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Update - what do you think?

Update - what do you think?

Nov 25, 2021, 13:1711/25/21

Update - what do you think?

well now it's in, most of it anyway what are your views?

HH is really depressed - to the point he thinks it could be the begining of the end for Raid, apparently the CC's all said don't empower but they went ahead, it's scary, empowering HP for example can give you three times what the Great Hall gives you

Lego Shop, or laughingly called the dupe system, way to overpriced, how long does it take a ftp to collect enough dupes to trade them in?

Overnight the game got slightly easier (PVE) for everyone, those with tons of dupes even more so, the more rare/epic/legendaries you have the better your overall stats are than before the update

It probably won't affect PVP until you can't progress your Classic Arena mission and certainly your TAG arena missions - you'll never get past the whales - at least in classic you have a target to reach the next tier, tag you don't, and as it's weekly there is very little movement 

I know that's negative, I do like this game, I don't like what they are doing to it!

Nov 25, 2021, 13:3311/25/21

I share the opinion and voiced it before. 

Some might reason that you will not encounter those poeple with multiple empowered champs, but I am really depressed as well. 

Progression mission involving 3v3 has been pushed beyond the abilities of FTP beginning now. It is a real road block you cannot sidestep without spending tons of money. I am in Silver 4 targetting G1 for the progression mission. It is the only mission I don't seem to be able to finish by improving my account as others improve their accoutns as well. It is a dynamic target and empowerment just pushes it away from me to achieve. I already encounter teams in Silver 4 with 3-4 empowered chars...I do not need to attack them. 

I agree that it makes PvE easier at the moment, but the concern is that new content is designed with empowered champs in mind. So why should I continue playing a game in which I am prevented to do the content without spending thousands of dollars? For that I could get hundreds of other games. 

Plarium has been warned about this and they stil do it. There have been multiple examples in the past that this leads to the downfall of the game. Plarium stil did it and that tells me that they are not planning to keep up the game in the next years...they seem to aim for short-timed money targets now. This bodes no good for the future and I will consequently reduce the amount of money I am spending in this game. With the last decisions of Plarium, I do not see a future in this game.

Nov 25, 2021, 14:2511/25/21

Hydra might be fun i guess when it comes out

I dont have enough duplicate epics or legos for the rest of it to impact me much.

Nov 25, 2021, 14:2911/25/21

I feel like they could have released the system as is minus the empowerment and everyone would have been happy.

Nov 25, 2021, 14:2911/25/21

I agree that it makes PvE easier at the moment, but the concern is that new content is designed with empowered champs in mind. So why should I continue playing a game in which I am prevented to do the content without spending thousands of dollars? For that I could get hundreds of other games. 

I think that's a valid point - new content will be designed with empowerment in mind - and that won't be the least it will be the top, which most of us won't have

Nov 25, 2021, 15:0511/25/21

I share the opinion and voiced it before. 

Some might reason that you will not encounter those poeple with multiple empowered champs, but I am really depressed as well. 

Progression mission involving 3v3 has been pushed beyond the abilities of FTP beginning now. It is a real road block you cannot sidestep without spending tons of money. I am in Silver 4 targetting G1 for the progression mission. It is the only mission I don't seem to be able to finish by improving my account as others improve their accoutns as well. It is a dynamic target and empowerment just pushes it away from me to achieve. I already encounter teams in Silver 4 with 3-4 empowered chars...I do not need to attack them. 

I agree that it makes PvE easier at the moment, but the concern is that new content is designed with empowered champs in mind. So why should I continue playing a game in which I am prevented to do the content without spending thousands of dollars? For that I could get hundreds of other games. 

Plarium has been warned about this and they stil do it. There have been multiple examples in the past that this leads to the downfall of the game. Plarium stil did it and that tells me that they are not planning to keep up the game in the next years...they seem to aim for short-timed money targets now. This bodes no good for the future and I will consequently reduce the amount of money I am spending in this game. With the last decisions of Plarium, I do not see a future in this game.

Curious how you know you encountered a team with 3 or 4 empowered champs? Can you see that they empowered, that would be good imo. Though I usually can sniff out a whale to avoid simply by looking at the comps lol.

Nov 25, 2021, 15:1811/25/21

Yes, you can see the + on the champion. Honestly, I think they should hide this from opponents.

Nov 25, 2021, 16:1911/25/21

Yes, you can see the + on the champion. Honestly, I think they should hide this from opponents.

Nahh... :) Nice to have some transperency lol

Nov 25, 2021, 16:2611/25/21

Curious how you know you encountered a team with 3 or 4 empowered champs? Can you see that they empowered, that would be good imo. Though I usually can sniff out a whale to avoid simply by looking at the comps lol.

Yes, you can actually see the numbers of empowerments displayed on their portraits.


Nov 25, 2021, 16:2911/25/21

Yes, you can see the + on the champion. Honestly, I think they should hide this from opponents.

