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New player in arena are u kidding me ?

New player in arena are u kidding me ?

Jan 20, 2022, 11:5301/20/22

New player in arena are u kidding me ?

Im a new player and I always get the opponents that are like 10times stronger in arena than me.

Are u kidding me ?

Why the f do you even have arena fights ?

Jan 20, 2022, 12:0601/20/22

Double welcome

Welcome to the game

Welcome to Arena Hell.

There are alot of issues with the Arena IMO

You will run across some really silly teams because Plarium does not beleive in house cleaning, so players that long ago quit the game and were in high teirs when they quit are still in the Arena and keep falling teirs and end up in the beginer ranks.

The lower ranks have really aweful match making which fustrated the blank out of me and I am sure it does others.

My advice is either do a ton a research on Arena and see what you can do.

Or best advice ignore Arena til you have 4 60s, I know that is a long way off but otherwise it can really be super fustrating

Jan 20, 2022, 12:2801/20/22

Welcome to the game.

In all honesty i would not worry about arena for now, i would focus on getting your first 6 star champ, then building a dungeon / clan boss team.

Jan 20, 2022, 13:4901/20/22

4  60's  is  a  bit  much.  I  think  people  forget  what  it  was  like  coming  up.  It  can  be  frustrating  but  hopefully  2-3  easy  or  doable  fights  in  a  batch  before  you  need  to  refresh.  

just  wait  until  youre  midling  and  get  beat  by  people  25-50%  less  power.  Other  more  important  things  to  build  for  before  a  dedicated  arena  team.  Use  general  purpose,  clan  boss,  dragon,  campaign  farmer  for  now  and  get  the  points  you  can  in  arena.  

Not  sure  if  it  takes  your  total  power  into  account  so  if  youre  spread  thin  leveling  different  people  you  dont  have  a  concentrated  group  of  4.

Depending  how  early  you  are  most  99.99%  of  greens  are  food.  1  or  2  have  niche  uses.  I  carried  some  archer  and  the  knight  that  can  attack  with  someone  else  for  a  while.  

Theres  a  few  rares  that  are  good  or  can  fill  a  basic  role  but  thats  even  pretty  limited.  Likely  want  to  level  your  main  hero  even  though  the  game  says  this  choice  is  not  important  and  can  change  later,  that  later  is  way  far  off.  

Your  main,  apothacary,  war  maiden,  and  i  think  its  spirithost  are  a  meta  rare  (blue  team).  Otherwise  youll  want  to  focus  on  epics.  Good  to  have  2-3  useable  rares  to  use  up  books,  and  easier  ascension path  tho.  May  be  some  other  blues not  sure  if  coldheart  or  miscreated  monster  are  rares  i  dont  have  them.

Even  epics  theres  a  bunch  of  seemingly  useless  ones  so  youll  want  to  check  here  or  at  ayumilove  to  see  if  theyre  any  good  before  putting  too  much  silver,  energy  and  time  into  them.  

Typical  team  comp  meta  is  speed  booster,  debuffer,  buffer,  nuker.  To  speed  tune  means  to  have  their  speeds  set  so  they  go  in  the  order  you  want,  the  speed  booster  goes  first  boosts  everyones  speed,  then  the  buff  or  debuff  both  do  their  thing  then  the  nuker  nukes.  Be  nice  to  go  first  and  in  the order  you  want,  mine  is  still  a  work  in  progress.  Go  2nd  is  a  meta  idk  specifics  of  other  than  defense  and  counter  attack.  And  you  can  be  creative.  Unfortunately  cost  of  gear  switching  and  effort  required  to  level  doesnt  allow  too  much  experimentation.

Then  theres  gear  and  lots  of  other  stuff.  I  dont  see  myself  playing  more  than  a  few  months  but  some  have  been  at  it  for  years.  For  gear  im  trying  to  not  level  anything  less  than  5*  over  lvl  12  but  may  need  some  4*  lvl  16  to  farm  better  gear  well.  Probably  a  good  rule  not  to  though  its  costly  on  silver.  

Other  gear  rule  i  hear  a  lot  is  stats  over  sets.  Easy  example  is  hp  15%  boost  set.  If  the  stats  arent  what  you  want  you  could  just  as  well  have  1  piece  with  hp%  as  a  stat  at  lvl  8  or  12  would  be  20%  hp  by  itself  more  than  the  set  bonus.  Get  the  main  stat  and  eventually  worry  more  anout  sub  stats  then  the  set  bonus  is  a  nice  bonus  but  not  why  you  chose  the  gear.  4  piece  sets  like  life  steal  are  a  bit  different  that  they  provide  unique  properties  or  abilities  but  you  still  need  to  be  sure  that  stats  make  sense  to  that  build  either  because  who  they  are  and  what  their  skills  require  or  because  what  you  want  out  of  them.  Are  they  debuffer,  nuker,  support.  Crit  rate  is  important  as  is  speed,  always  speed.  Other  thing  they  dont  tell  tou  is  hp  and  def  characters  damage  is  based  on  def  or  hp  so  have  no  need  for  atk.  It  is  listed  in  skills  what  their  attacks  base  off  of.  

