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Not Registering activity on Coalition Events

Not Registering activity on Coalition Events

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Jun 7, 2018, 14:3106/07/18

Not Registering activity on Coalition Events

In the past month I have had a number of times where No Activity or prizes were rewarded on the Coalition Events.  I have put in a number of requests regarding this and nothing is being done.

At this time none of the thousand+ troops that I have built have shown up in the Event activity.  This is at least the 10th time that it has happened in the last month and I get no answers about this! 

Email me back!  I want to communicate with a developer about this bug!  I have a dozen screen shots regarding this and have put a number on this forum with nothing done!  I did not receive any packs for almost a month although I participated & had top ranking in many of these!

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jun 10, 2018, 12:2006/10/18

Hello, Archon!

Points in Coalition mission are credited at the moment when you put troops into the training queue. Not when they are already trained. Please try to purchase the units with resources during the next event and check your activity tab. You shoud receive the points.