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Plarium developers could at least have a look.....

Plarium developers could at least have a look.....

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Apr 11, 2017, 17:3804/11/17

Plarium developers could at least have a look.....

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

Apr 11, 2017, 17:4804/11/17

zapelo said:

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

Since we cannot fix that here please submit a Support ticket to

Apr 11, 2017, 18:0204/11/17

So if i understand this correctly they deploy changes and then wait for the player base to test the thing?

I'm not paid to test plarium software. 

Since this is a visual thing and easy to spot.

I reported bugs before and they have done nothing about them.

I will not do it again.
Apr 12, 2017, 03:3204/12/17

I have to agree with zapello,

This scroll thing is extremely annoying to the player.. and it can be extremely detrimental to a player.

Should a player who just took a beacon and is looking to recall offense accidentally scroll down on the mouse wheel, when they click, they will miss the button that returns their offense safely back to their castle. While re-adjusting the window only takes a few seconds, when pulling offense from a beacon, a few seconds is all that an experienced beacon ponger needs to catch the attackers offense on the beacon.

This "bug" could ultimately cause thousands of dollars that people have invested into the game to be destroyed in a moment, all because of a scroll function that should not be in the game.

This also may cause people to do the wrong type of action when clicking on a castle. Instead of spying or sieging, the scroll may open the raiding or sending a scroll window. While this does no damage, it wastes the time of the player. A lot of players have certain times that they dedicate towards the game, and they don't have time to re-do things just because of a scrolling problem.

Apr 12, 2017, 08:0004/12/17

zapelo said:

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

They have extended the scrolling interface, now you can scroll under the image, clicking the chain and moving the mouse will now scroll. Its a great addition, not bad.

Plus the scroll menu button is still there. 

If you have a wider screen it will look even nicer
Apr 12, 2017, 16:2604/12/17
Oracle said:

zapelo said:

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

They have extended the scrolling interface, now you can scroll under the image, clicking the chain and moving the mouse will now scroll. Its a great addition, not bad.

Plus the scroll menu button is still there. 

If you have a wider screen it will look even nicer
I would like to know what are u smoking? Do you just put together some random text.
Apr 12, 2017, 19:0604/12/17
Apr 12, 2017, 19:07(edited)

zapelo said:

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

Wait how does this image affect scrolling?  Or are they just two separate bugs?

It does seem kind of lazy though, didn't realize plarium devs made the graphics in ms paint. 
Apr 13, 2017, 06:1404/13/17

BiohazarD said:

zapelo said:

Plarium developers could at least have a look at their games when they make changes

Note the space with a pixel image.

This breaks the scrolling in game

Wait how does this image affect scrolling?  Or are they just two separate bugs?

It does seem kind of lazy though, didn't realize plarium devs made the graphics in ms paint. 

The game as we know is developed in Flash. To be able to present it to us it is embeded in a webpage. If the body of the webpage is bigger in height than the game it self you are not able to use the scroll function in game by scrolling the mouse wheal  cause the browserwill scroll the page up and down.

So the heights of menu bar + game + the bit under the game are grater than the viewpoint height.
Apr 13, 2017, 14:4804/13/17
Lords, please report this minor issue to our Support team so they check this. 
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