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Almost impossible for small coalitions to grow on old server..

Almost impossible for small coalitions to grow on old server..

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Nov 18, 2016, 20:1711/18/16

Almost impossible for small coalitions to grow on old server..

Since new players are routed to the new server it makes it almost impossible for small coalitions to recruit enough new players to grow and and eventually compete with larger coalitions. Does this mean that the game is on it's end of life? 

Considering that there is not a way to transfer between servers for individuals or coalitions, and I am not about to start over again on a new server. It does seem like there is not a lot of life left in the game if you throw on top of this the fact that some players are now unstoppable since they have bought themselves into god like levels and there is no way for weaker players to challenge them at all, and Plarium's response to that is to create a VIP feature to give more free stuff to the god like players!  

It's like not worth playing anymore. :(

Nov 19, 2016, 03:5011/19/16
Drag-Theseus said:

mabreu said:

Since new players are routed to the new server it makes it almost impossible for small coalitions to recruit enough new players to grow and and eventually compete with larger coalitions. Does this mean that the game is on it's end of life? 

Considering that there is not a way to transfer between servers for individuals or coalitions, and I am not about to start over again on a new server. It does seem like there is not a lot of life left in the game if you throw on top of this the fact that some players are now unstoppable since they have bought themselves into god like levels and there is no way for weaker players to challenge them at all, and Plarium's response to that is to create a VIP feature to give more free stuff to the god like players!  

It's like not worth playing anymore. :(

You can play on new server too hehe

Try to find someone who will merge(coalition) with you maybe..
That is actually pretty useless advice. It offers no new insight to the player presenting their concern. Really, you guys should have some way to migrate cities between servers. The technology exists. Make it happen.
Nov 19, 2016, 08:1611/19/16
recruitment is also an issue for establish coalitions as well and has been for a long time. my coalition has been in existance for nearly 2 years and we struggle sometimes to recruit new and active players, I personally have been playing nearly 2 years and its always been one of my biggest headaches, I know this doesnt help you much but honestly, you are not alone in this issue 
Nov 20, 2016, 09:4611/20/16
Nov 20, 2016, 09:49(edited)

the problem is big and is global.

If any one wants to merge with my coalition "southern tribesmen" plz contact me

remember  together we will be stronger + more fun

it is the only chance now to grow, as all new players are diverted to the new server + many of local players have switched to the new server aswell

Nov 20, 2016, 15:2511/20/16
Send cities from the old server to the new server? Haha are you insane? That is the WHOLE POINT of a new server. So new and old players can have a fresh start. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of old and insanely powerful armies going over there.
Nov 20, 2016, 17:5611/20/16
Nov 20, 2016, 17:59(edited)
Whatever happens on the old server will happen on the new server given enough time. So if your investment in the game is eventually going to be worth nothing then there is no point in spending any money.  Right now on the old server it is pointless for new players since they don't have any way to mitigate against large armies, in the real world being smart can count but in Sparta it does not matter anymore. So when normal players leave like me there won't be that much money coming in anymore, and I won't be playing on the new server, the old server, or with any Plarium games at all.
Nov 22, 2016, 04:4911/22/16
I don't even join a coalition anymore. The only thing left on this game for me is to continually build defensive units and hope somebody attacks me but the rewards arr lame. Pantheons are boring and Capitals even more so. There really is no strategy anymore and I'm not sure there was any to begin with. Tired of the colosseum already just to get an additional 12% icrease in most things. The game has lost it's luster.
Nov 22, 2016, 13:2711/22/16
Drusilla said:

 There really is no strategy anymore and I'm not sure there was any to begin with.... The game has lost it's luster.
Once they removed the restriction/penalty of not having enough Grain to feed troops and then losing troops was the beginning of the end.  That has to be THE most moronic move Plarium ever made.  This has allowed coiners to build/buy endless amounts of troops unchecked.  But according to Plarium, this somehow "improves" game play.  How bloody stupid do they think we are?  On second thought, if you're spending money on this game ( a Beta that could be gone tomorrow with nothing to show for it)..... Pretty darn stupid.
Nov 23, 2016, 02:5411/23/16

mitko said:

the problem is big and is global.

If any one wants to merge with my coalition "southern tribesmen" plz contact me

remember  together we will be stronger + more fun

it is the only chance now to grow, as all new players are diverted to the new server + many of local players have switched to the new server aswell

Funny you should say that, we at ATHENA have been interested in a merger. We are ranked 11th in hellas with a level 20 Capital.  I have approached several coalitions in the past all ranked between 100 and 400 and have had everyone pass on the idea. 

Nov 23, 2016, 08:1711/23/16
Nov 23, 2016, 08:18(edited)
FlyinTiger said:

Drusilla said:

 There really is no strategy anymore and I'm not sure there was any to begin with.... The game has lost it's luster.
Once they removed the restriction/penalty of not having enough Grain to feed troops and then losing troops was the beginning of the end.  That has to be THE most moronic move Plarium ever made.  This has allowed coiners to build/buy endless amounts of troops unchecked.  But according to Plarium, this somehow "improves" game play.  How bloody stupid do they think we are?  On second thought, if you're spending money on this game ( a Beta that could be gone tomorrow with nothing to show for it)..... Pretty darn stupid.
Can't agree more. I put 4 million defense in a Pan and lost it all in less than 20 minutes. Having this unrestricted limit on grain is horrible. There is such a divide between coiners and casual players it's just unrealistic to think a non coiner could ever compete. I've spent my share of $$$ on the game but not nearly as much as the hardcore players and I still have no way of reaching the 6 plus million limit some of the top coalitions demand just to join. If I work hard just to get 4 million and it's all gone in one day what is the motivation? And I was defending  a Pantheon for Zyka who's not exactly weak. Not only that but if you decide to raid a lower level city you end up getting destroyed by some high priced "coiner" Hegemon who takes it upon himself to get involved. There has to be a way to bring the elite down a notch. I like the grain limit but I doubt they will put that back in place.
Nov 23, 2016, 20:2911/23/16
Scheherazadie said:

Whatever happens on the old server will happen on the new server given enough time. So if your investment in the game is eventually going to be worth nothing then there is no point in spending any money.  Right now on the old server it is pointless for new players since they don't have any way to mitigate against large armies, in the real world being smart can count but in Sparta it does not matter anymore. So when normal players leave like me there won't be that much money coming in anymore, and I won't be playing on the new server, the old server, or with any Plarium games at all.
Its already happened on the new server. The big coiners are already doing the very same thing they did on server 1. They are beating down the little guys sometimes over and over and over, bullying to rational but fair play to Plarium (who already live on another planet when it comes to knowing right from wrong). Their continued pushing for players money is feeding someone's gambling addiction somewhere. As long as Plarium are happy, nothing else matters.
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