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Why Plenaruim nerfed massiv all Bot-Lines?

Why Plenaruim nerfed massiv all Bot-Lines?

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Mar 9, 2017, 15:0603/09/17

Why Plenaruim nerfed massiv all Bot-Lines?

Can one of Plarium explain why all Bot lines have been generic?

Is only another rip off to pull the players out of the pocket.

If you screw down the resources, players have to go shopping in the market.

My 2 Cent

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 10, 2017, 10:5803/10/17
Plarium has no power over player accounts. So we didn't nerf anyone :)
Mar 10, 2017, 14:4803/10/17

you gived the wrong answer.

Why nerfed Plarium speziell the Sparta Staff all Bot-Lines so massive
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 13, 2017, 11:0603/13/17
Shrek said:

you gived the wrong answer.

Why nerfed Plarium speziell the Sparta Staff all Bot-Lines so massive
From our side we didn't do anything. All account have their owners, and they are the only people responsible for what's happening with their Cities.
Mar 14, 2017, 16:1203/14/17


The official Plarium line is that there are no Plarium-generated "bot" cities, that they are user-created and user-maintained.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 15, 2017, 09:2403/15/17
Plagatus said:


The official Plarium line is that there are no Plarium-generated "bot" cities, that they are user-created and user-maintained.
Correct. We do not create any Cities on the Map.
Mar 15, 2017, 14:0003/15/17

botlines are what made the game playable, lol quit months ago but wouldnt ever consider coming back. People arent gonna buy gold for resources when the game should be able to supply that.

hope they increase the resources regen from afk cities from players since there just arent enough player cities to raid to get resources. At least not the resources u need most
Apr 9, 2017, 03:4204/09/17

well, shoot.  i've been playing about a year and the nearest bot line seems to be 6 hrs away by scout.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 10, 2017, 09:0604/10/17
Centrik said:

well, shoot.  i've been playing about a year and the nearest bot line seems to be 6 hrs away by scout.

So you're considering moving closer to them?
Apr 10, 2017, 09:3404/10/17

Plagatus said:


The official Plarium line is that there are no Plarium-generated "bot" cities, that they are user-created and user-maintained.


With all respect-That's a "line" I have never heard before.  You mean to tell me that all the level 55 a vertical line...that I have been raiding for months is a user created group of cities??

Again, with respect, why/how would a user create a group of a line no less....the cost would be significant to move these cities and group them like that.

Anyways, glad they are there..but I don't see how or why a user would do this.
Apr 10, 2017, 10:3604/10/17
There is no possible way them cities are all set in lines like they are without being some sort of game bot. These cities were there long before the relocation pools ever existed..So how do all these cities perfectly inline and the same level get there..These are not randomly generated user cities, there is just no way.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 11, 2017, 07:5804/11/17
ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

There is no possible way them cities are all set in lines like they are without being some sort of game bot. These cities were there long before the relocation pools ever existed..So how do all these cities perfectly inline and the same level get there..These are not randomly generated user cities, there is just no way.
Probably created within a short period of time.
Apr 11, 2017, 14:4704/11/17
Apr 11, 2017, 14:48(edited)
That doesnt even make sense..These bot cities were there long before relocation pools existed so there was no way they could move all them cities right next to each other. They are definitely bot cities, no matter what you say..You obviously dont even play SWOE.
Apr 11, 2017, 16:4804/11/17

Plarium do not create cities, plarium do not create bot cities, plarium do not nerf cities

there, nice and plain for you all 
Apr 12, 2017, 00:1904/12/17

morteeee said:

Plarium do not create cities, plarium do not create bot cities, plarium do not nerf cities

there, nice and plain for you all 

Yes..nice and plain. Thanks Morteee.

However, we were discussing bots on Skype and someone stated, with a great deal of assurance I might add, that Plarium in fact does not create those bot cities. He stated they are created by "hackers who create the bot cities".

So, let me see if I understand, excluding the fact that as an IT guy-"no one" is allowed to get to my servers at work. 

We have  2nd or 3rd parties.cruising around...placing bot cities on Plarium's servers?, but I thought that's illegal to break into someone's server and "alter data".  The game is in a certain "state"-if I alter anything in the game, I change the "operational state" of the game...or for example...altering a web server like Victoria's Secret-say I change the price of lady's lingerie from 29.99 to $1.99 to buy my girl a lot of really cool stuff to wear.

If true, it does beg the question-So...what else are they messing with? 

Hey "Bot Makers"...make me 50,000

Multi million dollar company with hackers running around on  company servers creating bot cities with resources???

 This is one for the morning cyber security round table discussion over coffee and Too funny!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 12, 2017, 08:3104/12/17
Mick, they do not break servers. They act just like actual players. And they spend some time to create all those Cities. 
Apr 12, 2017, 20:0504/12/17
Apr 12, 2017, 20:15(edited)
I still call B.S. Also a game moderator that gets free drachmas , but does not really work at plarium, trying to pretend he knows what is up is just hilarious. They just agree with whatever plarium says because of course they want there free drachmas....If you honestly think them cities are legit then I have summer beach front property in Siberia I will sell
Apr 12, 2017, 22:2504/12/17
Apr 13, 2017, 08:42(edited)

ItBurnsWhenIPvP said:

I still call B.S. Also a game moderator that gets free drachmas , but does not really work at plarium, trying to pretend he knows what is up is just hilarious. They just agree with whatever plarium says because of course they want there free drachmas....If you honestly think them cities are legit then I have summer beach front property in Siberia I will sell

We had our "cyber-security" round table discussion this morning at work and I floated the issue about bot cities on the game.

Let me be clear, these are not statements so, in no particular order:

1.) The company knows and allows it or has paid for these cities to appear-they would have to have access to the master image of the map to deploy multiple cities so close-vertical or horizontal.

2.) if the company does know and can't stop it-then they have weak security across the board-and yes, that might include how they take payment.

 let's hope the server they are accepting payment on is secured with the correct https algorithm and they are following e-commerce regulations.

I am not a moderator-I wish I could be one though-get free drachs and get invited to that VIP club and all. 

But, I digress- I truly love the game.

in closing, Either Plarium or "some other entity" has placed them there, but in the final analysis It really is a moot point.

I will raid them no matter who put them there. 

Regards & Respect to All

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 13, 2017, 08:4604/13/17


1) All new Cities that are created on a Map, are created close to each other, If you create 1000 Cities in 1 day, they will be all in one line. 

2) Please don't spread false information on Forum. Our servers, payment methods and all personal information of our players are secured. No one can break our servers or get an access to the information that is classified. I already told you how those "bot lines" are created.

3) We do fight them. However, right now we do not "scan" the map to find them, we only react player reports.

4) Those guys never give up. If be ban 100, new 100 appear next day.

5) We are working on tools that will allow us to fight them more efficiently.
Apr 13, 2017, 23:3804/13/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:


1) All new Cities that are created on a Map, are created close to each other, If you create 1000 Cities in 1 day, they will be all in one line. 

2) Please don't spread false information on Forum. Our servers, payment methods and all personal information of our players are secured. No one can break our servers or get an access to the information that is classified. I already told you how those "bot lines" are created.

3) We do fight them. However, right now we do not "scan" the map to find them, we only react player reports.

4) Those guys never give up. If be ban 100, new 100 appear next day.

5) We are working on tools that will allow us to fight them more efficiently.


Thank you for your response..and an apology. 

During our round table discussion, I logged in and went to the purchase page for the purpose of our discussion. I should have stated that up front!

Plarium has a secure method of purchasing in game apps and drachmas. 

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