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Rector Drath

Rector Drath

Jan 17, 2022, 15:3401/17/22

Rector Drath

Right now I have rector drath in a speed set and relentless. I went with relentless because her healing as much as possible and hitting with her A1. Now, I've been told relentless isn't suitable for her and i should focus on putting her with the healing set with speed..

I'm pretty happy with the build  I have on rector, she doesn't let me down. But i am curious on how other people have built her out.

Jan 17, 2022, 15:3901/17/22

Dude, you posted this 2 days ago with the thread title 'goldblum hero.' Otherwise an almost identical post.

Jan 17, 2022, 15:4001/17/22

Dude, you posted this 2 days ago with the thread title 'goldblum hero.' Otherwise an almost identical post.

Yeah, sorry I don't know why but whenever i try posting a new post it also shows me the post made before.

I tried changing it before but it wouldn't let me so i just posted it and made a quick edit.

Sorry for the confusion

Jan 17, 2022, 15:4101/17/22

Oh, yea, lol, it does the same to me as well.  I hate that I have to delete the previous thread before posting a new one.  Carry on!

Jan 17, 2022, 15:4501/17/22

I haven't geared mine yet but don't fix it if it ain't broke is usually good advice.  You can always try a change and test it out.

Jan 17, 2022, 15:5601/17/22

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. if it works for me good enough.

but I'm always up for trying new builds and seeing what results i get with those. Maybe it might even surprise me.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:1101/17/22

Two comments. First, I absolutely hate Drath. She slows down *everything* so goddamn much. So you should just toss her in the vault for your own sanity :)

Second - Relentless is a terrible set for her IMO. If your goal is to get extra turns to lower the cooldowns on your A2 and A3, a much more useful set would be Reflex. Way higher chance of activating, and it's rare that you really need lower cooldown on both abilities simultaneously. Another very good choice for a set would be Frenzy - just faster turn meter fills.

But to be totally honest - I wouldn't go with either. Where are you using her? She's not a great arena champ at all, so I'm guessing you're using her for dungeons? If so, you probably just want to make her tanky so she never dies, and can be your failsafe reviver. But even there - I'm not terribly convinced she works there either.

So ... I guess all of this stream of conciousness boils down to - what are you using her for?

Jan 17, 2022, 16:1401/17/22

Stats > Sets (99% of the time)

In general when someone says "What sets should I use" or "I am using XYZ set" the build is bad or going to be bad.  Especially new players with 4 pc sets.  But if the stats are good relentless makes everyone better lol.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:2101/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 16:22(edited)

Stats > Sets (99% of the time)

In general when someone says "What sets should I use" or "I am using XYZ set" the build is bad or going to be bad.  Especially new players with 4 pc sets.  But if the stats are good relentless makes everyone better lol.

That's true. And to use this on Rector: she needs speed to do more healing. Maybe you want her to use her decrease attack debuff from her A1 as well, so she needs accuracy. And you want her tanky, a reviver that dies first doesn't help, so she needs hp and def. Ignore her attack, critt rate and damage. 

Hp% chest and gloves, speed boots, accuracy banner. Substats: speed, hp%, def%, acc, resistance.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:2301/17/22

Two comments. First, I absolutely hate Drath. She slows down *everything* so goddamn much. So you should just toss her in the vault for your own sanity :)

Second - Relentless is a terrible set for her IMO. If your goal is to get extra turns to lower the cooldowns on your A2 and A3, a much more useful set would be Reflex. Way higher chance of activating, and it's rare that you really need lower cooldown on both abilities simultaneously. Another very good choice for a set would be Frenzy - just faster turn meter fills.

But to be totally honest - I wouldn't go with either. Where are you using her? She's not a great arena champ at all, so I'm guessing you're using her for dungeons? If so, you probably just want to make her tanky so she never dies, and can be your failsafe reviver. But even there - I'm not terribly convinced she works there either.

So ... I guess all of this stream of conciousness boils down to - what are you using her for?

ouch. Yeah i use her in mainly in dungeons or sometimes DT


Jan 17, 2022, 16:2701/17/22

So here's the thing - in dungeons she is just dead weight. She contributes nothing to damage at all, so her only real purpose is to keep the rest of the team alive - but most of the time that can be accomplished just by having decent debuffers and TM control champs. Do you not have those? Even someone like Ninja can essentially remove the need for someone like Drath completely.

If that's the case, then really the only place she comes in handy is specifically for the bosses. In that case, what she's mainly going to be there for is to stay alive, and keep using her A2. So, with that in mind, I would probably favour Reflex sets - you'll be using your A2 and pretty much never your A3, so you'll be reducing the A2 cooldown on average to around three turns instead of four. If you also make her reasonably fast (200+ SPD), she should be able to keep the A2 always active before the enemy boss acts, which'll allow your team to benefit from her passive, as well as potentially the further damage reduction for being under perfect veil.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:3101/17/22

Rector is actually a great champ overall.  Definitely worth 6stars.  Is useful in all PvP and PvE content/progression.  She is just not great for any specific area.  The relentless gear is probably not best as for PvE you generally don't want to rely on rng of relentless, and my guess is you aren't building a super tanky go 2nd team for Tag with Rector right now.

I think the biggest strike against her is the SLOW ANIMATION, imagine if she was a dwarf.... double slow.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:4201/17/22

Rector is actually a great champ overall.  Definitely worth 6stars.  Is useful in all PvP and PvE content/progression.  She is just not great for any specific area.  The relentless gear is probably not best as for PvE you generally don't want to rely on rng of relentless, and my guess is you aren't building a super tanky go 2nd team for Tag with Rector right now.

I think the biggest strike against her is the SLOW ANIMATION, imagine if she was a dwarf.... double slow.

Agreed. I think in (most) PVE content you're just going to want the requisite speed and then all the HP/DEF. Sometimes accuracy if you can spare it. Big fan of her (and healers/revivers in general) in regen/immortal, if you can get there. 

For me personally, her best place is probably Doom Tower bosses, specifically Bommal. There you'll want more resistance. 

Jan 18, 2022, 08:2801/18/22

I use Drath mainly as a lead in Scarab - the extra resist with the increase under veil means any provokes fail most of the time. Works for me in normal DT anyway at only lvl 50. Doesn't add much else but that alone makes her worth it, for me anyway.

Agree on teh animation though - dwarf levels of frustration  🙂