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Use more appropriate numbers in deciding which levels are moved into.

Use more appropriate numbers in deciding which levels are moved into.

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Jan 27, 2020, 16:4901/27/20

Use more appropriate numbers in deciding which levels are moved into.

Many small leagues have ended up having to compete with the largest leagues in the game. None of these leagues have any chance at all of making it into the top ten. Many won't even have a chance to end up in the top 30. Please look this over and correct this issue. It seems very unfair to many of the lower level leagues to be in the highest grouping of leagues for the Brawl. 

Jan 28, 2020, 07:0901/28/20

Hello Lord Dragonfire , well...different opinions , but i think that a small league should look for a fusion with another small league , in my opinion in this game you need a good and strong league, for that the number members are 160  !

I wish you good game and good battles !
Jan 28, 2020, 08:1201/28/20
well put dragon fire  the top 5 brawl leagues already should have an advantage with the most spenders and high level players why should they be rewarded so heavily in brawls this is making community frustrated for obvious reasons unless your in top 5 brawl leagues who if selfish are obviously loving it , if there are only 5 biggest brawl leagues left what would be the point in game plarium should do something about this as none of us want less people to fight, if its about money can plarium not put short  add on homepage
Jan 28, 2020, 14:5701/28/20

I'll give you some amount of reasonable doubt here regarding fusion with another league. It would see you think you are the only one to have thought of that. Perhaps you might wish to try asking around and getting the same answers we get whenever we try that.

While it is a possible answer it is not as good as putting a reasonable number on the limits for each group. There are in fact many reasons that would not work out. The number of coiners in the large leagues would still keep them way out in front of most league combinations in the game. I am sure you know that as well.

Better to use reasonable numbers for the formations of the groups rather than giving all the rewards to the already most powerful leagues.

How about you give that a try.

Feb 2, 2020, 05:4602/02/20

League brawl setup is determined by Last event league participation points.  I would consider myself lucky to be placed against any league of any ranking with any number of players. We all started somewhere. We are all going to the same place. Levels, are obtained by commitment to your game.  Just because a league has a higher level players, that does not determine its worth.  A lower ranking league, such as Timora in the Wolf Pack, is ranked under top 150, but they have the power as an offencive league, to take down a fortress level 20 with 100 billion defense in it.  The way the Leagues are ranks are determined by Achievements from badges, fortress level, and Territory held by beacons. All of which take time to complete. 

Stormfall is not a Win it in a minute game, there is no fast track to the top. Most of the leagues here are established, and have been for over 5 years. Thinking that one can change this, is a lack of experience and understanding of the game itself.  Brawling is a simple, weekly event to establish who is the best ~ Overall ~ League  in that division. The rewards are based differently per division. Lower rewards are given in lower divisions. Higher in the top. 

My Suggestion and observation is this, one, you have a great group of players that are active, Enjoy it. New players are always looking for a league to be active and participate in. Your league will grow in time, it took almost a year on server 3 to grow our league to 160 players and now we currently hold 123 players, The Players are constantly changing and shifting to leagues that offer. better leadership and more participation. When one Leadership member goes inactive. so does a league, unless another jumps up to take their place.  So keep at it. accept low level players, send recruitments to Players without leagues, no matter what level they are. Help them, Train them, and get them active. A player who is given a chance to excel and learns is a player that will continue to play the game. A player that is Ignored and lacks understanding is a player that will leave the game.  So keep them interested. 

The Observation from your post is that you have a great group of friends that participate in events. or you would not be matched against such a high positioned league.  There is always next week. and be happy you are included. There is plenty of time to grow. Just be willing to grow, by having a chat, facebook group page, and send out mass mails to the league, by creating events for all to participate in. Keep your players engaged and they will bring you more people. 

Once more, badges do not happen overnight, But are essential to the game for league rankings. Remember, that not all high ranking leagues are active. many are comfortable, and might have half the players logging in once a week. The real thrill is in the chase, Striving for excellence. and earning badges. Once you've done it all, things tend to get boring, which is why plarium continues to release more content to keep us engaged.  Your time will come. Focus on  your team, and what you all are doing, and stop focusing on the other leagues and what they are doing. 
Feb 3, 2020, 00:2702/03/20
brawls should be deleted anything that ruins a game by making it even more unfair is stupid and everything about a brawl is stupid should be called black friday not a brawl as it just crashes whole website because aim is to click more than any other league waste your weekend to score and then it hugely over rewards a handful makes no sense league duels were rewarding way more fairly and was not clicking competitions should go back to those days where game was not being destroyed