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Found the Lag Fubar

Found the Lag Fubar

Oct 20, 2021, 12:5510/20/21

Found the Lag Fubar

Trying to do Anything with artifacts is Brutally slow ,,, Was OK yesterday 

So ADENDUN ,, FWs are Lagging and so is anything in the tavern too ....

every artifact I click takes One to TEN Seconds to high light 

Trying to sell Artifacts Click 30 and only 4 high lighted ...

So Click ,, 1 ,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Oh look High lighted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Click another  .. i sec,, 2 Secs,, 3 Secs,, 4 Secs .. High lighted .....

took over 5 minutes to sell off 30 Pieces ....................

Oct 20, 2021, 16:2410/20/21

What device and OS are you playing on?

Oct 20, 2021, 21:3110/20/21

What device and OS are you playing on?

Desk top ,, Win 7, Like i said, it was all OK yesterday

I go in regularly and Shut stuff down in the Task manager

(( Comp is basically Stripped of everything that is Non Essential , I thin it ws a Post long ago from Black Knight on what to turn off on another gameing Forum ))

Old 2.6 Pent Dual layer 8 gig Ram ,, 4 Gig  Ram on Vid Card , Seperate Sound Card

Everything Updated over the week end

Been Running C-Cleaner for almost 12 years ((  PIRIFORM.COM )) never a glitch

Hmmmm,,, Clear Cache, and Plarium has its OWN in the launcher , So CLEARED .....

Maybe,, lets see, C-Cleaner just might not be clearing that cause I had to relog my account back in and my Alt so it was cleared out lol

Oct 20, 2021, 21:5210/20/21
Oct 20, 2021, 21:53(edited)

Desk top ,, Win 7, Like i said, it was all OK yesterday

I go in regularly and Shut stuff down in the Task manager

(( Comp is basically Stripped of everything that is Non Essential , I thin it ws a Post long ago from Black Knight on what to turn off on another gameing Forum ))

Old 2.6 Pent Dual layer 8 gig Ram ,, 4 Gig  Ram on Vid Card , Seperate Sound Card

Everything Updated over the week end

Been Running C-Cleaner for almost 12 years ((  PIRIFORM.COM )) never a glitch

Hmmmm,,, Clear Cache, and Plarium has its OWN in the launcher , So CLEARED .....

Maybe,, lets see, C-Cleaner just might not be clearing that cause I had to relog my account back in and my Alt so it was cleared out lol

Okay. Keep us posted. I know we're getting a lot of reports about lag on Plarium Play right now.

I've been using Bluestacks today, so I've not seen any lag yet.

Oct 20, 2021, 22:2510/20/21
Oct 20, 2021, 22:30(edited)

getting **Circle of Death** going into  Campaign or Dungeons,, CB and Arena was OK ,,

but took about 3 -5 Secounds for battle to click in ,,,

Might be a flacky ISP transfer point too ,, I have seen that on a Few games

Used to know how to do a Tracert but not done one in so long  lol

Might even be a flacky Switch or dirty /loose plug ,, Played a game long back where they traced the latency to a **Dusty** Switch unit that was overheating and blinking the signal when it was getting max Demand

Oct 20, 2021, 22:4010/20/21

Seems to have popped up with their update this morning. I was lagging and clippy and today I'm fine but other people are now experiencing your issue. 

Oct 21, 2021, 10:5910/21/21

Game does seem to start lagging after some time of playing, resources start taking longer and longer time to load up, switching screens takes a while.

Playing on Win10 with i7, 1080ti, SSD and 16gb of ram, feels like memory leak of some kind?

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 21, 2021, 15:1410/21/21

Hi! The description you've provided us so far seems similar to the performance issues some players have after the update 4.71.0. We're working on the fix right now, so the situation should improve soon. 

In case you experience similar issues, please provide the in-game ID, device model, OS and description of the issue to one of our moderators. That information may help us to resolve the issue sooner.