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Is there any Logic behind "Team Power"?

Is there any Logic behind "Team Power"?

Jan 16, 2022, 17:5101/16/22

Is there any Logic behind "Team Power"?

as the Title says, can anybody tell me what the "Logic" of "Team Power" is aside from being completely worthless? Specifically the "Team Power" Value in Arena.

I am sure whoever had this idea must have thought something when he decided NOT to count Speed, the arguably MOST POWERFUL Stat, in this Value.

Maybe someone can "enlighten" me because I honestly cant figure out why Resistance gives you way more Points in "Team Power" then Speed does.

I am asking because I had another one of those "low power teams" that ran CIRCLES around my Team with INSANE SPEEDS!

P.S. if your answer is going to be any version of "gitgud" please do us both a favor and move on cause I am surely not "buying" what you are "selling"!

Jan 16, 2022, 18:1301/16/22

Power is perfect as it is. No, it is not supposed to tell you which team will go first. That is only advantage defense has. Power is very informative as it is. No modification needed. 

Jan 16, 2022, 18:3301/16/22

Theoretically, whether speed (or any other stat for that matter) were weighted as a higher number or lower, as long as we know how it shows up with regard to team power is really all that matters. 

Jan 16, 2022, 19:0101/16/22

Asking about team power is illogical until you ask about champion power.  Team power is no more than the additive of each individual champion on the team.  As such it has ZERO to do with synergies.

Now ask about champion power.

Jan 16, 2022, 23:1101/16/22

I give up! thanks anyway!

Jan 17, 2022, 02:2401/17/22

Speed  does  have  a  Value.

The  Value  of  Speed  is  just  lower  vs.  the  Value  of  Resistance.

The  game has  never  told  players  how  much  value  each  stat  gives.

They  kept  the  information secret.

However,  Top  Players  tried  finding  out  the  information by  themselves a  long  time  ago.

They  created  a  chart  which  showcased  all  the  stat  amounts.

Once,  the  information was  discovered,  Top  Players  hide  the  information so  others  couldn't  learn  the  information.

Information  is  the  key  to  improving and  understanding things  better.

If  Rival  players  are  oblivious  to  certain  key  things,  They  will  forever  be  weak.

Its  the  way  of  life.

Some  people share.

Some  people don't share.

As  far  as  your  question  goes,  I  will  answer  it,  but  you  probably will  not  understand.

The  reason  Speed  isn't counted  higher  in  value  is  because Speed  is  meaningless.

You  say  Speed  is  the  Most  POWERFUL  Stat.

Now  answer  me  the  question who  will  win  the  below fight?


I  am  faster,  but  I  will  lose.

Jan 17, 2022, 03:0301/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 03:06(edited)

If you don't understand and create an advantage out of teampower info that you have, then I would say you need to "gitgud". 

You need better understanding on the game. When I was in early game, less than 8 months of playing, I don't have enough accuracy on my champions. I can see a lot of high res champions in defense. To be able to turn this to my advantage, I use two turnmeter boosters with two nukers. No debuffers at all. So what does this mean, their over high resistance is useless in the battle. The resistance stats are just wasted stats in the current fight. 

This is only one example on how you can deal or how you can take advantage on team power info that is given to you, and by having Resistance giving higher points in team power calculation. 

If the points of speed, resistance, accuracy, and other stats give equal points, then it is much difficult to read how your opponent's champions are built. If this is the case, teampower will become useless. It will just end up who is faster or who have better team synergy, that team will win. Or, just win who have better rng in the fight. 

Right now, I can scale if my Serris can strip opponent's buffs by looking at their team power. So, teampower is not worthless to those who understand team power calculation. 

Jan 17, 2022, 05:0701/17/22

Sometimes power ist just misleading 😉


Jan 17, 2022, 06:4401/17/22
Player J

Speed  does  have  a  Value.

The  Value  of  Speed  is  just  lower  vs.  the  Value  of  Resistance.

The  game has  never  told  players  how  much  value  each  stat  gives.

They  kept  the  information secret.

However,  Top  Players  tried  finding  out  the  information by  themselves a  long  time  ago.

They  created  a  chart  which  showcased  all  the  stat  amounts.

Once,  the  information was  discovered,  Top  Players  hide  the  information so  others  couldn't  learn  the  information.

