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The game begins to flash - blink (and lag) when you send particular types of attacks.

The game begins to flash - blink (and lag) when you send particular types of attacks.

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Nov 17, 2016, 14:1211/17/16

The game begins to flash - blink (and lag) when you send particular types of attacks.

Every time I attack a "repository" or "combine HQ" or any other occupation that is different from the ordinary occupation of the bases, the game begins to flash and lag significantly (I risk making mistakes in timing and lose my army for this reason!).

Can you solve this situation and make the game fluid... even when the players send these particular types of attack?

Why have you created this flashing / blinking when you send these attacks?

eliminate it !


The flashing occurs only if you are sending at the same time "ordinary occupations" and "special occupations" (as I said before: Command HQ, Repos, etc.) ...

No Blinking and lag happens if you send only ordinary occupations, or only special occupations.

When you mix the two types of occupations, sending both ordinary occupations and special, then the game starts blinking and lag.

  • EDIT :
    This problem has always been there ... but now I'm tired of it, so I decided to report it.
  • EDIT 2 :
          - Note #2:
          - Occupy a repository is included under "normal occupations".
          - Attack a repository is part of the "special occupations" (which cause lag and blinking in game).
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 18, 2016, 13:3711/18/16
Thank you for your detailed report. I have reproduced the issue following your instructions and passed it to our game developers. I have credited you 500 Diamonds for your help with identifying this bug!
Jun 12, 2017, 14:2006/12/17
Jun 12, 2017, 15:06(edited)

AFTER 7 MONTHS ... this bug is still present.

[ In fact more than 7 months, because this problem has always been, since the repositories have made their appearance in the game!

the game flashing and lagging when I send attacks on repositories, Combine HQ, etc... simultaneously with normal attacks or occupations.

Every time, I risk to lose my offence army because of this problem!!!

Jun 12, 2017, 22:5406/12/17

Red-Terror said:

AFTER 7 MONTHS ... this bug is still present.

[ In fact more than 7 months, because this problem has always been, since the repositories have made their appearance in the game!

the game flashing and lagging when I send attacks on repositories, Combine HQ, etc... simultaneously with normal attacks or occupations.

Every time, I risk to lose my offence army because of this problem!!!

Sir..There could be several reasons for the above issues..I am not experiencing those issues with my game , so I would think that possibly it is issues with you Comp..or your Internet providers service..but to be sure..Please contact Support

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 13, 2017, 09:2906/13/17
Unfortunately, some issues require more time to be fixed.