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How-to-Fix Stormfall: A simple guide

How-to-Fix Stormfall: A simple guide

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Feb 24, 2016, 22:4002/24/16

How-to-Fix Stormfall: A simple guide

Each player has his own view of what is needed to fix Srormfall. But i think we can all agree that it does need some urgent fixes. The game is hemorrhaging players faster than it can replace them. Every week or so, i scroll my friend´s list to the end and find a bunch of deleted accounts, or leagueless players that signify they were kicked because of inactivity. The map is littered with low level castles, belonging to people that the game has failed to captivate. And if this hemorrhage isn´t stopped, soon there won´t be any of us left. 

But, there are simple-to-fix things that no doubt we ALL agree on. And if we all unite behind a handfull of these ideas instead of spreading ourselves too thin chasing too hard to implement pipe dream features, perhaps we can convince Plarium to set aside a few man-hours to get these things in the game. Fast. So here´s a few that i think the majority of the player base agrees on (in no particular order):

IN-GAME CHAT FEATURES: A Whisper function, for one-on-one conversation. And a Officers Chat room, for sensitive conversations between league officers, to coordinate delicate operations without fear of spies.

DAILY RAIDS: Removing or increasing the limit of paying number of daily raids. I think we all agree that the hegemony of heavy coiners in the game will never end. But perhaps we can level the playing field a bit, by tweaking the speed of troop building times and allowing more paying raids. Adding a few more caravan space extensions, up from 32k to 50k, in the black market. Perhaps Plarium does not see it, but non-paying players do provide a valuable service in game:they provide content . Without them, soon the heavy coiners will be fighting just between themselves, and in the end prompt a lot of them to simply abandon the game for lack of softer targets. By not catering to non-paying players as well, you are doing a disservice to yourself, Plarium. 

VISIBLE BEACON DEFENSE RANKS: This one has its own thread with dozens upon dozens of supporters. Adding this will allow Marshalls to promote players without compromising beacon security, leading to a happier player base. And happy players play longer hours and spend more money.

THE GAP: Close the gap between Offensive and Defensive power. Defensive actions are always handicapped. To stand up to each offensive unit, you require 3 defensive counterpart units. The introduction of a couple new defensive units (one occult and one bestiary) would help close that gap.

BATTLEGROUNDS: I began playing this game after the change to battleground mechanics, so i never got to experience the pleasure of actually gaining troops with this mini-game. I understand the reasoning behind this change. If you could actually gain troops doing them, coiners would have a huge advantage, because they possess larger armies and so they can do higher level BGs. Thus leading to even bigger armies, etc etc. Its a catch 22 type situation. However, there is a simple solution: Convert all black market store bought units to imperial type, and make imperials less effective as BG bank fodder. This would make it possible to revert back to the original style of battlegrounds, making BGs a proper alternative to troop building. With proper tweaking and fine tuning, both coiners and non coiners could get equivalent positive returns out of BGs. In fact, if we had this, there woul be no need to tweak troop build times, as BGs would become a proper complement to it.

FORTRESS: I actually like the fortress. But i think we all agree that they were rushed in, and not properly tested. It is pretty obvious that Stormfall is ran by a skeleton crew, and thus we are the game´s beta testers. Fortresses are a clear example of a great idea, that just wasn´t tested enough, and relies too much on sapphires.

What it needs: A way to convert resources into tomes/glory.  Increasing Defense bonus, like beacons. A Dark Essence production mechanic, for leagues that don´t have beacons. A couple extra milestone levels, to safeguard all the hard work of leveling it.

LEAGUE QUESTS/CHALLENGES: Another flaw we all agree needs fixing. Doing challenges denies you a few much needed league quests, for some odd reason. With the introduction of fortresses, league quests have become paramount. Please remove this limitation. League quests should not be tied to challenges in any way.

TRAVEL TIMES: As the game grows and the map expands, new players are far removed of all the action. Although the map expands, new beacons are added in a very tight area, and players out in the boonies have to endure huge travel times to beacons, either when attacking, or reinforcing. In the same token, travel times to player castles are also ridiculous, often taking more than a day to attack someone on the opposite side of the world.

These are just a few things i recalled while writing this thread. There are surely more, but i think it is safe to admit we can all agree on these. What do you guys think^? Post your opinions. If you agree with what is written, show support and ask your friends to do the same, so we put some pressure on Plarium and get them fixed. 


