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Plarium stealing from players?

Plarium stealing from players?

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Dec 25, 2018, 23:5612/25/18

Plarium stealing from players?

I don't think this is intentional but I believe the Plarium software is so messed up that it longer is foolproof even in the accounting area.  I lost a Primus Ordinis today by not being careful enough in PP play. I immediately revived him and sent him to the Acropolis.  Later on when I checked my unit numbers I was short one PO.  Looks like the "revival" did not work but my drachma balance did go down.  If I cant trust Plarium's math anymore this game will become unplayable.  I can't be double checking every Plarium transaction.  This has to work... period.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Dec 28, 2018, 14:4212/28/18

Hello, Archon!

There are no bugs related to units revival system. Please check all your troops and the Infirmary to make sure you have revived the specified unit. In case Drachmas have been withdrawn, the purchase has been made successfully. 
Dec 30, 2018, 04:1412/30/18

The revived unit reappeared about 30 minutes later.  It is reassuring to know the math is correct but it appears there is a serious lag in the updates.

I revived the unit and checked for inside/outside acropolis and any siege/raids in progress.  Nowhere to be found.  About 1 hour later I checked and he was back in the acropolis.  It's not like I have so many I lose count.  I had 4 lost 1 revived 1 and had only 3... a hour later I was back to 4.
Jan 23, 2019, 11:4901/23/19

 Hello there - I've been playing this game for a while now, spent lots of money too and have NEVER had a reply to any of the issues I have messaged to Plarium.  This will be the last time I attempt to contact someone - if I do not receive a reply within the seven days you say you will reply.  I will give up playing this game.  That's a promise!

I have had a similar issue - but slightly different to this string.  I got hit by another player, fine.  I visited the infirmary and paid over 6K in drachmas to recover 75 Agema Horsemen.  Fine.  But when I log on this morning - I see I have not received the horsemen they are still in the infirmary.  I simply refuse to pay any more drachmas to get them out as I have already paid to do so.  Would you be good enough to replace my horsemen please, there were also some other troops but I cannot remember what they were ... but the horsemen, I remember.  When I logged on this morning, the red cross banner was flying above my infirmary, but I have not been raided again - so something is definitely amiss!

Thank you

Ernie Hendricks
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 24, 2019, 14:0601/24/19
Jan 24, 2019, 14:06(edited)

hendricks90 said:

 Hello there - I've been playing this game for a while now, spent lots of money too and have NEVER had a reply to any of the issues I have messaged to Plarium.  This will be the last time I attempt to contact someone - if I do not receive a reply within the seven days you say you will reply.  I will give up playing this game.  That's a promise!

I have had a similar issue - but slightly different to this string.  I got hit by another player, fine.  I visited the infirmary and paid over 6K in drachmas to recover 75 Agema Horsemen.  Fine.  But when I log on this morning - I see I have not received the horsemen they are still in the infirmary.  I simply refuse to pay any more drachmas to get them out as I have already paid to do so.  Would you be good enough to replace my horsemen please, there were also some other troops but I cannot remember what they were ... but the horsemen, I remember.  When I logged on this morning, the red cross banner was flying above my infirmary, but I have not been raided again - so something is definitely amiss!

Thank you

Ernie Hendricks


As mentioned before, there is no such bug with this part of the game. 

A similar situation can happen if the request to revive units does not reach the server. This happens sometimes if the internet connection is unstable.

In such case, it looks like Drachmas were removed and the units were revived, but in fact, they were not. When you restart the game, the information synchronizes and the Drachmas that looked like were removed, are returned to your account.

To be sure that this is the case, I can check your account. For this I need to know the date when this happened, platform and the server where you play and your id/coordinates.

Jan 24, 2019, 19:2901/24/19

I cannot be precise about the time I revived my troops but it was after 1901 on January 22nd.  I am still down by 75 Agema's so if you could look into it I would appreciate it.

Thank you

Ernie Hendricks
Jan 24, 2019, 19:3201/24/19
Apologies I forgot to put the server details down.  I am using IOS Mac and think I am on the Thracian Frontier...
Jan 24, 2019, 22:0301/24/19

can you confirm for them if this is on servers or the facebook servers please?

we get members from both platforms posting on here :)
Jan 25, 2019, 23:0501/25/19
Hello there - I am on the Plarium servers for sure ... and if it wasnt January the 22nd it might have been January 23rd.  Thank you
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 27, 2019, 16:2901/27/19

I have checked the database and there is no record of reviving Agemas. I see that you revived some other units, but they did not cost so much. As I see in the history, there is no deduction of 6K drachmas too.

Just like I described before, the request to revive the units just did not reach the server.

I hope this information was helpful!