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beacons cant be downgraded under an hour

beacons cant be downgraded under an hour

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Dec 15, 2019, 01:4812/15/19

beacons cant be downgraded under an hour

beacons cant be downgraded under an hour so why do players keep capturing them ? 

if u didn't know ,its pretty simple ,if a beacon was downgraded at 11:00 it can only be downgraded again at 12:00 , anything between is useless,just a flood of reports in chat ...

before this one hour is not over u cant and u wont downgrade that beacon.....

so why do some people keep capturing them between this hour ???

i dnt know about most... maybe they like to see their name in red in league chat and in on some action ??? maybe they dnt know that a beacon cant be downgraded under an hour ??

this is not about people who know,this is not about top leagues and top pro experienced players... they know and they have a reason for attackin a beacon b4 that hour is over,they are trying to catch someone's offence left in that beacon in that few seconds time window.... thats how experienced some players are.. by those someones i meant people who dnt know and just keep attakin a beacon if i wasnt clear enough there.... :p 

but if ur looking for a downgrade u cant and wont under an hour.. oh one more thing.. u cant downgrade a beacon which ur league is holding,so if u captured that beacon under that one hour frame u wont be able to attack it even if u got the timing right 

happy gaming

i just logged in yesterday and saw 50 leagues i havnt seen the name of cleared the whole chat and also forum was quiet so why not have some fun 

happy gaming again,

stay clear of trolls 

and have fun :p

Dec 17, 2019, 12:4112/17/19
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community, Fury. 
Dec 17, 2019, 14:4712/17/19

most people don't pay attention to the chat feed and sometimes if multiple beacons go down the post about a beacon may be lost in the feed 

or maybe some just want to prevent a league from taking a partially downgraded beacon and upgrading it for less cost

if i wanted to upgrade some random beacon i would take one partially downgraded and upgrade it quicker to save the cost and get the level 5 protection for my defense faster

that being said you better have some mobile defense hammers to stack it quick ....

Dec 18, 2019, 00:4212/18/19


most people don't pay attention to the chat feed and sometimes if multiple beacons go down the post about a beacon may be lost in the feed 

or maybe some just want to prevent a league from taking a partially downgraded beacon and upgrading it for less cost

if i wanted to upgrade some random beacon i would take one partially downgraded and upgrade it quicker to save the cost and get the level 5 protection for my defense faster

that being said you better have some mobile defense hammers to stack it quick ....

hello lady jezebel

that post was for players who didnt know about timing but yes i agree

but when it comes to upgrading a beacon with lower cost yes it is correct why upgrade a beacon from level one to 5 when u can from 4 to 5 ? 

but then again if it comes to detailed explanation it wouldnt work most times to upgrade someone elses lvl 4s either...

as u know there are coalitions and league territories... yes u might be able to capture ,hold and upgrade that beacon from 5,but holding it would be something different... people who do upgrade a beacon to 5 either for an achievement or just to hold it,they do that in their territory...

holding a beacon in an enemy territory causes 

1. very long travel time  travel time for league members units 

2.  it would start a war with enemies u might simply just dnt want to

3. it would even upset allies who u might pass from their territory or just start a conflict with theirs

there are many more other shortcomings im sure ur aware of... id rather level up a beacon from level one in my own territory when my mobile defense hammers can reach easy and have access to without  other above-mentioned affecting factors