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The Guardian Duel Tournament has come to Hellas! Dev Notes

The Guardian Duel Tournament has come to Hellas! Dev Notes

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Nov 26, 2019, 15:2911/26/19

The Guardian Duel Tournament has come to Hellas! Dev Notes


The Guardian Duel Tournament has come to Hellas!

In this Tournament, you must defeat Warlords and Challengers to collect Prizes. Gather enough Prizes, and the greatest of Rewards can be yours!

You can only participate in this Tournament if you have reached Level 40 and unlocked Guardians.

How Prizes Work

The number of Prizes you get each time you defeat Challengers or Warlords varies - the luckier you are, the more you'll get! The chances are as follows:

Chance of getting 1 Prize - 25%

Chance of getting 2 Prizes - 10%

Chance of getting 3 Prizes - 8%

Chance of getting 5 Prizes - 5%

Chance of getting 7 Prizes - 2%

You will also receive a Prize if your Guardian makes a Critical Strike.

Tournament Rewards

There are two types of Rewards in this Tournament:

1. Individual Rewards

As you collect Prizes, you will advance up the Individual Rewards track. The track is divided into stages, each of which grants a Reward when you complete it.

You can always see the Reward you'll get next and the Ultimate Reward for the final stage. The other stages you'll have to discover for yourself.

Help your Coalition Members out by posting screenshots of the best Rewards you win in the comments!

The Ultimate Reward might differ for each Tournament. You'll be able to see it in the Tournament teaser. The Ultimate Reward for the first Tournament will be 3 Holy Summoning Bonds, so do your best to claim it!

2. Rank Rewards

All participating Archons will be divided into Tiers, where they are ranked according to the number of Prizes they collect. If you place in the Top 20 of your Tier, you can get additional Rewards based on your Rank:

1st - Holy Summoning Bond

2nd-5th - Grade IV Skill Stone

6th-10th - Grade III Skill Stone

11th-20th - 100 Energy

Now, prepare to unleash your Guardians and bring in those Prizes. The Ultimate Reward beckons!

Nov 27, 2019, 08:3511/27/19

How many Stages are  until reach the Ultimate Reward ?

How many Prizes needed to win the Ultimate Reward ?
Nov 27, 2019, 10:5411/27/19

Friend because to take away emotion to the game ? when it finishes we will look at what we won and then or we protest or we congratulate ourselves, and already for the following one we will know what to do and how to prepare it.

Amigo porque quitarle emocion al juego ? cuando termine miremos lo que ganamos y entonces o protestamos o nos felicitamos, y ya para el siguiente sabremos que hacer y como prepararlo

Nov 27, 2019, 15:5411/27/19

How many Stages are  until reach the Ultimate Reward ?

How many Prizes needed to win the Ultimate Reward ?

Nov 29, 2019, 00:2911/29/19
7500, apparently. That's about 900 energy recharges I think
Dec 13, 2019, 23:2612/13/19

When is the next "Guardian Duel Tournament" ?

How often we will have this tournament ?

Dec 19, 2019, 15:0712/19/19


When is the next "Guardian Duel Tournament" ?

How often we will have this tournament ?

Good day, IOANNIS. 

It's a good question, I hope you liked this Guardian Duel Tournament. While I don't have any information about the frequency of this event, I can tell you that the next Tournament should be launched very soon. You may already start preparing for it. 

Feb 1, 2020, 00:0502/01/20
Really enjoyed and did well in the latest Guardian Duel, but didn't claim my rewards during the tournament as I thought I'd still get them when all was done.  But now I see because I didn't claim them during the tournament, I got nothing!  That's not right.  Plarium, can you fix this??  
Feb 4, 2020, 15:2402/04/20

BladeRunner - LS said:

Really enjoyed and did well in the latest Guardian Duel, but didn't claim my rewards during the tournament as I thought I'd still get them when all was done.  But now I see because I didn't claim them during the tournament, I got nothing!  That's not right.  Plarium, can you fix this??  

Hello BladeRunner, 

I'm sorry to hear that you faced this issue. Indeed, there was a bug while the last Guardian Duel was on and players who hadn't claimed their rewards before we released a fix didn't receive their rewards. However, they will get them soon. We are gathering players' IDs and should add rewards this week. I'm sorry for the possible inconvenience and would like to thank you for your patience.