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Ingame Forum

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Feb 22, 2016, 22:4002/22/16

Ingame Forum

It is mentioned before but never has Plarium given an answer beside "we look into it".

So I will mention it again. Please make an ingame league forum!!

We as a small league get lot's of new players and we like to help them all but not all will get the good info en all the tips and tricks about the game. A forum would solve that problem. When planing/discussing/bringing news it would make it a hell of alot easier. It would make things a lot better en bring a lot more fun to the game.

But I know those reasons won't make Plarium giving us that ingame forum. So let me try it another way.

When players have more fun playing the game they will play longer and are more inclined to start spending money on this game!

So Plarium should get more money and the players are happier, that's what they call a win-win situation.
Feb 23, 2016, 01:0002/23/16

Sculptor said:

It is mentioned before but never has Plarium given an answer beside "we look into it".

So I will mention it again. Please make an ingame league forum!!

We as a small league get lot's of new players and we like to help them all but not all will get the good info en all the tips and tricks about the game. A forum would solve that problem. When planing/discussing/bringing news it would make it a hell of alot easier. It would make things a lot better en bring a lot more fun to the game.

But I know those reasons won't make Plarium giving us that ingame forum. So let me try it another way.

When players have more fun playing the game they will play longer and are more inclined to start spending money on this game!

So Plarium should get more money and the players are happier, that's what they call a win-win situation.

There is a lot of more or less free sites out there that offers forum hosting. With little to no cost or just add based. Don't see why Plarium have to supply such. 
Feb 23, 2016, 01:0102/23/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:46(edited)

Maybe I overlooked it, but I don't remember seeing this previously. 

The actual idea is interesting, but I worry that it will either become a UI clutter or it will be so far out of the way no one bothers with it. Additionally most leagues already use 3rd party software. I like it but im not sure how much use it would get.
Feb 23, 2016, 12:1702/23/16

Mehnslayer said:

Maybe I overlooked it, but I don't remember seeing this previously. 

The actual idea is interesting, but I worry that it will either become a UI clutter or it will be so far out of the way no one bothers with it. Additionally most leagues already use 3rd party software. I like it but im not sure how much use it would get.

I wish there was some simple way to have a ingame notice board of sorts where you could post things for league members to go read if they wanted. Then you would have something people would look up when they desired to do so, and not something that got spammed in their mail and overloading the server hamsters. Also ability to hotlink on such a medium would been nice. 
Feb 23, 2016, 21:5202/23/16

In another game that I played before there was a ingame forum. I just opened the game again and here are some screenshots.


Forum management

(with the possibilty to share a topic with another league, and to make some topics only available for league leaders)

It works way better then a third party website. Members wil visit it much more often, it works much quicker, you don't need to switch between websites. Etc. etc. etc. And when the creators keep it just clean and simple like those printscreens so no unnecessary pictures etc it won't be laggy  and with just a sign next to the letter envelope it won't make to much of an UI clutter either. And if you can create a nice and goodworking ingame forum most leagues will ditch those third party ones very quick.

Feb 24, 2016, 01:3702/24/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:51(edited)
What if they changed the daily loyalty login to a 3 month time frame, and allowed a marshal of captain to make "notes" in there on each specific day?
Feb 24, 2016, 02:3402/24/16

Mehnslayer said:

What if they changed the daily loyalty login to a 3 month time frame, and allowed a marshal of captain to make "notes" in there on each specific day?

If somebody wants notes he will take it no matter of way. This really cant be answer on this thread. I can accept that you don't want to make this game easier, or if you don't know how to make this crucial part of every 'league' game as it's including part.

Plarium had not/has not motivation to make such thing. Instead of that we get this forum as the edge of possibilities.
Feb 24, 2016, 02:5902/24/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:51(edited)
Drogar61 said:

Mehnslayer said:

What if they changed the daily loyalty login to a 3 month time frame, and allowed a marshal of captain to make "notes" in there on each specific day?

If somebody wants notes he will take it no matter of way. This really cant be answer on this thread. I can accept that you don't want to make this game easier, or if you don't know how to make this crucial part of every 'league' game as it's including part.

Plarium had not/has not motivation to make such thing. Instead of that we get this forum as the edge of possibilities.
It was a suggestion, why assume that it was either that or nothing... I was taking that idea from another game where it works pretty well. 
Feb 24, 2016, 08:4202/24/16

Mehnslayer said:

What if they changed the daily loyalty login to a 3 month time frame, and allowed a marshal of captain to make "notes" in there on each specific day?

Sometimes, the lesser beings of a league feel the urge to communicate too you know -)

If you feel you got something important to share, it feels a bit cumbersome to have to contact a captain or the marshall and have them forward it in a mail to everyone.
Feb 24, 2016, 08:5302/24/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:00(edited)
Same thing could be said about the league message though... Right? 
Feb 24, 2016, 09:3802/24/16
Mehnslayer said:

Same thing could be said about the league message though... Right? 
And should be much more permanent, like as forum, with reports.