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Improvement upon the current Diplomacy System

Improvement upon the current Diplomacy System

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May 18, 2017, 05:0105/18/17

Improvement upon the current Diplomacy System

Hi all, I personally feel that the current diplomacy features are inadequate for the amount of efforts the coalitions are putting in to negotiate in this game. I want that more flexibility to be allowed in the diplomatic negotiations. 

The current features we get are as follows (All concern with the attack limits on Pantheons and Capitals) :-

Neutral - Normal Limits, the default

Ally - Normal Limits, but you have formally stated you are allies

Enemy - Normal Limits, but you have formally stated you are enemies

At Peace - You can not attack each other's Pantheons

At War - There are no Limits on Pantheon attacks.


My suggestions are-

1. Set price/cost/demand to enact a peace treaty. For example if Coalition X wants to make a peace treaty with Coalition Y who is harrasing X, then it can offer some perks to Coa Y to consider the peace treaty. For example, tax on orichalum(some percentage of orichalum would be given to coa Y)/tax on resource generated by the cities of Coa X(to some pre-determined amounts)/Some amount of Drachma to be transffered to the coalition Capital/ Transfer of Pantheon(s) to Y.

2. Peace treaties be limited to an agreed time decided by both the coalitions, for example 1 week/month/3 months etc.

3. Bring the alliances under one roof. I mean to say an alliance of the coalitions. Allow a coalitions to create an alliance charter it would have terms and conditions like who all can enter the alliance, its goals and duties. Maybe even create a new alliance chat which next to Global chat which would include only Commandants or above in the chat.The reason for this would be stated in the next point.

4. Making of Client States. A coalition can make another Coalition its client state by downgrading its capital to a certain level or besieging a number of its cities. Now the client coalition would have a reduction in its total resource collection by 30% whether its a raid, resource building or tribute. And that profit would distributed equally to the Main Coalition or made available to be used like the Orichalum System. Making a Client would give a huge boost in the Rankings too. This would create big battles between alliances to protect other coalitions in the alliance from making them client states, for example a coalition capital got downgraded now the enemy only needs to besige 60 cities to make it a client state, other coalitions in the same alliance would help that coalition not to be sieged like that. Maybe a thought that this can be done only during a Tourney like the Pantheon Massacre. Allow only to have a limited number of client states, the limit can be set by the number of Pantheons the coalition holds(New use for pantheons other than orichalum and rankings). The Peace Treaty can be used to avoid being a Client State, hence the custom feature i stated in the first point would help.

I know that my suggestions have many If and But in it and also a lot of changes in code. But if something along these lines can be implemented in the system it might give more player interaction to dead coalitions who want to communicate and learn. Also focus on battles would shift to more coalitions through the client system, the aim would be to have as many under the belt as possible.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 18, 2017, 12:1205/18/17
Hi! Please put your suggestions under Suggestions thread and I will give you my feedback there :)
May 18, 2017, 15:1905/18/17
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 19, 2017, 07:5505/19/17
ashishjoseph22 said:
