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Amphora Chamber Bug

Amphora Chamber Bug

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
May 22, 2019, 14:3105/22/19

Amphora Chamber Bug

This Bug is all servers on Plarium and Facebook..Where is this located :-Building is Sanctum Of Asclepius (Squared Shaped Building)     Open building third tab opening is "Amphora Chamber"                                                                                                                               Bug is when you have multiple pages of Elixirs ie 2,3,4 etc.                                                                                                                         What happens is when you mix any Elixirs on pages 2 plus the game jumps back to Page 1 each time you mix...this is new after the update. First Page/ Front Elixirs ie Mystery Chests/Offence Cavarly you than each time have to change pages back to the page you were mixing at. I'm not sure if it has been highlighted by any before this post but this is new "Amphora Chamber Bug"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The other bug i have found is under another players post the Tracking Bug only Plarium Maps.   Overall i still like playing this game and play daily all servers thanks Team.
