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Shards granted from gift packs missing

Shards granted from gift packs missing

Dec 31, 2023, 09:3612/31/23

Shards granted from gift packs missing

every time I claim a gift pack that contains a blue shard or higher (like the recent Christmas gift pack) everything BUT the shards make it to my inbox. What gives? wheres my gifted shards!?

Dec 31, 2023, 17:1812/31/23

Assuming you have space in your inbox that would be highly irregular, something I've never heard of and certainly not an issue I heard of anyone running into with that pack. 

If you feel you're missing shards/rewards then your next play is going to be to contact support and see if they can shed any light on it.

Jan 16, 2024, 00:1801/16/24

I have had about 8 blue shards dissappear from my portal waiting on a event for 2x times the chance, they all disappeared on me the second the event started, I contacted support and they wanted nothing but to argue with me instead of returning my shards, I would love to know where hq is!

Jan 16, 2024, 00:2801/16/24

I have had about 8 blue shards dissappear from my portal waiting on a event for 2x times the chance, they all disappeared on me the second the event started, I contacted support and they wanted nothing but to argue with me instead of returning my shards, I would love to know where hq is!

unfortunately we can't see any of what may have gone on with your account via the forum so working with support - whatever their responses - is the only option =/

Jan 20, 2024, 18:4201/20/24

I get the same message from the support bot, I was supposed to get another Ancient shard as a login reward 2 day's ago and it never appeared in my portal, I pay to play because I love the game but I shouldn't have the issues that I am having with my inventory, I pay thinking that the game will work better and now I don't really trust the game and other players also say that they have champions dissappear and they use their shards right away because they have the same problem with the shards disappearing, I will start video footage on the game and share it on YouTube if the issues aren't resolved, I'm sorry but this should never happen, maybe the game is hacked and someone is stealing from us, please look into this matter further, I don't want to do the YouTube thing.

Jan 21, 2024, 00:3301/21/24

I get the same message from the support bot, I was supposed to get another Ancient shard as a login reward 2 day's ago and it never appeared in my portal, I pay to play because I love the game but I shouldn't have the issues that I am having with my inventory, I pay thinking that the game will work better and now I don't really trust the game and other players also say that they have champions dissappear and they use their shards right away because they have the same problem with the shards disappearing, I will start video footage on the game and share it on YouTube if the issues aren't resolved, I'm sorry but this should never happen, maybe the game is hacked and someone is stealing from us, please look into this matter further, I don't want to do the YouTube thing.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to go with support and whatever they're seeing in this situation. We simply don't have access to the data and information the support team has. The game isn't being hacked and no one is stealing from you. In instances like this there's usually a much more realistic explanation such as a family member or friend who has access to your account opening the shards, among other much more likely events.

As this thread has now gone into speculation and disputing support decisions it'll be locked.

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