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Beginner Tips for Stormfall

Beginner Tips for Stormfall

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Feb 13, 2021, 09:3002/13/21

Beginner Tips for Stormfall

I'll be adding to this as I go, but basically the first thing you need to do is follow your tasks that Oberon gives you. They're listed over on the left hand side, and each task gives you an xp bonus.

So basically it works like this. You can build 10 elf archers, and you get the 10 elf archers, or you can build them when he tells you to and get the 10 elf archers plus an xp bonus or free units. So you might as well do them in the order he tells you, until you get a feel for the game, because you get free stuff that way. Another thing that's good about doing them in his order is that he'll give you units that you can't yet build for yourself, which is always good.

Feb 19, 2021, 08:2702/19/21

My #1 piece of advice for new players is to find a good league to join as quickly as possible.  This will help you get tons of free items, troops, and sapphires from league events like brawl and league bg and development tournaments, which will let you grow much more quickly than you could on your own.