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doom tower hard floor 72

doom tower hard floor 72

Nov 2, 2021, 10:0911/02/21

doom tower hard floor 72

I would like to understand something, in the 72 hard stage of the DT, the mortu macaab have a passive called "peril" which has 20% of triggering, but in fact after multiple tests I see that in the runs this passive is triggered systematically so no 20% chance but at least 90%.

is this normal?

if as a player you have this champion, give it a try and you will see that this skill does not even trigger at 20%.

far from me the idea of ​​placing the fault on who or whatever it is, if I do not pass this stage it is that I still have to work on my champions.

but such a difference in the behavior of the same champion questions me. 

j'aimerai comprendre un truc ,dans l etage 72 hard de la DT ,les mortu macaab ont une passive nommée ''peril"qui a 20% de se declencher ,or dans les faits apres de multiples essais je constate que dans les runs cette passive se declenche systematiquement donc pas 20% de chance mais au minimum 90%.

est ce normal ? 

si en tant que joueur vous avez ce champion ,essayez et vous verrez que cette competence ne se decclenche meme pas a 20%.

loin de moi l idee de placer la faute sur qui ou quoi que ce soit ,si je passe pas cette etage c est que je dois encore travailler mes champions .

mais une telle difference de comportement d un meme champion m'interroge.

Nov 2, 2021, 10:2511/02/21

I also feel the same. But instead of trying to reason whether it is really a 20% chance, I use a cc team and his Peril skill is no longer a problem for me. 

Nov 2, 2021, 11:4011/02/21

cc team ??

Nov 2, 2021, 15:3211/02/21

cc team ??

  1. CC Team = Crowd Control (Provoke, Stun, Freeze, ...) - If Mortu is cc'd he cannot use peril
  2. Why enemy seems to proc peril at higher rate? Because it is not just a 20% at the start of his turn, every time you hit Mortu (and I believe multhitters are counted multiple times) before his turn Peril can be triggered.  So the standard I will be faster and overpower and kill you does not work against Mortu without the aforementioned CC.  So if you hit him 6 times before his turn, you need all 6 of those hits to not trigger Peril... Conversely, your Mortu is not being attacked before his turn, so only a small chance Peril is available
  3. I hate Mortu DT waves too
Nov 2, 2021, 15:3411/02/21

peril has a 20% chance of unlocking every time mortu-macaab is attacked, not just 20% per round. since the computer's champions are so much slower than a players, it's pretty common for enemy mortus to get hit five or six times between turns if not more, which means that the odds are in favour of peril unlocking (~2/3 chance after five hits). for the same reason, you don't see trigger as often as a player since you can build your mortu faster and he won't take as many attacks between turns.

a cc team is a team heavily focused on crowd control skills, such as stun, freeze, or provoke

Nov 2, 2021, 15:3611/02/21

Honestly, I know this is probably confirmation bias, but it absolutely does feel like something is broken regarding activation rates. Peril seems to activate *way* more often than 20% in arena fights, just like True Fear seems to activate *way* more often than 60%.

But I'm too lazy to gather enough data to form a statistically significant conclusion so, like JoinME said, I just CC them.

Nov 2, 2021, 20:0211/02/21

id love it if my mortu hit peril that much lol 

i even tried my mortu in the mix on this floor and not 1 peril - cc is definately your friend with them in the mix 

Nov 2, 2021, 21:3111/02/21

Doom Tower Hard 72 is the absolute worst. The second wave in particular where the Skytouched Shamans clear my CC on the Mortus.

Really can make a girl upset! -_-

Nov 3, 2021, 08:4811/03/21

merci de vos conseils,bon jeu