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Dupe void legendary....ouch it hurts!

Dupe void legendary....ouch it hurts!

Nov 2, 2021, 23:1311/02/21

Dupe void legendary....ouch it hurts!

Sorry guys, I just needed to vent.....I love this game very much, and I have spent over 3 thousand hard earned dollars to support the development of raid shadow legends. (actually more then that) 

I only have a couple void legendary champions to show for my investment, so I spent another couple hundred dollars on halloween packs for a shot at a void legendary. I pulled gold from one of my void shards! I was overjoyed for a split second...until it popped out a DUPE of one of the VERY FEW void legendary champs I have. It really hurt, and I am not sure if I can carry on with the game. My morale was shattered. 

What do you guys do when something like that happens? How do you carry on with the game? Thanks so much for listening, and have a good one. I hope you guys have better luck then I did.

Nov 2, 2021, 23:3011/02/21

Ouch!  which  champ  was  it?  Atleast  itll  help  in  the  new  update!  And  honestly  i  just  chat  on  discord  and  vent  ablut  the  pulls  lol

Nov 2, 2021, 23:5311/02/21
Nov 2, 2021, 23:54(edited)

save it for the life tokens and the dupe system, i have 2 cillians pulled them within a week of each other that really hurt but i automatically thought of life token viable lol 

i have 6 dupes that i would use for life tokens to help my account progress i want a salad so i may hold onto them for now but see what happens.

yeah i think i pulled 4 out of the last 6 legos all dupes, was come on game are you serious

Nov 3, 2021, 00:3911/03/21

I feel you.  I got a dup Visix this last go around.  I just vault it and carry on, knowing it could happen before I opened the shard.  Better luck next time.

Nov 3, 2021, 02:0411/03/21

Save it for sure! At least you'll be able to use it in dupe system update coming this winter!

I haven't pulled a dupe leggo yet outside of Roshcard, who has very very helpful for me. But I did open every void I had during the 2x and champ chase and got only rares. Very statistically improbable, as I had been saving.

*sigh* RNG is crushing sometimes. Who was the dupe, anyways?

Nov 3, 2021, 04:1011/03/21

This happened to me again, I get a lot of "luck" via all my whaling. But I have finally decided to personally stop spending. Need to start saving for a few years... so that I can come back and spend it all in one go!

Nov 3, 2021, 04:1011/03/21

This happened to me again, I get a lot of "luck" via all my whaling. But I have finally decided to personally stop spending. Need to start saving for a few years... so that I can come back and spend it all in one go!

Wait, no. 

Nov 3, 2021, 04:2311/03/21

lol harbby

Nov 3, 2021, 04:3311/03/21

Thanks guys for the encouraging words, it means a lot. 🤗 

The dupe I pulled was Riho Bonespear. Hell Hades has her rated an average 4 on his website. She is decent but still very depressing to pull a dupe of when you only have 3 void legendary.  

Nov 3, 2021, 09:1911/03/21

Thanks guys for the encouraging words, it means a lot. 🤗 

The dupe I pulled was Riho Bonespear. Hell Hades has her rated an average 4 on his website. She is decent but still very depressing to pull a dupe of when you only have 3 void legendary.  

Decent? Really? Her kit is super overpowered - better a second Riho than many other void legendaries, honestly. Plenty of places where two of them could work together - anywhere that you need frequent cleansing, for a start... 

Nov 3, 2021, 11:5611/03/21

Thanks guys for the encouraging words, it means a lot. 🤗 

The dupe I pulled was Riho Bonespear. Hell Hades has her rated an average 4 on his website. She is decent but still very depressing to pull a dupe of when you only have 3 void legendary.  

Riho is amazing. One of the absolute best void legos. Riho + debuff extender means you basically don't need any other debuffers on your CB team.

Nov 3, 2021, 17:1311/03/21

Riho is a good legendary though I am not sure you have use for 2 Rihos, probably only in 3v3. 

I also have summoned some dupe void legendaries.

Dupe Visix, Wurlim, Arbiter, and Tormin. 

Nov 3, 2021, 17:3211/03/21

Riho is a good legendary though I am not sure you have use for 2 Rihos, probably only in 3v3. 

I also have summoned some dupe void legendaries.

Dupe Visix, Wurlim, Arbiter, and Tormin. 

Do u use both Arbs & Tormins in 3v3?

I have no dupes yet, du to bad rng on quantity (or its just being f2p lol) of legos pulled.  But I like my rng on quality: Warlord, Gurgoh, Lil Miss Annie (meh), Riho

Nov 3, 2021, 18:0711/03/21

Do u use both Arbs & Tormins in 3v3?

I have no dupes yet, du to bad rng on quantity (or its just being f2p lol) of legos pulled.  But I like my rng on quality: Warlord, Gurgoh, Lil Miss Annie (meh), Riho

I use both Arbiters in 3v3 before, and both are speed nuke team. This is to confuse attackers on which Arbiter is the fastest. But now, the second one is just sitting in my vault. 

I also use both Tormins before both in nuker build but I switched team comps and no longer use the second one.