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Small question about Reaction sets

Small question about Reaction sets

Mar 2, 2022, 20:3903/02/22

Small question about Reaction sets

Does the effect only work once, like how Swift Parry / etc work? Or does it have an X% chance for every critical hit until the champ gets their first turn? Also, how does it work against effects that are multi-hit? Will it check individually against each hit, or does it check once and then turn all hits on that attack into a normal hit?

Mar 2, 2022, 21:3503/02/22
Mar 2, 2022, 21:37(edited)

Yes the Reaction gear has a chance to change every critical hit into a normal hit until the equipped champ gets their first turn, checking against each hit in a multihit as a separate instance.

Mar 2, 2022, 21:3903/02/22

Lovely. Was having this discussion with a clanmate - trying to figure out if that means CR/CD are seriously overvalued in arena, if not necessarily now, then in the near future. Had a matchup where I did end up winning, but only after losing twice, due to my Rotos getting his crit negated.

Thoughts? Specifically, this would imply swapping CR%/CD% gloves for ATK% gloves.

Mar 2, 2022, 22:5803/02/22
Mar 2, 2022, 22:59(edited)

Lovely. Was having this discussion with a clanmate - trying to figure out if that means CR/CD are seriously overvalued in arena, if not necessarily now, then in the near future. Had a matchup where I did end up winning, but only after losing twice, due to my Rotos getting his crit negated.

Thoughts? Specifically, this would imply swapping CR%/CD% gloves for ATK% gloves.

I think this is why Provoke champs like Maulie and Umbral are so good in current Arena, I think. Lock down the enemy until they go, letting you nuke their speed boosters AFTER they go A1 your provoker, and clean up any DPS after that while they are still provoked.

Mar 2, 2022, 23:0503/02/22

I think this is why Provoke champs like Maulie and Umbral are so good in current Arena, I think. Lock down the enemy until they go, letting you nuke their speed boosters AFTER they go A1 your provoker, and clean up any DPS after that while they are still provoked.

Yeah - that's my lineup, Arb + Maulie + Lydia + Rotos. This specific matchup, though, was versus a team running Arb + Lydia + Big'Un + Astralon. Now, of course this is arguably the worst matchup I could face for Maulie, since Big'Un smacks her hard. That being said, both of the times I lost, my "normal" strategy worked - Maulie and Arbiter got wiped out by Big'Un, but Rotos passive kicked in to save him, and gave him an extra turn. He proceeded to delete Big'Un, but then the reaction passive on Astra triggered to save him from death.

If I were running ATK% gloves instead, I expect even the non-critical hit would have been enough. Just trying to think about whether the future is going to look more and more like that - especially for matchups against go-second teams.

A common matchup for me is to take my above team against those running, for example, Duchess + Lydia + Vogoth + Ursaga. Usually I have no problems winning - standard rotation, and then Rotos deletes Ursaga and Vogoth on his first turn, and then eventually finishes Duchess off. But if that Vogoth and Ursaga were both in 3-piece reaction sets, I could easily see my first attack on Ursaga just doing nothing at all.

Mar 2, 2022, 23:1903/02/22

Yeah - that's my lineup, Arb + Maulie + Lydia + Rotos. This specific matchup, though, was versus a team running Arb + Lydia + Big'Un + Astralon. Now, of course this is arguably the worst matchup I could face for Maulie, since Big'Un smacks her hard. That being said, both of the times I lost, my "normal" strategy worked - Maulie and Arbiter got wiped out by Big'Un, but Rotos passive kicked in to save him, and gave him an extra turn. He proceeded to delete Big'Un, but then the reaction passive on Astra triggered to save him from death.

If I were running ATK% gloves instead, I expect even the non-critical hit would have been enough. Just trying to think about whether the future is going to look more and more like that - especially for matchups against go-second teams.

A common matchup for me is to take my above team against those running, for example, Duchess + Lydia + Vogoth + Ursaga. Usually I have no problems winning - standard rotation, and then Rotos deletes Ursaga and Vogoth on his first turn, and then eventually finishes Duchess off. But if that Vogoth and Ursaga were both in 3-piece reaction sets, I could easily see my first attack on Ursaga just doing nothing at all.

Yeah, there is always that super slow champ out there just waiting to full rez or pull out a win. At least with Lydia you can prevent that rez squad from coming back and getting you..... I use Hege debuffs and stuns as much as possible to lock out the enemy slow DPS/slow rezzer, if I can.

Still... I don't know if NOW is the time to be redesigning around reaction pieces though. I think as Stoneskin becomes more and more available letting people can build solid champs with it, we will start seeing a lot of Arena revolving around Stoneskin. Potentially a meta of "Who can go second?", trying to preserve those buffs as long as possible, triggering CAs while you do it...  pitting that against potentially just squad rez into full nuke.

Stoneskin Cardiels are are already absolutely obnoxious. My 700 accuracy Madame was okay versus Immunity Cardiels and such, but the Stoneskin ones are just brutal. Can even strip that buff, so I just watch the impending doom as I don't land debuffs and then get smacked. LOL

Mar 3, 2022, 00:0903/03/22

Yeah, there is always that super slow champ out there just waiting to full rez or pull out a win. At least with Lydia you can prevent that rez squad from coming back and getting you..... I use Hege debuffs and stuns as much as possible to lock out the enemy slow DPS/slow rezzer, if I can.

Still... I don't know if NOW is the time to be redesigning around reaction pieces though. I think as Stoneskin becomes more and more available letting people can build solid champs with it, we will start seeing a lot of Arena revolving around Stoneskin. Potentially a meta of "Who can go second?", trying to preserve those buffs as long as possible, triggering CAs while you do it...  pitting that against potentially just squad rez into full nuke.

Stoneskin Cardiels are are already absolutely obnoxious. My 700 accuracy Madame was okay versus Immunity Cardiels and such, but the Stoneskin ones are just brutal. Can even strip that buff, so I just watch the impending doom as I don't land debuffs and then get smacked. LOL

Yah most of the time those Cardinal teams are no match for Lydia, but I have seen some interesting ideas basically involving champs with built-in RoD, like Torturehelm, whose role is to absorb the block revive, so that Lydia can't stop Cardinal from reviving the important pieces.

I agree the concern is likely too early to act on, but ... definitely going to be keeping an eye on those ATK% gloves.