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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Sep 10, 2016, 04:0909/10/16

Need a good place to go?

Guard of Acheron, nice place to be
Sep 10, 2016, 12:5809/10/16
OK...why? Give us a reason to join so you can attract players. Guidelines? Anything?
Sep 13, 2016, 10:1709/13/16

Forget the clans that's reigning now ! they have their bitter days ahead of them. we saw both of them strive from nothing to illusional glory, despite their hard work in the past and consistency, we are here to show those same traits or even better, but real glory is what lasts a lifetime. for quite sometime we are involved in strategy games and now our attention is within sparta,

so it is my honor to introduce the Crimson Spartans coalition, one that will be around for quite sometime, since 2007 we playing so we know a thing or two when it comes to strategies,

when the association finished associating with the terminators, and the terminators finish terminating others clans and they both burnt out,become inactive and their meltdown begins, then we and others that is our true allies will shine.

do not worry about the n.w.o federation, that was created by me and was stolen by rotterdam and kane after i've invited them,presently but they failed to realize it was a bit premature, after deceiving the federation i then left and was given a bad name since then but that don't bother us, for we know what we re capable in doing. for the other federations out there we wish you the best of luck and respect us when you see our counter federation for some slackers.

hail crimson spartans !!!! arooo arooooo

Sep 13, 2016, 10:2709/13/16
Sep 13, 2016, 10:28(edited)

killer jesus, you ahve your own post to publicise your coalition. i find it kind of rude to invade others coalitions posts to promote yourself.... 

have a good day.

Good luck to guard of acheron for their recruitment 
Sep 13, 2016, 21:3109/13/16
Sep 13, 2016, 21:53(edited)

killerakash jesus said:

Forget the clans that's reigning now ! they have their bitter days ahead of them. we saw both of them strive from nothing to illusional glory, despite their hard work in the past and consistency, we are here to show those same traits or even better, but real glory is what lasts a lifetime. for quite sometime we are involved in strategy games and now our attention is within sparta,

so it is my honor to introduce the Crimson Spartans coalition, one that will be around for quite sometime, since 2007 we playing so we know a thing or two when it comes to strategies,

when the association finished associating with the terminators, and the terminators finish terminating others clans and they both burnt out,become inactive and their meltdown begins, then we and others that is our true allies will shine.

do not worry about the n.w.o federation, that was created by me and was stolen by rotterdam and kane after i've invited them,presently but they failed to realize it was a bit premature, after deceiving the federation i then left and was given a bad name since then but that don't bother us, for we know what we re capable in doing. for the other federations out there we wish you the best of luck and respect us when you see our counter federation for some slackers.

hail crimson spartans !!!! arooo arooooo

Wow...I like how this guy had completely nothing to do with crimson, and yet here you are shadowing out a coalition for your own personal gain. Now why would you do that?

FYI, no terminators aren't in a complete war with any coalition, so "burning down other coals until meltdown begins and inactive" is just hearsay. Association is just an enemy for now

You have any proof of us winding down? No. 

Did you create the NWO federation? I don't know, but you definitely didn't create the extremely powerful one we see today, so you really can't take much credit until i hear it from them, and apparently you betrayed them?

Association...association with terminators? What? That honestly made no sense

Lets recap on what you are doing..your are spamming a coalition message to recruit on OTHER people's recruitment posts, which really is truly shameful considering the fact that you have already done this to a bunch of other posts, and you already have your own recruitment topic post. One is enough, don't you think? Also, without proof, I don't see any reasonable claims that apparently most of your members founded HBG, COR, and even NWO. It doesn't make sense. Also, playing since 2007, huh? Plarium was founded in 2009, and Sparta was created in 2014 (in case you didn't get the message, I'm saying logic collapse)


Sep 15, 2016, 12:3009/15/16
Good luck with your recruitment! Please put more details about your coalition and what you are looking for, so you can attract more players!