Information  is  the  key  to  improving and  understanding things  better.

If  Rival  players  are  oblivious  to  certain  key  things,  They  will  forever  be  weak.

Its  the  way  of  life.

Some  people share.

Some  people don't share.

As  far  as  your  question  goes,  I  will  answer  it,  but  you  probably will  not  understand.

The  reason  Speed  isn't counted  higher  in  value  is  because Speed  is  meaningless.

You  say  Speed  is  the  Most  POWERFUL  Stat.

Now  answer  me  the  question who  will  win  the  below fight?


I  am  faster,  but  I  will  lose.

Everyone can find oout that information themselves.

Farm common items of every substat.

add one item to a naked champion and remove it. risne and repeat. Note down how much the power increases with the item equipped. make a chart. Then yo ucan see how the stats are weighted agaisnt each other.

Jan 17, 2022, 08:5901/17/22

The chart that was produced by the content creators was bogus!  I plugged the numbers into a spreadsheet and calculated the supposed power for one of each HP, Att, DEF, Support Champs and the numbers were all way over estimated.  That's why the table is not easy to find.  No one who said it was the true numbers wants their name associated with it lol.  I also susupect that the power ratings are not just a linear scale.  The value of increasing any particular stat changes as the stat increases.  So just equiping a champ and noting the change in power would not work.  At least not without a sophisticated algorithem which is well beyond a basic spreadsheet.  Yes I could eqiup, note the power increase, but the numbers would not hold true for all champs at all stat levels.  It also doesn't take into account the value of different stats for different champs.  ATT should count more for ATT champs, HP of HP champs, etc.  ACC is absolutely essential for some champs, absolutly useless for others.  SPD is important for almost all champs, but some champs it's doubly important.

Jan 17, 2022, 15:2001/17/22

to be clear, I was not asking for "tips" how to use (or abuse) the Team Power mechanic. I was just curious if anybody know why Speed was "less valued" in Team Power then other Stats. Why not make them all equal value? that still would say nothing (a Team with TP 200 might be Fast but have low Acc/Res or might have high Res but low Spd/Acc, or any combination...the only information you would get is that this Team has Gear and champs equal the combined value of 200).

I agree completely with KingNaresuan, Teampower currently is nearly meaningless. In fact, Teampower currently only shows you how high the Res values of a Team will be. If you meet a Team with 500+ TP, then you can safely assume they have stacked up on Res. 

@Player J,

I understand what you try to say but your example is very specific. When I say Speed is the most powerful Stat then that does not mean it guarantees you Victory 100%. You can have a Team full of 300+ Speed Bullies and they will still be demolished by any other Team with good Champs in them but thats only logical.

If you want to compare Stats, then compare them with Mirror Teams. In your Example, lets say you had the same Champs with the same Gear but your opponent had decided to push other Stats while you pushed Speed. Who do you think would win then? If the other team has half the Speed but double the RES/ACC/DEF/ATK or whatever, you will wipe the Floor with them. Speed is KING in this game and that is not just my opinion, you can ask any CC or "professional player".

Jan 17, 2022, 15:2501/17/22

to be clear, I was not asking for "tips" how to use (or abuse) the Team Power mechanic. I was just curious if anybody know why Speed was "less valued" in Team Power then other Stats. Why not make them all equal value? that still would say nothing (a Team with TP 200 might be Fast but have low Acc/Res or might have high Res but low Spd/Acc, or any combination...the only information you would get is that this Team has Gear and champs equal the combined value of 200).

I agree completely with KingNaresuan, Teampower currently is nearly meaningless. In fact, Teampower currently only shows you how high the Res values of a Team will be. If you meet a Team with 500+ TP, then you can safely assume they have stacked up on Res. 

@Player J,

I understand what you try to say but your example is very specific. When I say Speed is the most powerful Stat then that does not mean it guarantees you Victory 100%. You can have a Team full of 300+ Speed Bullies and they will still be demolished by any other Team with good Champs in them but thats only logical.

If you want to compare Stats, then compare them with Mirror Teams. In your Example, lets say you had the same Champs with the same Gear but your opponent had decided to push other Stats while you pushed Speed. Who do you think would win then? If the other team has half the Speed but double the RES/ACC/DEF/ATK or whatever, you will wipe the Floor with them. Speed is KING in this game and that is not just my opinion, you can ask any CC or "professional player".

