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General rules

General rules

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Sep 16, 2021, 13:0309/16/21

General rules

Base rules for the Community Avatars!


Community Avatars

  • Players can obtain community avatars during community activities and contests on our social media platforms.
  • One player cannot have more than one copy of any avatar. In other words, even if you win the same avatar from multiple activities, you will still have only one. 
  • All Avatars available for the player will be located in the special "Community Avatars" section.
  • All currently active contests that feature Avatars as part of the rewards will be also featured in the "Community Avatars" section, and on-click will lead directly to the contest of activity on the social platform.
  • Avatars from activities and competitions will be permanently awarded to that player account.
  • Avatars can be revoked only for the severe breach of rules, such as selling accounts or fraud website advertisements.

Some avatars are reserved for the community helpers:

  • Arbiter for our community moderators team
  • Zargala for our in-game chat moderators team
  • Cardiel for our Content Creators 

These avatars are available for players only while they are part of the respective programs.

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