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Account progression / big thanks!

Account progression / big thanks!

Feb 18, 2022, 18:2302/18/22

Account progression / big thanks!

Hey guys, so I’ve taken everyone’s suggestions for both my arena team and CB team over the past couple of weeks and can’t thank you all enough, you’ve been incredibly helpful. My CB team went from 11M/key - 21M/key. This is only in “hard” though because my clan hasn’t unlocked brutal. Looking to join a new one, but my player power is only 500k and haven’t found an open one that allows it that low. In Arena I was held up in Silver II, and am now high S4. Again, thank you!

The rest of my time has been spent in 12-3 which has me at a point where I can 60 two more of my champs. All of my CB team is 60, but my arena team (Genbo, Visix, Madame Serris, Seeker) are all 50 aside from Genbo. If possible, I would like to level up the champs that will provide the most all around game play, and am trying to figure out what that looks like. I also pulled Dhukk and don’t know if he would be an upgrade to my CB team and worth investing in. 

So basically trying to make the most efficient next move with my upgrades I think is where I’m at and just wanted to see what you guys thought about everything. 

As always, THANK  YOU!!


Feb 18, 2022, 18:3802/18/22

If you're capped on CB because of your clan, I would suggest your next focus should be on DT. At least get DT normal cleared, if not being able to progress to DT hard.

You're lucky enough to already have BEK - so what I would suggest first and foremost is to get BEK geared enough to solo farm Dragon 20. That'll give you a ton of useful gear AND give you food at the same time. It's also a thing you can reach pretty easily with forge. For reference, here's the stats that my BEK has:

HP 59K, ATK 2.6K, DEF 3.4K, SPD 235, CR 61%, CD 135%, RES 238, ACC 220.

Of those stats, HP/DEF/SPD/RES/ACC are the critically important ones. RES and ACC are 200 min, HP probably 50K min, DEF 3K min. You're off on all of those marks, but not by a huge amount except for your RES stat.

While working on BEK, I would suggest Serris, Seer, Seeker, Uugo, and Turvold are all worthy candidates to take to 60. I would probably start climbing DT, and when you reach a wall, see which of those will help you get past it.

Feb 18, 2022, 19:1702/18/22

If you're capped on CB because of your clan, I would suggest your next focus should be on DT. At least get DT normal cleared, if not being able to progress to DT hard.

You're lucky enough to already have BEK - so what I would suggest first and foremost is to get BEK geared enough to solo farm Dragon 20. That'll give you a ton of useful gear AND give you food at the same time. It's also a thing you can reach pretty easily with forge. For reference, here's the stats that my BEK has:

HP 59K, ATK 2.6K, DEF 3.4K, SPD 235, CR 61%, CD 135%, RES 238, ACC 220.

Of those stats, HP/DEF/SPD/RES/ACC are the critically important ones. RES and ACC are 200 min, HP probably 50K min, DEF 3K min. You're off on all of those marks, but not by a huge amount except for your RES stat.

While working on BEK, I would suggest Serris, Seer, Seeker, Uugo, and Turvold are all worthy candidates to take to 60. I would probably start climbing DT, and when you reach a wall, see which of those will help you get past it.

Thanks kramas. Currently, I can clear dragon 20 inconsistently, and when successful I’m pushing the 5:00 mark. Unfortunately, this is with an entire team though. I have been forging perception when I can, but only 5-6 so it takes a little bit to save up materials. 

In DT, I breezed through normal until I hit the Nether Spider on 70. I can not even get CLOSE to betting it, making it to the spider  is cake, but I get crushed quickly when I face her. 

I would LOVE to use Turvold, but do you think it is worth investing in with the gear I have currently? (The gear you saw on BEK is a good representation of the best i have). Same question with Seer, I know her build is extremely important to reap her true benefits. 

Feb 18, 2022, 19:3102/18/22

Well - as I mentioned, I think your primary focus should be getting BEK geared up to solo Dragon 20. I know that seems like a pipe dream for now, but the nice thing about BEK solo is he doesn't need to run Lifesteal gear. You can put him in full Perception/Resilience.

Also, interestingly, BEK makes for a pretty decent champ on Nether Spider, since he can remove the poisons. You can probably do Nether Spider with BEK + Ninja + Scyl + Ghrush + Grizzled Jarl. Ninja will keep the spiderlings frozen, BEK will remove the big poison waves, and Ghrush/Jarl should be able to put enough defensive buffs to stay alive. You might also want to try using Uugo on the team instead, since her heal serves as a failsafe revive if stuff goes badly.

Feb 18, 2022, 20:2802/18/22

Also, unrelated, but I sent you a PM, OP. Take a gander.

Feb 18, 2022, 22:4602/18/22
Feb 18, 2022, 22:47(edited)

I would like to take up Uugo/Madame/Seeker/Visix and then re-evaluate based on pulls/progression.

BEK is a great long term goal for solo dragon, but I worry trying to hitting those numbers soon will end up stripping or keeping a lot of quality gear from other champs. But, if you're fine sacrificing progression in other pieces of content, the food grind/gear grind overlap is great. 

Feb 18, 2022, 23:0502/18/22

I would like to take up Uugo/Madame/Seeker/Visix and then re-evaluate based on pulls/progression.

BEK is a great long term goal for solo dragon, but I worry trying to hitting those numbers soon will end up stripping or keeping a lot of quality gear from other champs. But, if you're fine sacrificing progression in other pieces of content, the food grind/gear grind overlap is great. 

Agree, let's walk before we can run :) those are 4 solid choices 

Feb 19, 2022, 17:2202/19/22

Well - as I mentioned, I think your primary focus should be getting BEK geared up to solo Dragon 20. I know that seems like a pipe dream for now, but the nice thing about BEK solo is he doesn't need to run Lifesteal gear. You can put him in full Perception/Resilience.

Also, interestingly, BEK makes for a pretty decent champ on Nether Spider, since he can remove the poisons. You can probably do Nether Spider with BEK + Ninja + Scyl + Ghrush + Grizzled Jarl. Ninja will keep the spiderlings frozen, BEK will remove the big poison waves, and Ghrush/Jarl should be able to put enough defensive buffs to stay alive. You might also want to try using Uugo on the team instead, since her heal serves as a failsafe revive if stuff goes badly.

Uugo  in  place  of  BEK,  or?

Feb 19, 2022, 18:1302/19/22
Feb 19, 2022, 18:13(edited)

We're definitely keeping Ninja + BEK. I think we still want to keep Scyl even though we have a good bit of healing because of everything she brings. I think I'd replace Ghrush here with Uugo. Uugo has the leech, AOE defense down if we have heal reduction on Nether Spider from Jarl, and the heal + clutch revive option on A3.