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CLan boss Drop Rate for Sacred shards

CLan boss Drop Rate for Sacred shards

Mar 7, 2023, 13:4903/07/23

CLan boss Drop Rate for Sacred shards

ok first off iam not screaming but , i have kept tract for 31 straight days of doing Ultamate nightmere clan boss and nightmere clan boss .   in 31 days, 2 chest each i have recieved zero sacred shards is this drop rate correct? it seems kind of fishy that its been 144 chests (-minus 6 when i didnt do the nightmere boss ) but still this seems really  horrifc drop rate the fact out of 144 chests i have received NONE>

Dec 28, 2023, 09:5112/28/23
Dec 28, 2023, 09:52(edited)

In my experience, yes. Although, according to my clanmates, I have absolutely horrible sacred drop RNG. The longest I have went without one was 49 days. Since December 15th of 2022 (NM and UNM double chests. I missed UNM 3 times and NM 17 times) I have received 16 total sacred shards (about 1 every 23 days or so....and that is just from UNM calculated into that). 

However, and I am curious what you experience with this too, I receive a much larger drop rate of legendary books. In fact, after recording the drop rates of myself and my clan for the past year, I have come to the conclusion that the reported drop rates are NOT on a per person basis, but for the game as a whole. Whether we are grouped by region, player ID, or some.other weird metric, it is the whole. Because when looking at my entire clan's data, we receive the reported rates. 

So, if you are seriously lacking in sacred drop rate, you SHOULD be experiencing a MUCH HIGHER drop rate of some other material (epic/Lego tomes, void shards, etc)