I don't think you see the irony in your request.

You do realise that if the stats were "properly" weighted such that equally "powerful" teams had similar team powers, you'd have no way of knowing what type of team you were against? In some cases, sure, you could probably say "alright they are running Arbiter and Duchess so they are probably speed nuke teams". But most of the time? The current setup gives you *way* more info than your suggestion. 

Jan 17, 2022, 15:2601/17/22

Sometimes power ist just misleading 😉


This just makes me sad. Pretty sure it's against international regulations to hunt whales though :/

Jan 17, 2022, 16:0901/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 16:11(edited)

I don't think you see the irony in your request.

You do realise that if the stats were "properly" weighted such that equally "powerful" teams had similar team powers, you'd have no way of knowing what type of team you were against? In some cases, sure, you could probably say "alright they are running Arbiter and Duchess so they are probably speed nuke teams". But most of the time? The current setup gives you *way* more info than your suggestion. 

there is no "irony" to see because I do not "request" anything.

The only Information Team Power should ideally give and which I would fully understand is to see if you are up against a Team on "your level" or higher/lower.

Team Powers are nothing new they have been around for a long time in different Entertainment branches, like Card games etc. They were NEVER meant to give you "specific" Information but were designed to show you roughly which "League" this Team was "Playing".

Let me try to put it in example: currently, I can "fool" the game into giving my Team a much higher "power" then they "deserve". Even as a "low level" player, I can stack up on RES and make my Team have a higher Power then lets say a "higher end level" Player. That however, would be quite pointless since the higher end player would still wipe the floor with me so this "Information" would be completely pointless. However, lets say Team Power is more "balanced", that means that a "low level player" would be somewhere between TP 50 - 150 while a high end player would be between 300 - 450. What would that tell us? That you should not "mess" with this Team until you are somewhere close to that TP. Thats all!

I dont want TP to tell me what the enemy Team has, I dont want it to tell me "exact stats", the only thing I would "request" if at all is for TP to show me how "close" the other Team is to my current "level" in the game so I can take on "fair matches". If I have a Team with TP 200 and I fight against another Team with TP 200 then I DONT Expect to "always win" but at least to have a "fair chance". However, if the other Team COMPLETELY ROFLSTOMPS me with my Team not even able to take a turn then whats the point of having "equal Power"?

I mainly try to understand the "logic" behind the current concept and so far I cannot even see any "logic" behind it. TP could just as well be a "fantasy number" as far as I am would change nothing.

Jan 17, 2022, 16:1401/17/22

You use quotes too much.

Aside from that, I 100% disagree with your "request" to have "equal" strength teams have the same team power. I already know how to evaluate whether the other team is "close" to me in strength - my current arena rating. All of my opponents are "close" to me in strength, because they all have similar arena ratings. Team power lets me evaluate what *type* of team my opponent has, which lets me evaluate whether or not I should fight them.

Jan 17, 2022, 17:5101/17/22

You use quotes too much.

Aside from that, I 100% disagree with your "request" to have "equal" strength teams have the same team power. I already know how to evaluate whether the other team is "close" to me in strength - my current arena rating. All of my opponents are "close" to me in strength, because they all have similar arena ratings. Team power lets me evaluate what *type* of team my opponent has, which lets me evaluate whether or not I should fight them.

damn...your right I use too many quotes :)! never noticed how annoying that is until now! thanks and thats honest!

Other then that, I think there is no point in further discussing this. It seems many have arranged themselves with the current Formula and if most players dont mind it then its fine as it is and besides, its a small issue anyway.

I think we can close this subject...thanks again!

Jan 17, 2022, 17:5501/17/22

damn...your right I use too many quotes :)! never noticed how annoying that is until now! thanks and thats honest!

Other then that, I think there is no point in further discussing this. It seems many have arranged themselves with the current Formula and if most players dont mind it then its fine as it is and besides, its a small issue anyway.

I think we can close this subject...thanks again!


To be fair, we all probably felt the same way about power when we were n00bs.  It really is more useful later in the game when knowing resistance/tankiness/gear level is really important.  In early game going 1st is ALL that matters lol.  So get gud, I mean get faster...

Jan 17, 2022, 18:1501/17/22

Everyone can find oout that information themselves.

