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Server 3

Server 3

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Dec 27, 2022, 17:5512/27/22

Server 3

I have a few questions for Plarium. What is going on with s3, and what is your plan for it? Are your employess (developers, moderators and others) aware of the chaotic situation there - nothing to play, and no players?

About 100 active players aside, every day, more and more players are quitting the server, or they simple aren't having fun on that dead server. As a coiner and a player, I play a lot less myself. Because I have no need to invest in a server, that is less and less fun, and foremost, has less and less players.

I play because of the friends I have there, and who are still playing. But you give me no reason to be seriously dedicated to the game. No reason to come back and log in, at all. To me, the game on that server is dead. I think you can officially anounce server 3 is the one you first failed at (or was a complete miss). The server is unsustainable for you - not economical what so ever. And less fun. The players who are still playing deserve a lot more from Plarium, in every possible way. The capital upgrades you came up with aren't working, because there are no players to achieve that. This is not s1, nor s2. 

I want to hear from Plarium - if you're planning on shutting down the server, I want to know, so I don't waste my money on something you yourselves know is not going to work. I do not want an answer for noobs, because I had spent a lot of money on your game (since 2015.) 

I want an honest and realistic answer.

Thank you in advance,


DariaCommunity Manager
Dec 28, 2022, 13:0512/28/22
Dec 28, 2022, 13:14(edited)

Hi, Archon! I got your point. To be honest, I didn't hear any info from the devs about finishing s3; as far as I know, they do not intend to close it. I understand your disappointment here and want to share my appreciation to you for being so dedicated to this game, so be sure that I have noticed it.

Players who started the game before January 1st, 2021, could save their Facebook progress. Still, all who can play our games via new platforms cannot access FB servers anymore, unfortunately. That is why the new players can't join s3 as well 😔

However, we always have open doors for the new Archons in the Plarium Play platform. I hope that my answer was helpful to you! 🙏

Jan 3, 2023, 20:3101/03/23

Huh. Who would've thought being poor had it's perks. Imagine spending a fortune on something that doesn't have a future; imagine logging in today, setting your building queues for the next 365 days, logging back in on the 366th day, and realizing nothing had changed.

And a question for the Plarium person that will reply - you play too. So which is worse - leaving your friends behind, or being left behind, because a lot of them had already quit?


DariaCommunity Manager
Jan 4, 2023, 13:2801/04/23

Huh. Who would've thought being poor had it's perks. Imagine spending a fortune on something that doesn't have a future; imagine logging in today, setting your building queues for the next 365 days, logging back in on the 366th day, and realizing nothing had changed.

And a question for the Plarium person that will reply - you play too. So which is worse - leaving your friends behind, or being left behind, because a lot of them had already quit?


I got your feelings, indeed. As was mentioned above, the new players can't join server 3. However, we always await the new Archons in the Plarium Play platform. Playing or not is always optional, but I do really hope it won't happen to you, Archon 😢