Swamp Thing

Feb 24, 2016, 23:0702/24/16

I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed your suggestions. I would like to add a suggestion of my own to your list.

10x ZOOM-  This feature is available on TD and is very useful for finding new raiding targets after moving castle locations.

I think that all of the suggestions listed by Swamp Thing are good suggestions; however I don't expect Plarium to be able to put all of those suggestions in the next update. What would be nice however, is if a poll was put out on the forums with a list of features that the players could vote on to put into the next update. This would give the players a choice with where they want the game to go, as well as give Plarium an idea of what the players desires for the game are..

All in all, I hope this thread makes it to plarium developers and that they at least discuss some of the suggestions in this thread.


Feb 24, 2016, 23:2202/24/16

I support your suggestions, but I doubt that any our action can change anything.

From the another thread

Lord Oberon said:

We are not going to make any excuses at all. 

While this sentence exists Plarium believes that it doing well, and there is no way to make it under pressure.

Feb 24, 2016, 23:5102/24/16
Drogar61 said:

I support your suggestions, but I doubt that any our action can change anything.

From the another thread

Lord Oberon said:

We are not going to make any excuses at all. 

While this sentence exists Plarium believes that it doing well, and there is no way to make it under pressure.

It is in their best interest to retain players as much as possible. There are plenty of examples in the gaming world where a developer´s "greed" has buried a perfectly good game. Off the top of my head, i can remember 2 games famous for 2 opposite takes on the free-to-play model. Star Wars-The Old Republic is a textbook example of a triple A title going down in flames due to excessive gouging of the players. They were too agressive in their model, demanding money for the simplest of things, like unlocking the UI, or currency limitations. And then you have something like Star Trek Online, which took the opposite aproach, allowing non-paying players access to anything in game including store items, as long as they had the time and dedication.  SWTOR went down in flames, STO is still going strong. So yeah, they need to learn from other´s mistakes, and strive for a better gaming experience.
Feb 25, 2016, 01:5702/25/16
i feel the same way about what you said... To be honest i just can't see this game lasting another 3-5 years the way its going  and even if they do upgrade downgrade sidegrade or whatever. Im not saying that i hate this game or anything like that but for some reason i feel like i had more fun playing between level 1-55 and now it feel like im watching the grass grow beside my castle for fun to pass the time... ( SAD RIGHT ??? =- P )
Feb 25, 2016, 02:5202/25/16
Feb 25, 2016, 10:51(edited)


I been advocating for faster build times of units ever since I started play this game. I been so frustrated at times I wanted to tear Oberons beard of with my bare hands. Make resources the bottom line, and make units near instant to build would help a lot. Because this game kill players by boredom more than anything else. Boredom of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I can raid daily and the unit building queue will just keep grow from days to weeks to months. It's insane. 

Plarium doesn't want to make DEF units better or close to OFF in strenght, because of walls, and castle fortifications and castle skins. Want better DEF? Spend some sapphires and upgrade your castle. Becons got DEF buff... Fortress's,. well that another tale.

The ingame chat system leave much to be desired. Why most "serious" leagues use other means for comms, teamspeak, mumble, IRC etc etc.

Remember, Plariums main focus is to make profit. Not necessary make a game that will retain and enjoy players in the long run. I'm quite sure they can do both if they wanted too. Players that enjoy themselfs, more prone to spend cash on what they enjoy right? I'm quite sure if Plarium had removed any castle on the server's that hadn't been played within the last month, and just replaced it with a blue "vacant lot" circle, the reality of things would been quite clear. Then again, the dead castles, the farm bots etc, is used as a source of content for the players. Some time back a guy in my league said he would quit the game if they removed the bots in the game, because he couldn't raid more :/ Says a bit about the state of the game.

Lord OberonCharacter
Feb 26, 2016, 10:4102/26/16
Feb 26, 2016, 13:01(edited)

We are grateful for the continued contribution to the development of the game that you have been making as an active player.

I'll start my response by stating the fact that all current values and limits are the result of an extensive research and analysis of the game data we collect from various channels. We think that we have been able to find the values that are able to ensure the maximum possible at this point health and sustainability of the game. We admit the possibility of changes in the future, because our ultimate goal is to create a game which every player could enjoy thoroughly. The game has multiple layers, gets plenty of regular updates and can always be optimized even more. Nevertheless, the possibility to improve something must be distinguished from the need to change or implement something.