Farm common items of every substat.

add one item to a naked champion and remove it. risne and repeat. Note down how much the power increases with the item equipped. make a chart. Then yo ucan see how the stats are weighted agaisnt each other.

If only the average player had the time to do those spreadsheets.  You wanna come work 2 of the 12 hours I work daily?

This GitGud crap is just that...Some of you unemployed basement dwellers need to experience a real life so you know how unacceptable that tact is.  Maybe you all should gitgud at real life and see how well that factors into your views on other players.

In other words; quit painting others in your light.  Learn a little perspective...Not everyone has hours upon hours to add and remove gear and create a spreadsheet.

Jan 17, 2022, 18:2301/17/22

If only the average player had the time to do those spreadsheets.  You wanna come work 2 of the 12 hours I work daily?

This GitGud crap is just that...Some of you unemployed basement dwellers need to experience a real life so you know how unacceptable that tact is.  Maybe you all should gitgud at real life and see how well that factors into your views on other players.

In other words; quit painting others in your light.  Learn a little perspective...Not everyone has hours upon hours to add and remove gear and create a spreadsheet.

It's a free country. You're welcome to be as bitter as you'd like. But deluding yourself into thinking the reason you're not having any success is because only "basement dwellers" can possibly be good is ... foolish, to put it lightly.

Jan 17, 2022, 19:0401/17/22

If only the average player had the time to do those spreadsheets.  You wanna come work 2 of the 12 hours I work daily?

This GitGud crap is just that...Some of you unemployed basement dwellers need to experience a real life so you know how unacceptable that tact is.  Maybe you all should gitgud at real life and see how well that factors into your views on other players.

In other words; quit painting others in your light.  Learn a little perspective...Not everyone has hours upon hours to add and remove gear and create a spreadsheet.

Strangely enough, there are a lot of people here who - despite things they may not enjoy about the game - like playing this game, like getting better, like conversing about it and like doing those same things for and with other people. 

Morrigan is right, if one cares to find out it would take a few minutes to equip certain items with resist, speed, etc. and at least get a rough idea of what those numerical values look like. Nobody is telling you that to get better at Raid you need to make it a full time job, that's your belief. Making a chart or spreadsheet is completely optional. It would help, of course. But taking a little bit of time to educate yourself about what certain matchups may look like based on team power does make sense.

Along the lines of painting others in your light, it would be wise not to make assumptions that just because people enjoy putting time into the game that they're basement dwellers who couldn't possibly be successful in the real world. I think you would be surprised how wrong that is, on top of it being flat out rude.

In the end - much like in the real world you don't seem to believe us basement dwellers spend time in - you get out of this what you put in. Also, didn't you quit?

Jan 17, 2022, 19:5801/17/22

Strangely enough, there are a lot of people here who - despite things they may not enjoy about the game - like playing this game, like getting better, like conversing about it and like doing those same things for and with other people. 

Morrigan is right, if one cares to find out it would take a few minutes to equip certain items with resist, speed, etc. and at least get a rough idea of what those numerical values look like. Nobody is telling you that to get better at Raid you need to make it a full time job, that's your belief. Making a chart or spreadsheet is completely optional. It would help, of course. But taking a little bit of time to educate yourself about what certain matchups may look like based on team power does make sense.

Along the lines of painting others in your light, it would be wise not to make assumptions that just because people enjoy putting time into the game that they're basement dwellers who couldn't possibly be successful in the real world. I think you would be surprised how wrong that is, on top of it being flat out rude.

In the end - much like in the real world you don't seem to believe us basement dwellers spend time in - you get out of this what you put in. Also, didn't you quit?

I'm sorry if you took offense to the basement dweller comment.  But in my long gaming experience, most of those (I was one of them) who use the "gitgud" view on a game are indeed basement dwellers who spend inordinate amounts of time on a game.

The problem is those people can't relate to what it is like for a person with a 5 day a week job (Working 10 hours a day at a minumum) is like and instead of understanding the situation; they reply with a gitgud comment.

And yes, I quit because working 12 hour days and spending the amount of time this game demands is impossible. But that doesn't mean I can't hope plarium will finally listen.

Fact: They made an overly complicated match making system that only favors the money spenders and those who have the time to make spreadsheets.  And have done little to change it.

But being the etrenal optimist; I keep hoping.

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