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Honest Feedback on the proposed dupe system from a whale.

Honest Feedback on the proposed dupe system from a whale.

Nov 23, 2021, 06:4911/23/21

Honest Feedback on the proposed dupe system from a whale.

I've been one of those players that created a ticket to complain every time I got a dupe trash tier hero during a 10X targetted summoning event. 

Frustrated as all hell with this game, knowing there are other games out there that don't even allow you to get a dupe hero in the first instance, all I wanted was key staples to help make content easier, such as Valkyrie. 

I was hoping for a way to ensure that payers would be given an option to get a unique hero, given the high cost of shards and the low chances of legendaries.

To date, I have over 50 duplicate legendaries, so I was super excited to see a dupe system become implemented. Now that I've seen the delivery I am considering quitting and will go as far as writing the parent company of Plarium (Aristrocrat) with a formal complaint as to the product direction and the irreparabe damage to the player community this will have.

Issue 1: Powering up faction-specific dupes - this is an extremely unfair way to overtake players that have spent time performance tuning their characters through balancing items stats and farming great hall bonuses. This idea is TERRIBLE and should not have made it past the keeper. The last thing I need is the ability to squash people in grand arena / arena because I've spent money on shards and have more legendaries than them. 

Issue 2: Powering up specific heroes using their dupe - holy crap this is even worse. I am one of those players with dupe arbiters and dutchess lilitu's. The fact that I can speed tune arbiter to the point where it can't be touched through faction bonuses and sacrificing for empowerment completely breaks the game in my favour. This in turn would lead to an exodus of players who spent a massive amunt of time trying to build their teams efficiently.

Issue 3: 8 to 1 ratios on soultokens, really? I would expect 1:1 ratio's considering you shouldn't even be able to summon a dupe legendary in the first instance given how hard they are to get (6% off a sacred shard, 0.5% on other shards). I'm finding it hard trying to attract new players as it is, this doesn't solve the problem where a new player summons a rhazin scarhide or drexthar bloodtwin after already obtaining one. It also doesn't make established players like myself feel any value add by sacrificing 8 of those hard-earned legendaries for a measly 1.

This system will ultimately lead to an exodus of players and gradual decline of the product. The fact of the matter is super whales don't want to play in a ghost town and by implementing features that give them an unfair advantage over everyone else (let's face it, only players that pay money will have that many dupes to throw around).

This system STINKS and will likely lead to me quitting this game if it is implemented in its current form.

Nov 23, 2021, 07:4511/23/21

Well said - and can we now stop calling it a dupe system, they have introduced trade!

Nov 23, 2021, 09:5311/23/21
Nov 23, 2021, 09:55(edited)

I think one of the biggest issues with this was simply adding in the speed stat to both the empowerment and faction bonus sections.  Speed is such a crucial part of the game, not only for Arena but also for CB where the tunes are quite specific.

It would have been better for them to simply leave this stat out

Edit: I also hate how you cannot unbind any duplicate epics, even if it's for a much lower price or for use only in epic champion purchases.  

Nov 23, 2021, 12:2311/23/21

Skratch is less than complimentary, especially over the tokens you get per legendary (500) and the shop price, for example  Sir Nic (4000), so trade 8 dupes for one slightly better than average Legendary - hardly the system I was hoping for

Nov 23, 2021, 21:4511/23/21
Nov 23, 2021, 21:49(edited)

Totaly agreed, this new dupe system will cause mess and will destroy even this small balance, who exist already. What people need was just a simple way to exchange they duplicates for Fussion fragments for old and featured fussions or some shard refill option...

Nov 23, 2021, 23:0611/23/21

Very much agree... the ability to get speed outside of gear slots makes arena even more skewed than it already is and when it comes to Empowerment, I personally started playing Raid specifically because they didn't have a system like it. If it goes live (or anything even resembling it), I will quit, instantly and never look back.

Nov 23, 2021, 23:2911/23/21

Feedback on what players would prefer:

1) Ability to trade dupes (and only dupes) for targetted legendaries paying some additional cost as a token fee (whether it is silver or a sacred shard).

2) Ability to trade dupe non-legendaries for a portion of a legendary (eg 1-5 fragments) or targetted non-legendary heroes.

The current system doesn't really offer a solution for this, considering there are anywhere between 1-3 legendaries released PER MONTH. Statistically even the super whales that like to collect all heroes can't come close to getting those legendaries. 

From my personal experience, I bought EVERY SINGLE SACRED SHARD offer for Kalvalax and summoned 5 legendries that weekend with Kalvalax being a no show in a 10x targetted event. Of those summoned 3 were dupes, 1 was trash tier, and 1 was Lyssandra which I was activvely after.

The dupe system doesn't offer peple a chance to get these new heroes players would like to play around with and just waters down the player experience for the wider community, making this game less appealing to spend money on due to the negative impact it will have on the overall player base.

Duplicate heroes are a symptom of the pure RNG that occurs when summoning heroes because there is no mechanism in place to mark heroes as "obtained" and you are constantly rolling against the growing roster of new heroes when trying to get a specific hero you are after EVEN IN A 10X EVENT. This is an overall decreasing probability to get a specific hero due to the static chance of getting a legendary.

There are 1 of 5 solutions to this:

1) Increase the chance of getting legendary hero per shard.

2) Make shards easier to get

3) Remove heroes from the summon roster until there are no longer any unique summons availabe

4) Stop releasing new legendary heroes

5) Offer an exchange system with equivalency

So far the dupe system has not provided a solution to the underlying problem and has introduced a major balancing issue to the game.

Nov 24, 2021, 01:2211/24/21

i  am  free  to  play  and  in  my  two  years  well  almost  2  years  i  have  21  legos  including  the  ones  we  get  for  free  arbtor  and  ect...  and  out  of  all  of  them  i  have  two  lego  doubles  which  i  just  recently  from  a  targeted  summon  that  ill  be  honest  made  my  night  but  i  work  everyday  on  the  game  and  i  mean  every  day  i  get  on  and  i  find  every  way  to  get  a  shard  or  shards  in  the  game  thats  free  but  this  system  i  can  only  use  part  of  it  which  Is  rare  and  some  epic  fraction  part  of  gurading  but  lego  i  mean  thats  a  fevered  mad  dream  of  mine  to  be  honest  just  five  me  the  hydra  clan  boss  and  let  me  go  on  my  way  im  still  happy  about  it  all  but  i  cant  use  Most  of  it