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Spartan Labors And The Coalition Shop. Dev Notes

Spartan Labors And The Coalition Shop. Dev Notes

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Feb 27, 2023, 10:4302/27/23

Spartan Labors And The Coalition Shop. Dev Notes

🌟Spartan Labors

Just as Hercules performed his Labors, so too are you and your Coalition now called upon to undertake Spartan Labors in exchange for incredible Rewards!

These Labors require you to undertake a variety of in-game tasks over the course of a seven-day Cycle which resets weekly on Mondays at 10:00 UTC. By completing Labors you will earn not only prizes but also Coalition Gold and Coalition Silver, which you can spend at the Coalition Shop.

The Shop offers a range of Units and Items, as well as a new type of modifier: Enrichments. These give powerful Bonuses to you and your Coalition Members.

Bear in mind that only players at Level 40 and above who are fully-fledged Members of a Coalition can participate in Spartan Labors. If you fulfill those criteria there are two kinds of Labors that will test your abilities: Solo and Group.

🌟Solo Labors

At the beginning of each Cycle, Coalition Members are given 12 Solo Labors to complete. Solo Labors are divided into Orders — the higher the Order, the higher the requirements, and the better the Rewards.

If a Coalition Member completes 12 Solo Labors before the Cycle resets, they will receive an additional Reward.

Solo Labors can be refreshed an unlimited number of times during a Cycle by spending Drachmas.

Before a refresh, you can choose to lock Solo Labors by Order so they are not replaced during a refresh.

Unlocked Solo Labors will be replaced by new ones that are randomly drawn from all four Orders, but bear in mind that once a Labor has been completed, it cannot be refreshed or appear again in the same Cycle.

Note also that when you refresh Solo Labors, progress on incomplete ones will be lost if they are not locked.

When the Cycle resets, any unclaimed Rewards from completed Solo Labors will be added to your account automatically.

🌟Group Labors

Group Labors require the effort of multiple Coalition Members to complete.

Coalitions receive one Group Labor to complete during each Cycle, and each one is divided into five Milestones, with progressively better Rewards available as each Milestone is reached.

Reaching the final Milestone and claiming the greatest Reward requires significant group coordination, so be sure to rouse all Members of your Coalition. However, even a small number of Members can reach earlier Milestones and earn a significant bounty.

Keep in mind only Coalition Members who make the minimum required contribution to the completion of a Group Labor will be eligible for Group Labor Rewards.


The more Coalition Silver your Coalition earns collectively over the course of a Cycle, the higher it will place in the Rankings.

Coalitions that place in the top 50 will receive a Ranking Reward. The higher a Coalition climbs within the top 50, the better the Ranking Reward.

Note that in order to be eligible for the Ranking Reward, Coalition Members must earn at least 40 Coalition Silver during a Cycle.

🌟Claiming Rewards

When you complete a Solo Labor or when your Coalition reaches a Group Labor Milestone, (and provided you have made the minimum required contribution), you will be able to claim a Reward.

If a Cycle ends and you have unclaimed Rewards, they will be automatically added to your account the next time you enter the game. Note that Coalition Silver always counts towards the Rankings of the Cycle in which it was earned, and never to a subsequent Cycle.

🌟Coalition Gold, Coalition Silver,
and the Coalition Shop

Players at Level 40 and above who are fully-fledged Members of a Coalition have access to the Coalition Shop. Members who are not yet fully-fledged can see the shop but cannot make purchases.

In exchange for Coalition Silver and Coalition Gold, the Shop offers a range of useful Items and Units, each of which is subject to a Purchase Limit which resets every 28 days.

Coalition Silver can be earned:

- By completing Solo Spartan Labors
- By completing 12 Solo Labors during a Cycle of Spartan Labors
- By reaching Group Labor Milestones

Coalition Gold can be earned:

- By completing 4th Order Solo Spartan Labors
- By completing 12 Solo Labors during a Cycle of Spartan Labors
- By reaching Group Labor Milestones 3, 4, and 5
- As a Reward when your Coalition occupies one of the top spots in the Rankings at the end of a Cycle of Spartan Labors

Coalition Gold can also be earned as a Reward for participation in the Persian Pantheon Invasion Tournament.


You will find Enrichments among the offerings in the Coalition Shop. These are a new type of modifier that can provide amazing Bonuses to you and the Members of your Coalition.

There are two types of Enrichments: Solo and Coalition. Solo Enrichments provide Bonuses only to you as an individual player, whereas Coalition Enrichments provide Bonuses to you and all Members of your Coalition.

Note that while you can store Solo Enrichments and apply them at a time of your choosing, Coalition Enrichments are applied automatically immediately after purchase. Solo and Coalition Enrichments can be active at the same time.

If a Coalition Enrichment is purchased while a Coalition Enrichment with the same effect is already active, only the duration of the Enrichments is added together, not the Bonuses they provide. 

Complete Spartan Labors and show all Hellas your power! 💪

Basileus Leonidas  

May 7, 2023, 05:5405/07/23

Здравствуйте. В феврале писал в техподдержку, но ответа не получил.

Ситуация в том, что у меня был активирован купленный Гелиос. 

За 13 золота я выбрал покупку Гелиос. В магазине покупка прошла, золото израсходовалось, но у меня в покупках не появилась.

Это глюк или такое положение, что временные полюса не накапливаются?

May 7, 2023, 19:5505/07/23

Здравствуйте. В феврале писал в техподдержку, но ответа не получил.

Ситуация в том, что у меня был активирован купленный Гелиос. 

За 13 золота я выбрал покупку Гелиос. В магазине покупка прошла, золото израсходовалось, но у меня в покупках не появилась.

Это глюк или такое положение, что временные полюса не накапливаются?

Hello Dmitriy. Unfortunately, when we have a Helios city schemas in our inventory, we cannot purchase another with the golden labor coins. Please try to contact the Support one more time. The support reply back only via our email, so you have to write your email right. If you filled the form for the support right, you had to receive right away the  Support auto-reply to your email. If you didn't receive their autoreply, it means that you didn't fill the form right, or your email sent the Support's autoreply to your spam sector.  If you did receive the autoreply in your email, then a Support agent will contact you shortly under the Support's autoreply.  

May 25, 2023, 13:2605/25/23

😁 non va  il gioco   che bello  managgia  grande perdita  oggi per me

May 25, 2023, 20:0805/25/23
Giulio Marocco

😁 non va  il gioco   che bello  managgia  grande perdita  oggi per me

Hello Archon. Is your game ok now?