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Athels A1 missing damage?

Athels A1 missing damage?

Dec 11, 2019, 17:4912/11/19

Athels A1 missing damage?

Playing on PC, beta

Attacking a shielded enemy with Athels first skill.

There has been an update on damage/skill delivery on enemies (Kaels third skill is different since a week or so, no bug there) . 

When Athel uses her first skill on an enemy that has a shield up (like Magic Keep dungeon boss), the damage you deal with the three-hit-attack is shown as splash damage text but the shield only retracts one time optically.

I don't know if the shield reacts on the total damage of the three hits (like Kaels third skill now), or reacts hit per hit (like it should do with the animations that Athels toon has. 

Some other random players verified this by trying out themselves. Just to verify thing or to get it fixed if this really is a bug.

Dec 11, 2019, 23:1912/11/19
Yag-Kosha said:

Playing on PC, beta

Attacking a shielded enemy with Athels first skill.

There has been an update on damage/skill delivery on enemies (Kaels third skill is different since a week or so, no bug there) . 

When Athel uses her first skill on an enemy that has a shield up (like Magic Keep dungeon boss), the damage you deal with the three-hit-attack is shown as splash damage text but the shield only retracts one time optically.

I don't know if the shield reacts on the total damage of the three hits (like Kaels third skill now), or reacts hit per hit (like it should do with the animations that Athels toon has. 

Some other random players verified this by trying out themselves. Just to verify thing or to get it fixed if this really is a bug.

Hello, I will see what i can find out.