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Battleground reward bug

Battleground reward bug

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Jul 26, 2018, 10:3407/26/18

Battleground reward bug

I have encountered a bug in the battleground system. Now, I have no way of proving what the bug is, but I have kept thorough count of my battleground wins and losses for a very long time, nearly a year. I have done battlegrounds of every level and in every way possible. I have increased my level from 155 up to 175, I have done both offensive and defensive battlegrounds and made sure that every time I went for a big payment, my bank was full. Still the system somehow cheats me. I am now over 400 million behind in terms of unit resource value and still my last 2 rewards was 1002 necromancers on a lvl 176 battleground and 812 dragons on a lvl 175. I have lost more than half my troop strength as well, and that is even including the increase in strength from better ablities and better hero equipment obtained from bg's so in reality it is probably more like 3/4's I have lost. I sincerely hope someone will help me look into this, as it is quite disheartening seeing the troops I have worked so hard on obtaining over more than 5 years disappearing like this and I am slowly but surely loosing all incentment to play this game.  

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jul 26, 2018, 10:4507/26/18

Hello, Lord!

Please do not create duplicate topics since they will be removed. 

We do not disclose any information on a player's Battleground progress. You can discuss this matter with other players in Game Discussion thread. Please refer to your previous topic. The current one will be closed. 

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