Jan 21, 2022, 01:0901/21/22

At your level, they have arena so you can have something to look at up in the sky and aim at.  For now, just get your campaign on!

Jan 21, 2022, 10:2201/21/22

The arena lately is like two groups on opposing escalators passing each other by. One is going up with new players getting stronger, and the other is full of those dropping like rocks due to vacancies. And there are those in midstream jumpimg from one side to the other.

Arena is tempting but is full of Goliaths.

Jan 21, 2022, 18:3301/21/22

If you don't have decent gear(5-6 star) - don't Arena.  If your champs aren't level 60 - don't Arena.

It's pretty much that simple - it means Arena is out of your boundary for now until you grind up your account.

Jan 23, 2022, 08:2001/23/22
Jan 23, 2022, 18:41(edited)

Dont  worry.....  im  months  in  and  loathe  the  game  mode.  Wait  till  you  need  the  rewards  or  books  and  are  basically  forced  to  endure  arena .  That  or  pay  anyway.......

Jan 24, 2022, 02:4001/24/22


The  issue  is  with  you,  not  Arena!

You  need  to  improve yourself!

What  steps  have  you  taken  to  ensure your  own  Arena  success?

Lets  talk  about  strategy!

Lets  talk  about  harnessing  all  that  negative energy you  got  and  channelling  it  into  a  winning  Arena  Team!

Code  Name  for  this  Project  will  be  the  letter  "V".

"V"  stands  for  Victory!

Jan 24, 2022, 03:1601/24/22
Jan 24, 2022, 05:15(edited)

Huge text headings removed. Marcel doesn't like the arena.

Edited by moderator.

Jan 24, 2022, 03:4601/24/22
Player J


The  issue  is  with  you,  not  Arena!

You  need  to  improve yourself!

What  steps  have  you  taken  to  ensure your  own  Arena  success?

Lets  talk  about  strategy!

Lets  talk  about  harnessing  all  that  negative energy you  got  and  channelling  it  into  a  winning  Arena  Team!

Code  Name  for  this  Project  will  be  the  letter  "V".

"V"  stands  for  Victory!

That's the spirit J! What are your suggestions to improve their teams!?

Jan 24, 2022, 05:4501/24/22

I have cheated myself into Silver 4 with my defense team. Total team power:89k Winrate on defense 60% or greater.

Team: Miscreated Monster, Valkyrie, Scyl, Aox.

I have won on defnse against teams with 190k power...

I use the same team on offense, it's not great, but keeps me in silver 4. I am trying to get a good arena offense team together, but gear is lacking. Therefore I am muddling through with the current team.

Don't level too many champs to 60, jsut the ones you really want. The higher your player power the stronger your opponents in arena. Don't neglect gear farming.

Jan 24, 2022, 06:3901/24/22
Jan 24, 2022, 06:39(edited)

If you findmy team in silver 1 or bronze 4, tell me your player power 😁 


Jan 24, 2022, 06:5501/24/22

If you findmy team in silver 1 or bronze 4, tell me your player power 😁 


I don't know what player power has to do with it.  But I've seen this team in G4.

Jan 24, 2022, 07:0901/24/22
Jan 24, 2022, 07:12(edited)

I don't know what player power has to do with it.  But I've seen this team in G4.

I am trying to test this theory that was said in previous post

"The higher your player power the stronger your opponents in arena." 

So I want to know if they see me in their list I want to know their player power. And I specifically want to know if they see me in low tiers, because I assume most of them have low player power.

Jan 24, 2022, 08:5601/24/22

I am trying to test this theory that was said in previous post

"The higher your player power the stronger your opponents in arena." 

So I want to know if they see me in their list I want to know their player power. And I specifically want to know if they see me in low tiers, because I assume most of them have low player power.

Next time I see this comp I'll let you know their player power.  Mine is around 6 million.  But if I understant PP does not affect matching in G, though it seems it does in S.

Jan 24, 2022, 12:0901/24/22

That's the spirit J! What are your suggestions to improve their teams!?

My  suggestion to  help  the  OP  improve  his  Arena  team  is  for  him  to  level  up  his  heroes to  level  60.