The priority in the development of updates and patches is given to those things that must be in the game according to the developer, since the developer has more complete and relevant information about the state of the game. Needless to say, we have an analytics department, the sole purpose of which is to analyze the game statistics and make predictions based on the analyses. Again, we do care about our community, and what you have to say matters to us most; that is exactly why we ask you what you think. You should understand, however, that we cannot implement every idea we get from the community because some of them are simply not feasible, while others do not align with the direction we want the game to go in the future.

In our opinion there is no need to introduce immediate changes to the game mechanics or to re-balance the game. Therefore, many of your suggestions will not be included in the future releases.

For instance, we do not intend to review the following in the near future:

Daily Raid Limits;

Battleground mechanics;

Travel Times:

Offensive and Defensive Units Characteristics;

At the same time, you mentioned several things that we intend to improve in the nearest future.

We acknowledge that the In-Game Chat needs to be improved, as it is often not the most effective means of communication. We intend to change this situation.

Fortresses: Direct conversion of resources into Glory Points and Tomes will not be possible. As of now these items can be obtained by completing game tasks. Nevertheless, the amount of points the game is giving as rewards has been reassessed and will let for a quicker Fortress upgrade.

League Quests/Challenges: We could possibly reconsider the existing relationship between these types of activity and change this aspect.

Again, we appreciate your desire to help us make the game better as well as the time and effort you put into these suggestions. We have been and will be doing our best to make the game even more interesting and challenging. If you have any more suggestions I'll be glad to discuss them.

Feb 27, 2016, 13:0402/27/16

djmoody said:

Faster troop production is utterly illogical.

You just get inflation of troops, because EVERYONE gets troops faster. Instead of 1 troops you have 2 troops but your 2 troops are worth no more in the battle against other players than your 1 troop ever was, because everyone has 2 troops now.

It is also potentially very dangerous.

You also open up the game to more abuse by alts and key, abuse buy buying resource from the botters (who so far have failed in this particular game).

Time and again have posted this on the forum - if you want bigger armies then you should ask for the un-nerf BG's so they can be regularly done for profit again. That is how the F2P player of the past competed.

Purpose behind faster build times is recovery, not size of army. boredom kills activity. If I wiped my army, there would be little reason to login to play the game. With faster build times I could take my resources turn them into more units, I go raid with these units, I get more resources I turn into more troops faster. Recovery rate would be much faster.

Also, alts and boters, is of no concern for you and me as regular players, that is a problem that Plarium have to deal with, and the momment they start talk about "so and so" changes will be a problem because of alts, then they admit there is a problem with alts and bots, but also a problem they have failed to deal with. And there is already "gold/resource" sellers in this game, that provide resources at cheaper cost than Plariums black market does. 

Plarium, or well Oberon stated they would like to see more fights and bigger fights, of course they would, good for business for those that rev units for sapphires, but for the mortals of us that see such as a huge cost and waste to spend on, such fights could put us back months. That is not a healthy game play at all, and doesn't give any incentive to do big battles or take bigger risks.

Feb 27, 2016, 13:4702/27/16
LOL fast troops build is a VERY GREAT IDEA... At tis point people just taking low risk attack on people at hamlet,low level and you get the picture. Alot of people now have like 1 week to 3 months in unit in build time and they do bg but i dont see no major war . Its been very peaceful from days of old... but I wish they had fishing in this game to pass the time =- P..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Feb 28, 2016, 17:1002/28/16
Aug 17, 2019, 12:05(edited)

I really believe the developers understand how important the Visible Defense is within the game. If they did know its importance, the fix would be at the TOP of their todo list, In another thread it was stated it will be implements someday, but in my opinion this should have been done BEFORE fortresses game out. 

The will also have to implement this for Fortresses, for the Leagues that decide to venture above Level 8 ;-)

The reasons given by @SwampThing are perfect:

SwampThing said:

VISIBLE BEACON DEFENSE RANKS: This one has its own thread with dozens upon dozens of supporters. Adding this will allow Marshalls to promote players without compromising beacon security, leading to a happier player base. And happy players play longer hours and spend more money.