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RSL Game Suggestions & Feedback For Improvements and Thank You -

RSL Game Suggestions & Feedback For Improvements and Thank You -

Jan 30, 2022, 21:4801/30/22

RSL Game Suggestions & Feedback For Improvements and Thank You -

January 30, 2022 

**** Suggestions, Feedback and Thank you to Plarium Global ****

Regarding Game: Raid Shadow Legends
From Player ID# um92815246
Gamer Name: Jon Justice 

Attention: Plarium Global Ltd / Avi Shalel  
c/o: Plarium Management, Devs and Creators  


Hello RSL Plarium Management, Devs and Creators!

After nearly 10 months of playing, and experiencing many in game issues, it is good to see improvements in the game.  

My niece and nephew, who I recommended to play RSL during this terrible
pandemic, signed up and also been playing the game. We all shared our issues
and frustrations with the game, but we recently noticed many improvements,
which is very nice to see, considering we spend money in the game.  

And earlier today, they both made positive and fair mentions in Google
Play reviews, and updated their reviews and rating, giving Raid Shadow Legends
4 stars each. Although no one should expect perfection from any game, I agree
with their positive mentions in their review postings, and we all appreciate
seeing RSL Plarium improving its game for all players. That is always a
good thing! 

Suggestions To Improve RSL and Feedback On Existing
Game Issues:

However, the biggest and worst issue in the game is still the Gear Leveling System in Raid Shadow Legends. It is simply terrible! It cost over 1 million to
2 million silver to level up 1 piece of 4 to 6 star gear to max level, and that
is not good at all, especially for any player that simply wants to make some
decent progress in the game. RSL Plarium needs to fix and correct this broken gear
leveling system in their game programming and algorithms, and make it less
costly and easier for players to level their gear, especially when we all know
it takes many months, and years for free to play, to make progress in this game, no matter how much money you spend.  

As my niece and nephew suggested, RSL Plarium should offer a monthly
subscription that eliminates the need for energy, and offer 250 to 500
multi-battles to players who truly want to progress in the game, and include
extra XP in some or all battles. Offer three (3) different packages with
different benefits, and be reasonable on your pricing. If RSL Plarium did this,
you would see a lot of happy existing players, and you would surely have new
players jumping on board as well. Not to mention, if Plarium offered this type
of monthly subscription you would be converting Free Players into monthly subscribers. 

Heck, we would be among the first to join this type of RSL subscription, as would
many RSL players, even though we pay for some in game items, and spent a good
amount of money since we started playing, well over $600 to date combined, however, we have decided to spend much less, if at all, moving forward as your pricing is way too high and not reasonable for what your company currently offers in this game. We hope that improves for RSL soon!  

But to be clear to all Players, and in all due fairness to Plarium - Raid
Shadow Legends is truly a FREE to Play game, and no one is obligated to buy
anything, despite the fact that progress can be frustrating at times. No game out
there is meant to be played and finished in one day, or months. Games are meant to be enjoyed!

With that being said, all players should realize you will NOT make
progress in one day, one month or months, regardless of the money you spend.

My Advise & Tips to all Players from our own experience playing RSL for nearly 10 months – new and old: 

Enjoy the game! The Game Graphics are awesome, it’s fun to play, and at times
very frustrating, but it’s also very generous, and truly FREE to play! As
I said before, no player is obligated to buy anything in Raid Shadow Legends,
so don’t complain about the annoying Popups, although Plarium can make it less annoying for all players! 

Plarium and its Game Devs also need to make money for their work and make a living. And, RSL’s gifts and rewards system for playing makes it easy for anyone to make progress, and enjoy the game experience, even though it may be frustrating at times. This applies to all RSL Players free and paid.  

My Tips to all new players: Save up Energy! 

Save your game energy over time until you have at least 10K to 15K energy, join a guild, or create your own, and do your daily quests, which are quick and easy to do. This will help you make steady progress in your game. I also recommend to all new players to start with Champion Kael. He is by far the best Champion to start with in RSL.  

Back to RSL Plarium Game Suggestions and Feedback:  

While some in-game items are nice to have in RSL, Plarium should lower the prices for all in game items across the board for all players. They are way too overpriced and don’t really help players overall, other than perhaps some temporary progress. 

Also, when your game company (RSL) offers to sell 6 star gear artifacts
packages, instead of adding a ridiculously low amount of silver, add close
to the amount of silver it would actually cost to level up all 6 pieces of gear
to max level to make it worth buying but at a lower price, otherwise it is not worth the cost of $49 - which again, is very overpriced and not a good offer at all. 

For example:
Your 6 Star Speed Set Artifacts Legendary Package which has 6 pieces of gear, should include at least 15 to 20 Million Silver, not a ridiculously low 4 Million
silver. You don’t even need to add the extra energy. And offer it for a fair
and reasonable price of max $39 for legendary to $29 for Rare artifacts - not $49 – which is way too overpriced and ridiculous! Especially for the current offer that has such little silver to level up the gear. 

