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Just when you though it couldn't get any worse...

Just when you though it couldn't get any worse...

Nov 24, 2021, 01:1911/24/21

Just when you though it couldn't get any worse...

It does! Now, it's blatantly obvious that probablilities in this game are vastly different than what they are claimed to be - take it with a grain of salt - but now as of late there are a whole slew of technical issues that are making things even worse. 

Game crashes - I have had several, and with a very capable sixth generation ipad uncluttered and unencumbered by junk and graphical settings set to low it isn't my hardware.  This is more than just a nuisance, as waiting an hour for energy and having it all just wasted when the game crashes mid battle is a huge issue. More so if you are trying to get some potions before the daily reset. 

Interface issues. I have had several instances of the incorrect ability being used, even when another is selected. This can easily cost you the arena battle, or dungeon run. I have reported it, more than once and still it persists. Another issue is that you can no longer select Ninja to revive on touch screen devices - although other champions are unaffected by this glitch. I have found quickly tapping auto then tapping it off again is an ad-hoc workaround, but you have to be deft, and if more than one champion is down who gets revived is up to the AI, and it isn't exactly known for making the best choices for the player. <ahem> I also reported this and aside from hearing back that 'Oh, that's a known issue' absolutely nothing has been done, and it still persists.  (as of shortly before this writing)

Game mechanic issues. Healing is not working as it should. Leech/Bloodthirst consistently fails to heal player champions as much as it should - and the 'crit cam' conveniently pans to distract and obfuscate the player's view - try recording and slowing things down for yourself. Damage reflect is not performing as it should either. The camera will pan and when it returns to normal view you see a dead champion and a team of enemy champions with nary a scratch on them. Combined with bloodthirst gear and leech debuffs on the enemy team and the damage taken is more than the damage dealt X the reflect multiplier. It also obscures many other things too - I suggest looking into it yourself.  All this reported as well and no resolution.

Item upgrades. This is so laggy and glitchy it is laughable - and seems only to get worse. If it is just x% chance, or even pre-determined as it was in the past this should be a non-issue.  This hiccup is caused by calculations being (sloppily) made that the player is unaware of, and they are dynamic, and far more complex than a simple dice throw. 

Those of us that continue to play in spite of the dubious way in which 'random' things play out do so at our own discretion, but these technical issues are making things maddeningly frustrating.  With no compensation for the lost hours when the game crashes during a dungeon, or for the lost arena battles and ranking it makes it even more so.  Reporting things and only hearing back a message akin to 'yeah, we know.' isn't much comfort - especially when the issues still persist. 

C'mon guys. Big update around the corner and simple little things like this aren't even being fixed? It doesn't inspire much confidence.  It inspires even less of an incentive to report issues, including any effort to get screenshots and upload them. It also gives way less of an incentive for people to spend.  The players expect (and deserve) more. 

Nov 24, 2021, 02:2511/24/21

1) Game crashes are a very, *very* difficult problem to diagnose when they are selective. If there truly were a widespread problem, you'd both see many more people reporting it, and likely many more attempts to fix it. Your specific situation could be based on any number of things, so being upset with Plarium because of it is unlikely to get you anywhere. When the game crashes you typically have the option to send an error report; speaking as a professional programmer, I can emphatically say: do so, because that's the only way they have even a remote chance of being able to address it.

2) Your first complaint, about the incorrect ability being used, is the same as the previous one. I personally have experienced this, but so rarely and inconsistently that there is no way I could provide a reproduceable set of instructions for them to debug with. The revive bug is known, and they are working on a fix; the simple solution here is to just use the auto AI, because unless you've overridden it with your own custom settings, it almost always will revive first if possible. It also hasn't been a bug for very long, though I can't find the specific time for when they announced they were working on it.

3) My guess is that you simply do not understand how the mechanics work. Leech/Bloodthirst will not heal damage that is absorbed by shields. Likewise, reflect damage does not reflect any damage absorbed by shields. I can absolutely say that Leech works just fine - if it didn't, my CB team would be dead in the water.

4) I'm not entirely sure what your complaint here is. Is it that the actual upgrading of the artifacts takes too long? That would certainly be a justifiable complaint, although personally I don't find it to be too bad, and when it is slow, it's usually because my network connection is slow. Is it that it doesn't upgrade as often as it "should"? Remember that past performance is no indication of future results. Just because a coin flip lands tails ten times in a row, it doesn't make it any more likely to land heads on the 11th flip than on the first one.

Nov 26, 2021, 06:0511/26/21

1) Game crashes would be much easier to diagnose and repair if the error reporting system was less laughable - the player has no evidence anything at all occurs when the button is pressed, not even an error code is provided with which to look into issues with their own gaming device.

2) Combat issues would be much easier to diganose if combat logs existed - but that will NEVER be an in-game feature - for obvious reasons.

3) I absolutely understand how the game mechanics work - I have studied them in depth since the last shill attacked a post of mine claiming the very same thing.  My understanding of how the buff/debuff system works is what allowed me to recognize the issue in the first place.

4) My issue with the artifact upgrade system has to do with the nature of the calculations being performed dynamically when the player clicks the upgrade button. The shoddy performance is a result of laughably inefficient code being executed - a simple RNG die throw would never cause a hiccup on even the oldest device running on the slowest network. 

If only Plaruim had as many staff employed for customer service as they do for forum discredation things would be so much more pleasant.