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Hexweaver healing skill not increasing with each skill up.

Hexweaver healing skill not increasing with each skill up.

Jan 1, 2019, 13:2701/01/19

Hexweaver healing skill not increasing with each skill up.

Hexweaver healing skill is suppose to go up 10 percent with each skill up to a maximum of 45 percent. Instead it stays at the starting value of 15 percent. Testing also only does 15 instead of 45. The final skill up to reduce cooldown  by 1 did update the skill and does seem to work  however.
Jan 1, 2019, 13:5101/01/19

I just read that it might be 10 percent of the starting value of 15. So max skill would be 19.5 percent instead of 45 percent. 

If this is the case I never would have upgraded this character. Every other game like this is additive not multiplying. If this is how all the skills like this are going to work you need to change the skill to the additive value or you will confuse most players. 

No other game does it this way. Mainly the biggest Summoners War. If it show 5 percent increase for a skill up it adds that to the starting value. 

In hexweaver case you should show 1.5 percent increase per skill up not 10 percent. This is a HUGE difference and to be honest this makes no sense why the increase is so small. 

A 45 percent AOE heal on a 3 turn cooldown does not seem to far out of balance based on the damage characters are doing now. Maybe 30 or 35 might be the sweet spot.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jan 2, 2019, 10:4401/02/19


The skill up is applied to the basic value. All skills upgrades work this way in the game, not only the healing. 

We appreciate you sharing feedback. The description won't be changed in the nearest updates, but we will consider your suggestion for the future. 
Mar 13, 2019, 07:0203/13/19

This should have been changed with the utmost urgency. Those description are totally misleading, however you look at it: from an English point of view, a maths point of view, or a general practice point of view in the context of this type of games. It could be grounds for refund requests and complaints to Google/AppleStore from all players who paid for packs including skill tomes which essentially do not work as described in-game...

At the very least, you ought to make this game mechanic "detail" more widely known to your players because otherwise, in essence it's totally dishonest.

One technical question even though I'm guessing the answer: does this also apply to chances of buff/debuff upgrades? Like a skill that has a 20% chance to place a debuff, if a skill upgrade states +5% chance to buff/debuff, it really means it's raised from 20% to 21% chance and not to 25%? (OMG just writing it makes it sound so ridiculous....)
Mar 13, 2019, 07:2203/13/19

The most iritating and confusing thing is description and "maths" here.

Juliana 3rd skill - basic 75% chance. Upgrades 5x5%. Nice. I will have 100%. That looks right.

Gladiator - 2nd skill - basic 80% chance. Upgrade 2x10%. Another 100% value

Bellower - 3rd skill. 75% basic. Upgrade 10% and 15%, Another 100% value.

There are many, many heroes like that.

This can not be an accident.This way you sell us tomes that we realy dont need. (or wouldnt buy for that price)

Sencond group is one with 50% sum and third with 75%.

Mar 13, 2019, 07:2703/13/19
As a comparison, a mastery saying crit rate +5%, if the game's wording was consistent, should increase your crit rate by 5% of its actual value. Raising for example a 60% crit rate to 63% and not 65% like the total stats tab show. Proof that the wording of skill upgrades is not even just misleading but quite simply a false description, by this very game's standards.
Mar 13, 2019, 07:3103/13/19
tdziuba1986 said:

The most iritating and confusing thing is description and "maths" here.

Juliana 3rd skill - basic 75% chance. Upgrades 5x5%. Nice. I will have 100%. That looks right.

Gladiator - 2nd skill - basic 80% chance. Upgrade 2x10%. Another 100% value

Bellower - 3rd skill. 75% basic. Upgrade 10% and 15%, Another 100% value.

There are many, many heroes like that.

This can not be an accident.This way you sell us tomes that we realy dont need. (or wouldnt buy for that price)

Sencond group is one with 50% sum and third with 75%.

Unless this rule doesn't apply to buff/debuff chances. In that case it's another case of same wording different behaviour which only makes it more irritating....
Apr 4, 2019, 19:3204/04/19
tdziuba1986 said:

The most iritating and confusing thing is description and "maths" here.

Juliana 3rd skill - basic 75% chance. Upgrades 5x5%. Nice. I will have 100%. That looks right.

Gladiator - 2nd skill - basic 80% chance. Upgrade 2x10%. Another 100% value

Bellower - 3rd skill. 75% basic. Upgrade 10% and 15%, Another 100% value.

There are many, many heroes like that.

This can not be an accident.This way you sell us tomes that we realy dont need. (or wouldnt buy for that price)

Sencond group is one with 50% sum and third with 75%.

Excatly, to me this seems more like a bug than what was originally intended when designing the champs and upgrade path. Otherwise these skills upgrades are totally worthless
Dec 19, 2019, 23:1512/19/19
I am yet another person who waisted skill level up tombs on this character mistaking the wrong thing about the heal +10%, which can be misleading. But it did make sense afterwards at least.