Heroes  at  lvl  60  perform  so  much  better  vs.  heroes at  lvl  50.

Its  a  bold  &  daring  move,  but  one  with  in  his  reach.

Jan 24, 2022, 16:3001/24/22

If you really are a new player, as in completely new with no knowledge of either Raid or Gacha Games in general, you should not expect to go into any place in this game with non geared uncommons and expect to win anything. I think this one should be self explanatory.

However, in case you did take your first steps and play and progress in the game as close to as you are "supposed to", then let me tell you that Arena is known to be one of the most unbalanced areas in the game currently.

For example, you would think that in a properly structured game the lowest Tier of a content is balanced to offer challenges mainly adjusted to people who just started the game or are taking their first steps right? well, in Raid, you can actually meet in the lowest Rank of Arena, Teams from the HIGHEST RANKS which obviously will be IMPOSSIBLE for you to beat no matter how "gitgud" you are.

I tried many times explaining why and how this makes no sense since this would be like Dragon Dungeon Lv.1 being as hard as Dragon Dungeon Lv. 25 but so far this has been nothing more then a drop in the Ocean!

Let me give you a rundown on the kind of Teams you can possibly face in the Arena Ranks:

Rank Bronze 1 - 4: more Super Easy Lv.1 single Champ Teams to some Insanely hard all Lego Godly Gear Teams

Rank Silver 1 - 4: less Super Easy Lv.1 single Champ Teams to more Insanely hard all Lego Godly Gear Teams 

Rank Gold 1 - 4: occasional Easy single Champ Teams to mainly Insanely hard all Lego Godly Gear Teams 

I will not consider Platinum since it is basically a whale only stage that will require you to spend a lot of money to get and stay there reliably.

In case you want to continue playing this game, you should understand that Arena has been lacking a constant balance for a long time now and it doesnt look like this is going to change any time soon. Just as a heads up! Also, in case you play the game as F2P or low spender, dont expect fast progress in Arena. You will not be able to avoid putting in a lot of time to level champs and gear them high enough to compete especially in later stages.

If all this does not discourage you, then go to YT where you can find a lot of good vids on how to build Teams for Arena and how to deal with different builds once you have done the required grind to get your champs to certain levels and equipment.

Jan 25, 2022, 12:1901/25/22

Dot  Knight  is  wrong  and  doesn't understand how  Arena  works.

Arena  is  working perfectly.

The  problem is  not  with  Arena,  but with  players.

Players  such  as  Dot  Knight  make  conspiracy  theories as  to  why  they  can't win.

If  you  are  a  beginner,  The  game  will  match  you  with  other  beginners of  equal  caliber as  you.

The  result  is  all  the  battles seem  tough.

Jan 25, 2022, 16:1301/25/22
Player J

Dot  Knight  is  wrong  and  doesn't understand how  Arena  works.

Arena  is  working perfectly.

The  problem is  not  with  Arena,  but with  players.

Players  such  as  Dot  Knight  make  conspiracy  theories as  to  why  they  can't win.

If  you  are  a  beginner,  The  game  will  match  you  with  other  beginners of  equal  caliber as  you.

The  result  is  all  the  battles seem  tough.

oh shoot, I would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for you!

Yep, you are right, Arena is working perfectly. When you start the game as a new player with a Starter Team like "Kael, Warmaiden, Apothecary, etc." then meeting a Team with "Arbiter, Valkyrie, Krisk, Madame Serris" is the way the game matches you "fairly"...this is very fair....did i mention this was fair? yeah, thats fair!.

I am just angry because I lose all the time. Yeah, better listen to Player J, he obviously knows what he is talking about, he big winning guy he understands new players very well.

Thanks Player J, you are a Treasure for Plariu....I mean beginner Players! keep up the good work! 

Jan 25, 2022, 18:1301/25/22

oh shoot, I would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for you!

Yep, you are right, Arena is working perfectly. When you start the game as a new player with a Starter Team like "Kael, Warmaiden, Apothecary, etc." then meeting a Team with "Arbiter, Valkyrie, Krisk, Madame Serris" is the way the game matches you "fairly"...this is very fair....did i mention this was fair? yeah, thats fair!.

I am just angry because I lose all the time. Yeah, better listen to Player J, he obviously knows what he is talking about, he big winning guy he understands new players very well.

Thanks Player J, you are a Treasure for Plariu....I mean beginner Players! keep up the good work! 

You  can't fool  me  Dot  Knight.

I  am  Veteran  Raid  player.

I  am  not  easily tricked  by  players  that  make  up  fictional lines  up.

I  have  seen  Beginners Arena  Team's  list.

I  have  seen  the  pictures.