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How to beat Spider 16 and next stages?

How to beat Spider 16 and next stages?

Jul 17, 2022, 20:3607/17/22

How to beat Spider 16 and next stages?

With these in my roster. Who I need up to 60 and how to manage the team? I am at 19-20 in other dungeons, but Spider just can't let me go...



This sis vault (some of them are food of course)


Jul 18, 2022, 16:1507/18/22

Up - i really could use some help :)

Jul 18, 2022, 17:3807/18/22

Stop wasting chickens on 50s and 6star the correct champs  :)  

I'll look closer at your roster later, didn't see any HP burn champ? Do u have one.

How Many drexthar fragments do u have?

Jul 18, 2022, 17:4107/18/22

Armiger good against anything but blue. 

Jul 18, 2022, 18:4007/18/22

Are you going to complete the fusion event for Walking Tomb Dreng? He would be a great help for you. Really solid spider teams utilize multitarget HP burn abilities and then let the HP burn tick damage momma spider until she dies;

That said, you're going to want to 60 both Armiger and Toragi. They both are excellent in Spider. Toragi as a defensive unit that keeps your tank up, or IS your tank. And Armiger as a TM controller that keeps the momma spider from regenerating her health as frequently (she also gets stronger as she regens so keeping that spiderling consume ability from going off is important).

Fortunately for you you have a number of 50s that are of fairly dubious long term use, so you have some food you've already made for those two rank upgrades.

Side note, Trips pointed out to stop making 50s, and I would recommend the same. No champs should be left at 50 on any accounts. You want to be leaving them unbuilt totally (taking rares no farther than 30 or epics no farther than 40), or working on taking one at a time, directly to 60 cause you have some content you want to use the champ in. 60'd champs are roughly 3x stronger than 50'd champs when you count the increase to their base stats (which dramatically increases the benefits armor and accessories have), as well as the ability to use a banner slot.

So my team for 16 might be something like: 1) Valk for shields and CA 2)Armiger for TM control 3)Toragi for team durability through ally protect and cheeky poisons, 4) Narma for Decrease Atk on MommaSpider, some heals and damage 5) Zavia for more damage. I would think a couple other people might get on the team, such as Deliana in place of Toragi while you're building.

Armiger is key here though and he could be your next 60.

Jul 18, 2022, 18:5107/18/22
Jul 18, 2022, 18:53(edited)

It is my opinion that every circled champ can be used as food immediately. They are either VERY DUBIOUS USE for even an early game account, or they are campaign farmable. Even the fusion campaign farmables can get crunced with almost no future impact until the you actually get ready to fuse Rhazin, and you have all the nonfarmable rares stored in your vault.



It is so important that we build solid 60s to progress into Dungeon 25s, to NM Clan Boss, and to Spider 20. Getting great accessories is important for long term progression. Getting NM top chest is important for collecting shards and books, which lets you pull for champs and then build them when you pull them. :)

Jul 18, 2022, 20:5207/18/22

I would agree with most of the champs you marked and would actually add Yaga to the list

Jul 18, 2022, 22:5007/18/22

I would agree with most of the champs you marked and would actually add Yaga to the list

Hard disagree if for no other reason than Faction Guardians

Jul 18, 2022, 23:4507/18/22

I've never chickened a 50, and yes I understand the sunk cost.... just couldn't do it.  Some ended up being useful for secret rooms in DT.  A long ways off, but if u r using in fw I wouldn't chicken 

Jul 19, 2022, 04:4107/19/22

Hard disagree if for no other reason than Faction Guardians

If you pull the Faction Guardians cannot really name any of the epics...can you ? ;-)

You marked Jizoh and Terror Beast and the reasoning of being potential faction guardians would also be valid for them in this case.

Jul 19, 2022, 05:3707/19/22

If you pull the Faction Guardians cannot really name any of the epics...can you ? ;-)

You marked Jizoh and Terror Beast and the reasoning of being potential faction guardians would also be valid for them in this case.

What? Skinwalkers has quite a few epics that you'd want to give the Guardians boosts to. Fayne, Basher, Scabrius, Hoforees, Steelskull, etc. 

Relevant for FW purposes, among others. Feed the epics when you absolutely have to, or you've filled up your FG.

Jul 19, 2022, 05:4707/19/22

What? Skinwalkers has quite a few epics that you'd want to give the Guardians boosts to. Fayne, Basher, Scabrius, Hoforees, Steelskull, etc. 

Relevant for FW purposes, among others. Feed the epics when you absolutely have to, or you've filled up your FG.

I think there is a misunderstanding. 

Yes, Skinwalkers have some very good epics everyone would want to boost. But I am considering that every faction has some epics you want to boost. And with Skinwalkers, I would use exactly the ones you mentioend to also use as a faction guardian. My reasoning is more along the line that Yaga is a terrible champ and if his only reason is to boost Fayne, Hoforees, Steelskull should also keep Jizoh and Terror beast to boost champs like Seer, Dhukk, Zargala, Vrask, Survior or Aox, Venomage, Jareg or Broadmaw.  

