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sketches required not displayed for agreements over level 30

sketches required not displayed for agreements over level 30

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Nov 14, 2016, 21:3311/14/16

sketches required not displayed for agreements over level 30

Hello, so we apparently need sketches to upgrade our agreements over level 30 but the number required is not displayed : I have Acanthos lvl30 and nowhere does it say how many sketches I need to get it to lvl31...

I suspect it's because I have enough of them so they don't even bother telling me how much that will be, and it might appear if I try and upgrade a higher agreement for which I don't have enough sketches, but still, that's everything but normal...

Nov 14, 2016, 22:2911/14/16

It doesnt tell you even if you have enough sketches for it or not. 

If you click to upgrade beyond 30 it will auto take the required sketches without revealling the cost, you'll only know the cost by checking your sketches before you click. If you do not have enough, only then will it tell you how much you are short like it does with other resources for agreements.

Nov 15, 2016, 03:5811/15/16

Of everything I have seen so far (and that's a lot already...), this is the most astonishing one. I mean, how can that possibly happen ?! :O

When upgrading your buildings, it displays the amount of sketches required as is ****** normal, how come they keep it secret for the agreements ??

Are they so ashamed of its price that they don't even want to show it ? Now, they probably should, though the answer is probably rather that they rely on heavy coiners and not-so-smart players to just go for it without looking at the price...

They just have no limits, do they ?

PS : you have no idea how hard it is to remain polite...

Nov 15, 2016, 07:1011/15/16

lefeubleu said:

PS : you have no idea how hard it is to remain polite...

Agree..   :)
Nov 15, 2016, 09:5111/15/16
Nov 15, 2016, 09:58(edited)

Lefeubleu,  I did the same as you, upgraded javeline/akanthos.  Wanted to see how it went, so least amount of sketches wasted if it was a bad move.  When I didnt see a sketches amount needed for lvl31 I thought maybe only sketches needed for lvl32 jav, so I Iooked at my sketches amount that I had then clicked to upgrade, only then after click it warned me the amount I was short.  Now I knew how much it cost, so I bought some sketches and clicked again, It correctly took the sketches from my total. Again for final level, the cost is not shown beforehand.

I can see players thinking it will not cost sketches as it isn't shown and then click on high level unit agreement like agemas, only to be deducted thousands of sketches blindly, and so they will complain.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 15, 2016, 11:4411/15/16

Thank you for this report. Our developers are aware of this issue and they are currently working on it.

As soon as they prepare a fix, it will be released. Please be patient, it may take some time. Thank you for understanding.

Nov 15, 2016, 17:0411/15/16
Better :)
Nov 24, 2016, 21:0411/24/16

Topic can be closed, I guess...

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