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friends in the low bar in wrongly order (webgl)

friends in the low bar in wrongly order (webgl)

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Oct 18, 2018, 17:4510/18/18

friends in the low bar in wrongly order (webgl)

this problem has been reported many times since January when the first people started to be transfer or some that we offered to test beta ans still is there, but i have patience to explain again and again and again if that helps my players and the rest of sparta players

so here we go again....

The platform you play on (; webgl

The server where you play (e.g. The Glorious Valley, );

The feature that causes the issue (friends in low bar.); 

1. the order of the friends first comes low level to high, in allies (first comes low allies), then it ignores coa players and comes with the first friend level 1 that you have, ignoring order and coalition players.

thats allies from low level to higher.... and when allies finish we get...

from allied of higher level 124 i think to level 1 (i guess players from other games that log by error), and my coa friends? and the people that play sparta?

2. the botton on the righ to pass more than 15 players does not work

this happends

The exact steps you performed before the bug arose; open game (wait minutes to load while pressing mouse like a lunatic to see if it load game faster, finally when game screen ahs open and the thousand pop ups let you check game, just look under the low part of screen)

Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear (opening the game.)

What should have happened; the right order and the ability to use the second arrow to move 15 friends in one go

What actually happened. what you see above

do we know when this will be dealt?

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Oct 21, 2018, 15:0310/21/18


I have reported this case to our developers for further investigation. In case they confirm a bug, it will be handled within one of the upcoming sprints. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

Oct 21, 2018, 18:3110/21/18
it was reported in january, why it has not been solved by now?
Nov 12, 2018, 20:4911/12/18
now, you have them in the right order, high level first, but you dont put first your coa, they come all mixed? 
Nov 14, 2018, 20:5711/14/18

on mine the order goes 

Personal allies high level to low level 


Coalition members High level to low level 


Friends list High level to low level 

check those who are before your coalition team mates aren't on your personal allies list please and get back to me 
Nov 15, 2018, 09:1011/15/18

moorte, this is a webgl problem since january, they only corrected the level order, instead of low to high, high to low, not the allied, coa and then friends as i have said in the last post :)

now is higher to lower... not taking in account allied, coa or friends

the ideal thing if you read the beginning of my post is what you said, like it has been for the last 5 years at least in, but the webgl messes everything (seriously, you have no idea how difficult and horrible is, and also different browsers mess more than others etc) and the worste, to come here and be told the link about incognito cookies and cache like if we are idiots :(

also the botton issue still not working, you can only see the first 15 or click one by one to see the next.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Nov 15, 2018, 14:0511/15/18
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

moorte, this is a webgl problem since january, they only corrected the level order, instead of low to high, high to low, not the allied, coa and then friends as i have said in the last post :)

now is higher to lower... not taking in account allied, coa or friends

the ideal thing if you read the beginning of my post is what you said, like it has been for the last 5 years at least in, but the webgl messes everything (seriously, you have no idea how difficult and horrible is, and also different browsers mess more than others etc) and the worste, to come here and be told the link about incognito cookies and cache like if we are idiots :(

also the botton issue still not working, you can only see the first 15 or click one by one to see the next.

Devs are still working on the friends' bar improvements. They will be released with the further updates.
Nov 15, 2018, 18:2711/15/18

good to hear, there are many other similar bugs pending since january similar to this case like in the window of enemies, when i have some time i will post it with photos etc  so its easier to understand the problem.

Nov 15, 2018, 20:4111/15/18
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

moorte, this is a webgl problem since january, they only corrected the level order, instead of low to high, high to low, not the allied, coa and then friends as i have said in the last post :)

now is higher to lower... not taking in account allied, coa or friends

the ideal thing if you read the beginning of my post is what you said, like it has been for the last 5 years at least in, but the webgl messes everything (seriously, you have no idea how difficult and horrible is, and also different browsers mess more than others etc) and the worste, to come here and be told the link about incognito cookies and cache like if we are idiots :(

also the botton issue still not working, you can only see the first 15 or click one by one to see the next.

thanks for the more in depth description, I see what you mean now :)
Dec 1, 2018, 10:4712/01/18
mr pavel, any news about this? still shows wrong
Dec 22, 2018, 09:0512/22/18
Dec 22, 2018, 09:06(edited)

mr pavel, ms helga, still this problem not sorted, do you think before the end of the year we will have this little matter sorted? its been wrong since the begining of the webgl

its just to put the right order. first allies, second coa members third friends.... devs managed to reverse finally to first high levels, why not this?

also the botton issue still not working, you can only see the first 15 or click one by one to see the next.

Jan 15, 2019, 00:1101/15/19
this can be closed as it was webgl problem. :) 
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