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Offensive and Defensive stats

Offensive and Defensive stats

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Dec 2, 2016, 00:4712/02/16

Offensive and Defensive stats

I have been playing for almost a year now and I have never totally understood something about how the troops stats work in battle.

Lets take an offensive solider as an example. He has 100 offense and 20 defense for all four types of defense.

If the offensive solider attacks a defensive solider does the defensive statistics of the offensive solider have anything to do with the outcome of the battle? Or do the defensive statistics only come into play if the offensive solider is put into a defensive situation when being ambushed by other offensive units?

I guess the same question could be reversed for defensive troops.

Dec 2, 2016, 10:1812/02/16

Hello Archon,

What you say is absolutely correct! In my experience the defens from offensive units has nothing to do with the outcome of the battle. When an offensive unit attacks a defensive one the only thing that matters is the unit's offense (if it's the offensive one) and the other's unit defense (if it's a defensive one). When for example offensive units conquer a pantheon and are left there they are acting like defensive units so their defensive stats are they ones that matter. And of course since their def stats are low they get killed easily. That's why you need to be very careful when conquering a pan cause someone else may come after you and kill much of your offfense!
Dec 4, 2016, 01:0012/04/16

Why would I want to choose any unit based on anything but how cheap it can be produced and how much damage it can deal?

Some heavy infantry, phalanx, and mounted offensive units have varied levels and types of defensive strength but no matter what if they get attacked and forced to defend they get annihilated.

Where is there any strategy involved in building my army?

I always assumed spartan hoplites would fare better against attacking defensive light infantry and myrmidons would do better going against other heavy infantry. 

I assumed a carthaginian horseman with their balanced defensive stats would have better survival rates in battle to compensate for the lack of damage dealt compared to agemas. 

Some would point to speed as a desirable characteristic but I boost for almost anything taking more than 5 mins away. To me it's irrelevant. 

I am going to seriously re-evaluate my strategy about how I play this game and what I am willing to put into it. 

Dec 9, 2016, 06:2212/09/16
Dec 9, 2016, 06:24(edited)

It is a certainty that Plarium could have explained this better. When I started playing the game, I also thought the same as you - the defense stats of an offense unit somehow influences how many of those offense units die when they attack. (Some sort of balance, in that offense influences how many they can kill, and defense influences how many of them die.)

When you are attacking an enemy, the only thing that matters in the outcome of the battle is the following:

* The offense of the troops you are attacking with and what type of troops those are.

* The defense of the troops that you are attacking, and how their defense scores are spread across light, heavy, phalanx and cavalry.

Obviously the bonuses to offense/defense that can come from many things play a key role too to buff up the scores mentioned above.

Dec 9, 2016, 06:5212/09/16
tsunwu85rsa said:

When I started playing the game, I also thought the same as you - the defense stats of an offense unit somehow influences how many of those offense units die when they attack. (Some sort of balance, in that offense influences how many they can kill, and defense influences how many of them die.)

Could you please tell us what made you change your mind, thank you.