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Chances by the new awakening system - just some thoughts

Chances by the new awakening system - just some thoughts

Aug 19, 2022, 06:2008/19/22

Chances by the new awakening system - just some thoughts

Hello, I was wondering about the chances provided by the new awakening system. Especially the chances to get some wanted perfect souls

These are the basics as I think they are given:

If you are able to run level 15 of the Twin Iron Tower, you get 3-5 Eternal soul essences and I guess you will need to have a pretty highly developped account for that. 

Let's say you get 4 ESEs and can run it 6 times per you will have 24 per day. 

Now a perfect Soul Stone will cost you 1000 ESEs and you will need 42 days to get enough of it.

Judging from the layout, I will assume that the percentage is the same as for a sacred shards....therefor you have a 6% chance to get a legendary Soul from an Eternal Soul Stone. My number so far indicate that I need about 15 sacred shards to get a legendary. Applied to a Soul Stone, I would need 630 days of maximum grinding to get a legendary soul.

Now imagine I get the soul stone after 1,5 years of permanent grinding and it turns out to be someone *great* like Jingwon or Noble.

What do you say to the numbers...perhaps anyone of you have heard about the chances to pull epic/legendary souls?