If you (RSL Plarium) did this as suggested, and lowered your prices on all in game items, RSL Plarium would double its sales big time!  Players will always be willing to spend reasonable, low prices for in game items as long as they are not overpriced and exaggerated as they are now. This would be a win win for Plariuam, and all RSL Players for the long term.


Arena PvP:
Please Fix Uneven & Awful Disparity In Power in Campaign Pve & Arena PvP: 

When players buy in game items to increase their power to take them to the “Next Level” - especially after reaching max level 60, and after all the questing, grinding and progress made in the game, make sure their power and strength in the game is rewarded, and works as expected. Also, respect players for giving their time to your game Plarium, because it is very disappointing to see game mechanics epically fail, and they continue to fail to this day when it comes to Arena PvP, and other areas of the game, for whatever reason. Plarium RSL needs to fix this awful disparity in RSL’s game mechanics, and its constant unfair and unbalanced game play environment.  You should also allow players in Pvp Arena to keep their rankings for at least a week so they can make some actual progress and be properly rewarded for competing in Pvp Arena, because the current system is awful!

For Example: When you have 100K plus power team in Arena, and get beat by a 30K to 40K power team, or even worse, when you get beat by only 1 Champion vs 4 level 60 max champions with a combined 100K plus power, or force the max level 60 player team to give up because of ridiculous never ending heals and unkillable, clearly shows how broken and bad Pvp Arena is, and how Players wasted all of their time and money for gearing up for nothing, only to lose to a much lower team level, or even worse, by only 1 Champion vs 4 max level 60 team. This is not a good game mechanic at all! I understand strategy and use of certian abilities for any Arena battle, especially when it is fair, balanced and with a team that gives a good, fun challenge. But it is not fun when there is a huge disparity in power and level, and then your max level 60 team gets beat by a team with a much lower power and level, or worse you get beat by 1 champion that never dies vs 4 max level 60 well geared champions. It is very bad for all players and RSL!

This is simply a broken, dumb game mechanic in all Pvp Arenas in the game, and an awful waste of time for all RSL players. Players prefer a real challenge, not a broken, time wasting Arena PvP system that fails to reward Players accordingly for their earned progress in the game. Especially when the game (RSL) allows such bad game mechanics to ruin the game play experience, and discourage players from wasting more time in the Arena, and other areas of the game. This broken part of the game, and uneven PvP issue should be fixed by Plarium RSL Devs soon! Fixing the issue to make it more balanced, would allow a more fun and challenging game experience in PvP Arena for all players, not to mention pairing up players of similar power and levels would also help address the issue. And please, get rid of the time wasting, ridiculous and endless max healing and unkillable solo Champions in Arena Classic PvP and Tag Team Arena. It's a bad waste of time and game play, and simply bad overall!

This issue in Pvp Arenas ruin the game! It is such a ridiculous, time wasting issue in Raid Shadow Legends, which only discourages players from wasting their time in Arena Pvp. We believe Plarium can improve this game big time. You can do a lot better Plarium! 


Last Big Suggestion For Plarium Raid Shadow Legends:
Build A New Game Expansion Beyond 12 Maps in Raid Shadow Legends!   

Like my niece and nephew said before, Plarium should expand RSL’s main storyline beyond Brimstone Path to another 12 maps, with new rewards, gifts and Champions etc. - It would keep your existing players coming back happy, playing more, and will also bring in many new players. Expanding your Campaign Map beyond Brimstone Path would be great, and it would keep the game fresh with new content and rewards. It would also be great for Plarium and all players overall!

On Shards, we all know this needs to continue improving since boost events don't really make much of a difference. RSL Plarium should increase the percentages for drops for all players for a chance to get more epic and legendary champions. And expand on quest missions, and offer more legendary and epic champions for successful missions. You can make them challenging, but no need to make it ridiculously tedious and discourage players. No one wins there Plarium. Remember, a happy gamer is a loyal gamer and customer, and I believe that is the win win goal for Plarium.

Lastly, I would like to add that during this overwhelming Covid19 pandemic
your game (RSL) has been fun, but also very frustrating with some issues that still
need serious improvements for all players as mentioned in this post. Regardless,
we sincerely appreciate the free RSL gifts and rewards playing your game, so thank you Plarium!


I appreciate you all for taking the time to read and consider my suggestions, and
feedback to help improve Raid Shadow Legends for all players! We hope you truly consider our suggestions and feedback from this post. 

Keep improving the game Raid Shadow Legends, and keep up the good works Plarium!  

Happy New Year, stay safe and happy gaming all!

Most sincerely,
Jon Justice  

New York, NY USA
RSL Player  


