of my league are...I agree with Joe and Gadheras.  People will leave and it will effect Plariums pocket as they won't be able to sustain its profitability.  I also call for Plarium to do the right thing and put things right.  They claim nothing has changed, clearly it has or there wouldn't be this upset!!!
Aug 24, 2016, 19:0208/24/16

I can't quite figure out BG's..  for a test I sent 1.387 million defense to a level 8 BG, I lost 1 Golem, 1 Demon, 1 Nomad, and 1 Dwarf.   then I sent 384k defense to another level 8 BG, I lost 3 nomads and 2 dwarfs.    

so basically I send a 4 times stronger defense and I lose more.  Shouldn't a stronger army generate fewer loses?  

Aug 24, 2016, 20:0208/24/16

So I am down 1,000 paladins, 800 pikemen, 50 great lords,11 necro's and 55 golems and up 57 warlocks......

Obviously I am doing something wrong
Jul 6, 2018, 15:1407/06/18
Well, stay away from Battle Grounds for a while...They are only eating your troops. If you differ, post it here..Not your wins but your losses 
Oct 21, 2018, 12:2910/21/18
SeriousSummer said:

Clearly, but to what? I've tried overwhelming force. I've tried just enough force. I've tried sending someone in to lose so I know what I'm facing. Once and awhile I hit a big score, but overall I seem to lose more units than I gain.

So what's your trick? And why did you send the Silent Ones in with your force. What do they add?