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New Item Available At The Market! Make Your City Unassailable!

New Item Available At The Market! Make Your City Unassailable!

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Mar 17, 2016, 15:2903/17/16

New Item Available At The Market! Make Your City Unassailable!

A message from the marathoners! 


The gods have granted us a new Item to make exerting control over Hellas easier than ever before!

Take a look!

The City Defense: this Item temporarily increases the Defense Bonus of your City by a certain percentage. If the current level of your City Defense is 0, this Item will be ineffective. In this case, you must first boost your City Defense by building Fortifications, purchasing Decor, or getting new City Schemas! These, combined with the City Defense boosts, will provide you with a defense that will leave even your most determined enemies unable to breach your City's walls!

Remain ready – our artisans are working day and night to bring you the latest advances in Golden Age technology, so more innovative survival gear is sure to be available soon!

Basileus Leonidas

Sep 2, 2016, 17:0009/02/16

Very intriguing... vague, but intriguing!  Can't be zero, because it will raise defenses by a certain percentage. but 50% of 10 is still only 5... not much to overcome... right? I'm new, so maybe there are a lot of assumptions built-in... seems to be the intellectual proclivity of the game so far!

Ask a question of a senior "leader" in the Coalition and get Sermon about understanding the ratio of a type of soldier to a war elephant! :-(

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 5, 2016, 08:2609/05/16
magforce said:

Very intriguing... vague, but intriguing!  Can't be zero, because it will raise defenses by a certain percentage. but 50% of 10 is still only 5... not much to overcome... right? I'm new, so maybe there are a lot of assumptions built-in... seems to be the intellectual proclivity of the game so far!

Ask a question of a senior "leader" in the Coalition and get Sermon about understanding the ratio of a type of soldier to a war elephant! :-(

Hi! You're right. You need to have a lot of Defense to use such Items and get benefits from them.
Sep 5, 2016, 08:5509/05/16
Sep 5, 2016, 08:57(edited)

Hello Archons-Archontises

This item is best used on creating def traps at your city with your friends/coal setting up the death traps :)

Make sure :

-Your city to be at least 9k+ Def at it's own

-Have a lot of player armies so Pa's will make 0 damage because it's going to be spread

-Use a lot of scouts so you wont get scouted

-Provoke enemies and destroy bullies once and for all

-USe other army boosts from the Marketplace