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it seem i cant get  any grade V guardians

it seem i cant get any grade V guardians

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Jun 19, 2019, 14:0606/19/19

it seem i cant get any grade V guardians

uid 3417359 / fb1057022136 / The Glorious Valley / segment01

I dont think its normal that i didnt get so far  any  single  grade 5 guards when I  summoned   around  10 of those?  3 or  4  of them during  x2 chance period.   how much money is  normal  by u to spend to get at least 1 grade v guard??? kind  of  unreal..

Jun 20, 2019, 22:4406/20/19

It's not about money, it's about luck. Many people play the lottery always at the same number and it never touches them, they stop playing and the next day they play.

It's always better to buy something you see than something stored in a chest, you never know what you're really buying.

No es cuestion de dinero sino de suerte. Mucha gente juega a la loteria siempre al mismo numero y nunca le toca, deja de jugar y al dia siguiente toca.

Siempre es mejor comprar algo que se ve que no una cosa guardada en un cofre, nunca sabes lo que compras realmente.