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Arena still impossible to do.

Arena still impossible to do.

May 13, 2022, 03:1505/13/22

Arena still impossible to do.

Still cannot get to Gold. Still stuck in Tier III Silver. Got out of it once but the game kicked me right back into it by lining me up with players I had no way of competing against. Arena still needs to be made more fair for all players.

May 13, 2022, 05:5705/13/22

I moved from S3 to G4 in 2 weeks.  You need to choose the right battles.  And ask for help with your team.  

May 13, 2022, 09:1605/13/22

Arena is definitely easier now than it used to be, as I've gone from gold 2 to gold 5 in the last 2 weeks as well

You've made a few threads about arena in the past Warthog, and I'm not sure if you have taken on the advice that they posted or have an updated roster that we can review.  The last one that I saw back in April is below, and if it's still accurate then I fear that the champion gear could be a major issue, seeing that Scyl has +19 speed.  

You also have a lot of 50's, and you should start to focus on bringing more priority champs to 60.  You also don't need to ascend every champion as that is just a waste of potions.

You actually have a few good options for arena.  What are you using now?  A solid team could be: Lyssandra lead with the fastest gear you have, into Madam for AOE decrease attack and defense, then a couple of nukers, such as skullcrown, ninja (which also brings AOE freeze), Visix (AOE provoke), Dark Elhain (self increase attack), etc.


May 13, 2022, 12:5505/13/22

As RoseRoyal says you've got champs there that with the right gear and 6 staring can easily get to upper gold I've got comparable and since the change I've gone from S2 to G3 and I'll be G4 tomorrow, I reckon have fun till they change it again

May 22, 2022, 23:5605/22/22

Arena is definitely easier now than it used to be, as I've gone from gold 2 to gold 5 in the last 2 weeks as well

You've made a few threads about arena in the past Warthog, and I'm not sure if you have taken on the advice that they posted or have an updated roster that we can review.  The last one that I saw back in April is below, and if it's still accurate then I fear that the champion gear could be a major issue, seeing that Scyl has +19 speed.  

You also have a lot of 50's, and you should start to focus on bringing more priority champs to 60.  You also don't need to ascend every champion as that is just a waste of potions.

You actually have a few good options for arena.  What are you using now?  A solid team could be: Lyssandra lead with the fastest gear you have, into Madam for AOE decrease attack and defense, then a couple of nukers, such as skullcrown, ninja (which also brings AOE freeze), Visix (AOE provoke), Dark Elhain (self increase attack), etc.



May 22, 2022, 23:5905/22/22

This is my team and it took me down to Bronze in Arena. And once again I have followed the advice of everyone and it still took me down out of Silver. All the teams they recommended I use just lose til I get to bottom of Arena. Ninja and Scyl are maxed on gear and accessories and enchantments. 

May 23, 2022, 00:0105/23/22

Visix is useless in Arena. Tag Team Arena not bad. I cannot upgrade my champions to 6 Star unless I buy Chickens and they do not put them on sale much. Cannot earn them in game now. 

May 23, 2022, 00:2305/23/22
A10C Warthog

Visix is useless in Arena. Tag Team Arena not bad. I cannot upgrade my champions to 6 Star unless I buy Chickens and they do not put them on sale much. Cannot earn them in game now. 

dude, people have told you that you can use champions to upgrade champon rank like a dozen times now. i'm not sure why you still think it's only possible to use chickens.

as for the issues you've had with recommended comps, i can tell you that the ones shown here are all wonderful arena comps on paper. if they're not working for you, it's almost certainly due to issues with your champions' builds.

May 23, 2022, 00:5005/23/22
A10C Warthog

Visix is useless in Arena. Tag Team Arena not bad. I cannot upgrade my champions to 6 Star unless I buy Chickens and they do not put them on sale much. Cannot earn them in game now. 

Have you not watched the food videos posted multiple times across your threads? Not to mention multiple forum members have taken time out to try to explain the process to you. This is a proven method to make food to rank up your champions, no chickens needed. Please take heed of it and try to spend your energy more efficiently. 

May 23, 2022, 09:4605/23/22
May 23, 2022, 09:47(edited)

If you are not getting to Gold with that team then it is 100% your gear that is the issue.  I would also swap Maus Mage with Madam and make her the second fastest, after Lysanndra.  Maybe also swap Scyl with Skullcrown

Edit: can you want to post a screenshot of your Lysanndra and Ninja stats?

May 23, 2022, 10:2905/23/22

is 70K hp on Harvest jack good for arena?

i have 5 immortal artefacts on with the 5th being a devine offense with hp% as main stat  with crit rate and crit damage both at 2 upgrades or in other words 15% on both substats

May 23, 2022, 12:5805/23/22

I had my doubts but I am convinced op is just trolling now. It's the same exact things he has been posting randomly for months now, while being spoonfed explanations on how to do the most basic thing like farming food. Just to post the same statement again weeks later.

May 23, 2022, 19:0105/23/22

Just keep refreshing. You'll find someone who you can beat. Thats what I do. Ive gone from S1 to S4 in less than a week.

May 23, 2022, 20:4505/23/22

Have you not watched the food videos posted multiple times across your threads? Not to mention multiple forum members have taken time out to try to explain the process to you. This is a proven method to make food to rank up your champions, no chickens needed. Please take heed of it and try to spend your energy more efficiently. 

I'm just going to drop a link to one of the videos I keep linking here in these posts

The Basics of Farming to Upgrade Champs (edited)


May 23, 2022, 20:5405/23/22

Also I believe spent a LONG TIME taking screenshots for you and explaining step by step how to upgrade epic and legendary champs using uncommon champs for "food" in another post. Thanks Kram for being awesome even if your post was totally ignored.

Arena is easier than it has ever been. EVER. You've been given a ton of advice here over the last couple months, but your unwillingness to farm food makes me worry it is all falling on deaf ears.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  -Einstein

May 23, 2022, 23:4005/23/22

A diagram on ranking champs up:


May 23, 2022, 23:4405/23/22

A diagram on ranking champs up:



May 23, 2022, 23:4805/23/22

A diagram on ranking champs up:


The copypasta is strong with this one.

May 24, 2022, 02:5105/24/22

Thanks to the nice players. But I have had to pay way too high a price to be treated rudely by the Moderators and other players. Watched the videos and followed peoples advice but it did not pan out. Off forum for good. Thanks to the nice players who helped. 

May 24, 2022, 03:1705/24/22

Telling you that you can do it, that you don't need to buy chickens in the shop, and trying to link you info is rude?

Well, have a good night. See you when you return again.

May 24, 2022, 05:2305/24/22

On the off chance you read this Warthog: almost nothing you've said after being given advice implies you're reading or taking any of it in. You instead continue to make rant titled - and filled - posts bemoaning the impossibility of the game. Your fellow forum members - moderators included - have been extremely patient and generous with their time in attempts to help you. 

Anyway, to echo my fellow moderator: until next time.