From the screen shot I could not discern the faction guardians already present....and I would consel (if the opportunity is available) to use those champs as faction guardians you also want to boost...

Jul 19, 2022, 06:1307/19/22

I think there is a misunderstanding. 

Yes, Skinwalkers have some very good epics everyone would want to boost. But I am considering that every faction has some epics you want to boost. And with Skinwalkers, I would use exactly the ones you mentioend to also use as a faction guardian. My reasoning is more along the line that Yaga is a terrible champ and if his only reason is to boost Fayne, Hoforees, Steelskull should also keep Jizoh and Terror beast to boost champs like Seer, Dhukk, Zargala, Vrask, Survior or Aox, Venomage, Jareg or Broadmaw.  

From the screen shot I could not discern the faction guardians already present....and I would consel (if the opportunity is available) to use those champs as faction guardians you also want to boost...

Bit of a misunderstanding, yeah.  

Yaga definitely stinks badly for almost everyone.

I'd just rather vault him for now since we have plenty of rares we can feed and we're really gonna be in no danger of running into champ space issues. I would be fine feeding him once we fill up Faction Guardians, or if we run out of space. 

Jul 19, 2022, 11:1707/19/22
Jul 19, 2022, 18:50(edited)

Thanks for your answers and advice.

I don't have any epic/lego with HP burn. Coffin Smasher and Bulwark only AFAIK. I started to collect Drextar. Will see about Walking Tomb Dreng, but as FTP - just 147 days in the game I haven't as many resources as I'd like to get him for sure. 

I agree with marked champions as food. Right now I use most of them in FW, waiting for better ones - especially in BL, Orcs, Ogryn and Skinwalkers -  no luck here with pulling. Now I'm almost ready to 6-star next champion - thinking of Dark Elhain but not sure yet - you suggest Armiger or Toragi so I can do them too. Think next one I can 6* till the end of the week (and hope to pull sth. from monthly sacred or void shard then).

Jul 19, 2022, 16:2507/19/22

I see I lost one rare champs line. 50 champs of course ;) I know, I know should chicken or 6* them. But does it change anything in my spider problem - any of them is any good for it?


Jul 19, 2022, 17:3407/19/22
Wiedzma/the Witch

I see I lost one rare champs line. 50 champs of course ;) I know, I know should chicken or 6* them. But does it change anything in my spider problem - any of them is any good for it?


Most of those I would NOT chicken, if any... some very good rares

Jul 19, 2022, 18:2307/19/22
Jul 19, 2022, 18:27(edited)

I know - use FB for CB, RT in Nether for example. Think if Coffin Smasher or Bulwark will help me with spider tll I get any better HP burn champ? Or even with 6* they are to weak for 16-20 level with a target only? I got Gorlos with target HP burn too...

Jul 19, 2022, 19:2707/19/22
Wiedzma/the Witch

I know - use FB for CB, RT in Nether for example. Think if Coffin Smasher or Bulwark will help me with spider tll I get any better HP burn champ? Or even with 6* they are to weak for 16-20 level with a target only? I got Gorlos with target HP burn too...

Coffin and Bulwark are worth keeping, but aren't great Spider champs. Typically speaking you need AoE, not targeted burn for late game Spider.

Jul 19, 2022, 19:4107/19/22

Coffin and Bulwark are worth keeping, but aren't great Spider champs. Typically speaking you need AoE, not targeted burn for late game Spider.

I know... but don't have any :(

Jul 19, 2022, 21:1507/19/22
Wiedzma/the Witch

I see I lost one rare champs line. 50 champs of course ;) I know, I know should chicken or 6* them. But does it change anything in my spider problem - any of them is any good for it?


Most of these rares are not food actually.... and all of them can see mid and late game use.


Reliquary Tender is agreat cleanser and reviver, and is worth a 60 tbh. Seducer can be a good provoker, especially in DT secret rooms. Bellower makes a great and fairly easy to build 7 second Brutal 12-3 Campaign Farmer. Ogryn Jailer is a great single target hitter for Arena that can kill through Unkillable and such. Frozen Banshee is a great rare to put into your clan boss team when you get the "Hit CB using a Rare Champ", and is great for Dragon 20-25 speed farming. Coffin Smasher is an excellent rare for the same CB rare champ purpose, and is so good that he lasted on my Clan Boss team through Ultra-Nightmare, as well as being good in Fire Knight.

Only the three circled would I use as food. Warmaiden because you have much better AoE Dec Defense options already leveled in Thylessia and Armina, and she can be farmed from campaign whenever you end up needing one for the fusion.

The other two circled are very very meh, and the only time I have ever done anything but feed them was when I used them in the fusion event they were released with. lol

Jul 20, 2022, 15:1707/20/22
Jul 20, 2022, 15:17(edited)

OK, I 6* Armiger and dark Ellhain, now work for food for another one (will finish today). Should it be Toragi or go for another one? How the team should look like for 16 and then for 17? My roster is now like this (except champs needed to Rhaisn fusion I got them in the reserve vault now):

And the question about Armiger - what will be the best gear for him for Spider typically and what stats (for now is 2xPerception, 1 speed)