Normally I agree with hiding things like equipment on champs. But this is based on the general knowledge of the champs and that you can vaguely estimate their abilities. 

With empowered champions, they create ridiculously enhanced champions. Contrarily to the promise of Cirilla that they do not create demi-gods with empowerments, 4 times Empowerment give you the boni of 2-3 additional maxed great halls (depending on the stat). Because of this, I am not unhappy the the level of Empowerment is shown....

Nov 25, 2021, 16:3411/25/21

Normally I agree with hiding things like equipment on champs. But this is based on the general knowledge of the champs and that you can vaguely estimate their abilities. 

With empowered champions, they create ridiculously enhanced champions. Contrarily to the promise of Cirilla that they do not create demi-gods with empowerments, 4 times Empowerment give you the boni of 2-3 additional maxed great halls (depending on the stat). Because of this, I am not unhappy the the level of Empowerment is shown....

I am just happy its shown, and even better that u can see +2!!! wow! I have not encountered any yet.  Only in S4 currently.

Nov 25, 2021, 16:3611/25/21

Yes, you can actually see the numbers of empowerments displayed on their portraits.


This is also an example of how I don't think this hurts us that much.  This team I am not going to fight regardless of empowerment, lol.  

Nov 25, 2021, 18:1811/25/21

 It wasn't that long ago that Plarium released the initial information about the dupe system. Most of the YouTubers covered it and most of the coverage was positive. Now it's out and most of the coverage isn't so positive anymore. It was immediately obvious to me from the start that is was undesirable power creep and there's nothing at all special about my insight, we've seen stuff like this many times before in other games. I don't think the YouTubers are shills but I do think it's a sign of the times that there aren't more people willing to objectively analyze a situation and render a reasoned opinion. The outrage threads we regularly get on these forums are not helpful or constructive but neither is overcompensation in the other direction. If the YouTubers and people influenced by them had been more realistic in their evaluations from the beginning there's a good chance Plarium would have made changes to the dupe system that would be healthier for the game.

 As it stands the system is in the game the only question is whether it will remain more or less as is forever or if it will be walked back. I think it would be a good idea to do the latter and the sooner the better before you get too many people trying to whale for dupes. As far as accounts that have already spent dupes on empowerment go obviously there's a record of how many dupes were spent so just return the dupes to the accounts when the empowerment system is removed from the game. The system that should replace the guardian ring and empowerment is a more realistically priced version of the token shop and what I think the dupe system should have been in the first place, a way to re-roll a shard that pulls a dupe.

Nov 25, 2021, 18:4211/25/21
Nov 25, 2021, 18:50(edited)

Here's the first thing I noticed that makes part of the upgrade mindless. To use the Faction Guardians feature to its highest, you need to have 2 of each champion. 1 to use + 1 as a guardian. But did Plarium think to increase the limits to the champion inventory? Answers are: No, because we were busy thinking about how to make people pay more for inventory, or Yes, because we were busy thinking about how to make people pay more. Of course the last bit is speculation.  

Nov 25, 2021, 19:2111/25/21

This is also an example of how I don't think this hurts us that much.  This team I am not going to fight regardless of empowerment, lol.  

This is kind of the crux of the issue I have with a lot of the complaints I have seen thus far. By and large they seem like content/situations where people weren't going to do well anyway in specific matchups/levels of arena.

Personally I would've liked to see empowerment ramped down a bit in power level, or have epics included in some way, shape or form. 

With regards to PVE content getting harder, we've consistently seen that happen regardless of the Guardian Ring, example being each iteration of Doom Tower getting tougher, which I think makes sense.

Nov 25, 2021, 19:4511/25/21

I've been playing for under a year. My account has 36 legos 7 of which are void. Some of those are from fusion/quest/login reward.

If after two years you only have 15 Legos, with no voids, which isn't possible because you get vizix for what the 270 day or something like that. You have done a lot of wrong things, not done fusions, not done tournaments, not pulling during 2x events.

I understand void leggo is much rarer, but after 2 years almost impossible to not have hit mercy. I want to add I do spend but almost never on shards, I'm far from a whale.

Nov 25, 2021, 21:0511/25/21

I love the update :) hate the token trader (too expensive)

watch Ash when he empowered a champ....WOOOO!!! bad champ turns  into Great champ with extra powers

I love the update overall and think Plarium is doing an amazing job with their game ......compared to some of the other MMO's I play :/

Nov 26, 2021, 07:4511/26/21

Normally I agree with hiding things like equipment on champs. But this is based on the general knowledge of the champs and that you can vaguely estimate their abilities. 

With empowered champions, they create ridiculously enhanced champions. Contrarily to the promise of Cirilla that they do not create demi-gods with empowerments, 4 times Empowerment give you the boni of 2-3 additional maxed great halls (depending on the stat). Because of this, I am not unhappy the the level of Empowerment is shown....

That's why you can't ever believe anything they say

Plarium - We have no intention of creating a way to make super champions

Plarium - In this update you can make totally overpowered super champions