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troops lost due to glich

troops lost due to glich

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
May 26, 2019, 01:0705/26/19

troops lost due to glich

i won a lvl 68  offence position and won 1842 sarissophoros and 365 thorakites .after which i sent all troops in my city to the acropolis and chose 20 light inf. javas to send the next  defense position when i then went to send troops to a deff emporium i noticed that the sarissophoros where not in my acropolis i then refreshed twice and still the troops were not showing . i finaaly went to read my raid reports on the deff. position i sent and thats when i noticed that they were in my deff raid report. 20 javas and 1842 sarissophoros the position was beat this shocked me. ... iv been playing this game for over 5 years .and iv never seen this or have it happen before if this was my mistake i would accept that but i dont beleave this to b true. i dont have much money so buying or healing my fallen troops is a real bonus when i can afford it .this the only game i play and i play multiple hours per day. iv never had this happen before and im 100% sure i did not send 1842 sarissophoros to scout a lvl 62 deff position .im hoping that you will b able fix this for me as it takes me so long to build these troops and i really dont want to lose interest over this as iv been struggling with the C.C players being alot stronger and better equipped. i enjoy  learning all the new features that i am starting to like please help me with this situation ........ BJAY RAVENHORST   thank you